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Everything posted by Ranger22

  1. I took off my hat as I pulled out my mask. The inky eye design was very unique and beautiful in a wierd artistic way. I wrapped it around my face then put my hat back on. "Your coming along cause you mentioned your friend knew something. That means you know something, so your coming along." I stood by the entrance waiting for my partner to finish talking with her other companion. This case has crazy written all over it. To solve crazy you gotta think and act crazy. Well maybe not the second part but still.
  2. My partner was crowded by four individuals myself not incuded. I would normally be concerned for her safety of they didn't mention thy knew her. However she didn't seem to belive that was the case. Saving Equestria? I had to ask Scare about that one day sounds interesting. The two more recent guest claim they have knowledge on the recent murder of the Chief Justice. If their past is somehow connected...no I'll save that thought for later. "The murder of the chief of justice was reported in quite recently. If you have any information regarding this I request you share." I asked towards the two individuals. I looked back the other two, one was sprawled on the floor drunk of his flank. I turned back awaiting a response from my new guest.
  3. Murder...it was uncommon to say the least. Equestria was one of those peaceful little safe havens the ponies there want you to believe. Sure mythical monstrosities lingered nearby, but they hardly imposed a true threat. The true threat lies in those you wouldn't expect, your fellow pony. I tucked my badge into my trench coat as I walked out of my temporary apartment in downtown Manehatten. The rumor of murder rippled through Manehatten as fast as one would suspect. One phone call and I was out to meet my partner whom I recently began working with. Truth be told she hadn't known I acknowledged her location. Let's just say I was wary of her presence weither she liked it or not. I walked into the bar, my nose immediately filled with the strong scent of alcohol. After a brief scan I found my partner, albeit with unexpected company. This pony seemed nostalgic even if my partner didn't seem to think so. I walked up to them to introduce myself, "I apologize if I'm intruding on your conversation. But me and miss Scare have a few things toalk about."
  4. I grunted in annoyance at my companions complete lack of interest in the large killer death machine, which was possibly slaughtering the pegasi that made their home in the thunderhead. Nooo don't mind us fellas we're just having a great time getting turned to ash while you sit around complaining about your lives. I made a yapping gesture with my talons as I flew off to ease my boredom in the horrible drizzling acidic rain. I circled an area not too far from the crash site in search for possible threats. Mainly the rumored hellhounds that might be lurking around. I was about to fly back after I found no traces of large beast. Before I saw the outlines of movement up ahead. I readied my rifle as I flew in closer. I highly doubt ponies bother to look up for threats much compared to griffons.
  5. "Lost, aren't you the fellows leading this expedition?" That was a funny thought, going on an expedition and not preparing for the worse. It would have been more comical if it wasn't happening to me at the current moment. "Alright we're lost, what do we do to remedy that problem hmm? Any suggestions anypony, any at all?" I asked the group as I tightened my metallic mask. This expedition reeked of under preparedness despite it being sanctioned by royalty. Any researcher worth his salt would have foreseen these tragic events.
  6. The large rocky formation provided us a good amount of cover from the sand filled winds. I took a moment to shake off the sand that covered my robes. The sand piling on me began to annoy me, even better I could actually hear my companions! "How much longer do you think it will take to get to our destination?" I asked out loud waiting for anyone to answer. I magically levitated my canteen to take a quick sip of water to satisfy my thirst.
  7. War...it was hard to describe easily to those unfamiliar to it. It was hell to say the least. The loud shouts,explosions, and gunfire that's filled the air. Loosing someone was as easy as blinking. One second he was alive and well next thing you knew he was dead and you were sprawling for cover. I was working for a private medical company back in Canterlot before I heard the news. My company decided to send a few volunteers to show their support in an effort to gain face. I was one of the five unfortunate civilians to sign up and go to the war front. The body armor that wrapped my body gave me a sense of security in a place where a bullet can strike out of nowhere. That's what happened to my group. A bunch of naive EMS workers looking to make a difference. They were dead now except for me, griffons couldn't tell the difference between EMS or soldiers. I was alive, disheartened but alive. That was all that mattered in this place. After my tears dried I took my friends medical supplies and canteen before carefully making my way through the street. My one firearm was lost in a fight a couple hours ago, I had nothing but my hooves and soft vest to keep me safe. The sun slowly appeared as I hurriedly tried to find shelter. I tightened my helmet as I found a decent sized building seemingly untouched by the battles. I levitated a piece of broken wood as I neared the door. I knocked on the door readying my makeshift weapon. "Any pony in there, EMS don't shoot!"
  8. My hoof sunk into the sand with every step I took. Maybe wearing plate into the desert wasn't a good idea. The ponies in my group answered the roll call. Each of these ponies on the same quest for a multitude of reasons. Ancient knowledge was something an aspiring magister like myself could always use. One of the ponies ahead of me complained. "It's the fabric, keeps the weather from tearing your flesh off." I loudly exclaimed.
  9. The thought of the dragon that fought with my fellows way back brought me some good and bad memories. Everypony was so grim out in the East. It almost brought a tear to my eye on how far we've come. My reminiscing was cut short as Nuclear called my name in an excite tone. I left dusk shine to her literature as I went to go see what the fuss was about. My eyes opened wide as I saw Nuclear and crowbar standing next to a docile sentrybot. "Well I'll be damned you managed to turn one back on." I walked over to the mahine inspection its weapons and opened panel on its back. Good condition as anything could be over two hundred years. "You did good however you only shut off its weapon program not its hostility code." I stuck my hoofs into the machine and tinkered with the wires that connected it to its targeting talisman." These robots use the same talismans as the turrets do. Their targeting parameters are set to three courses, now instead of trying to kill you it won't anymore."
  10. The arena was a marvel of engineering to say the least. Many would say it was earth pony dedication by I was not one to speculate on such manners. The arena was filled to the brim with beings of multiple races all standing in unison. Though I dislike admitting I was ignorant of the following events in the arena, I was curious on how it would play out. I sat in a secluded area of the arena as I poured myself a cup of tea to enjoy the upcoming fight. I suddenly felt a feeling on my nose, a black feather balanced itself. Before I could conclude anything a letter fell in front of me. The delivery crow responsible squaked as it flew away as fast as it came. I opened the letter, there was only one pony who used that insignia. Magister Corypheusss intentions were vague at best but it seems he wishes to find suitable candidates to duel against. I put away the letter as I grabbed my tea, it will have to wait till he arrives I thought as I sipped out of my cup.
  11. Spike as in the behemoth that flew up to neighvarro? "Hahaha I can assure you that dragon never wrote anything back in his younger days. He was to busy helping the ministry mare or dozing off. I'd ask him about it but he's currently miles to the east." I said as I patted dusk shines head.
  12. The stairs went on for a while, expected considering it was a fallout shelter. I found myself in a large underground room in considerably better condition then the factory up top. Racks filled with large quantities of food and medicine layer against the side. One terminal sat erringly on a desk just ready to be read. I stood as I tapped on the keypad going through the countless logs made by a pony named horse. It seems to be a relative of the famous robronco founder. I grimaced at the ramblings that filled the logs. Worry turned into despair and despair turned into anger. It eventually transcended into insanity. I shut off the terminal as I clenched my teeth in response. My ears twitched as I heard a groaning noise. A ghoul in a torn suit shambled towards me. It's eyes were dead and focused upon me. It was no longer the sensible if not brash pony it once was. I quickly turned around and gave it a strong buck as it charged at me. The pistons in my armored hooves impacted the ghouls neck, the sound of cracking bones was drowned out by the suits pistons kicking into gear. I began searching the room after I put the pony to rest. The shelter worked however radiation seeped through. Luckily for me it dissipated in the course of two hundred years. After a while of searching I found a wall with the words ( it should have been me ) sprayed on it. Looking down I saw the can of red paint. With a grin I lined my armor with the apple red ignoring the grim messages that filled the wall. I notices a keycard on the terminal desk I missed before. I pocketed it before I made my way back to the others. I was met with the group peacefully relaxing and even reading a few pre war books and comics. "You may want this Nuclear." I stated tossing the keycard with the word lucky 38 written on it."
  13. It seemed like only moments ago that I received an invitation in my mailbox. I had always been interested in ancient knowledge and I was not shy to explore. But I've never imagined leaving Equestria on a journey through Saddle Arabia!! The harsh desert wind slammed against me and my companions as we trecked through the hostile sand dunes of the land. My saddlebags protected my delicate papers and quills against the climate. The white of my thick robes made me stand out in the light Browns of my surroundings. My hood and metallic mask made sure sand stayed out of my mane and eyes. One of the party members yelled out a roll call for the group. "You know I might be getting used to the sand, I don't know if that's a bad thing for a fellow like me."
  14. I watched over both Chain and the filly both of whom are quite fragile in their current states. With Crowbar going ahead I was pretty sure a bunh of civilian grade automatons were going to do much but scuff his leather. Carefully treading my way to the factory I made sure Chain and dusk shine were in good distance. I gave off an annoyed groan as I saw the robots littered across the factory floor filled with smoking holes. These could have been worth more if they were reprogrammed not scrapped!! I sighed before I let my anger take control of me. Find paint and loot what else I could find yeah let that full my mind. Gypse was busy filling her saddlebags with random bits of broken electronics. She wasn't getting the more useful parts but I might as well let her have fun. I made sure Gypse was close to my two escortees before I wandered off into the depths of the factories first floor. I saw the remains of workstations and assembly lines that once created Equestrias electronics. Sadly most of them were rusted to hell if not outright smashed to pieces. I saw more of the protectrons laid to waste on the floor before I eyed a black skeleton down by the wall. The remains of a poor factory worker presumably working over time. I nearly left the poor soul to rot before I noticed an employee badge strangely still intact pinned to it. I pocketed the card before exploring the ruins farther. I eventually reached an employee only room. I opened the door to find a cute little lounge filled with a terminal on a desk besides some stained couches. The drawers in the room had nothing of value so I checked the terminal. The terminal was strangely unlocked, the owner designated to it was titled Horse. The data files were deleted entirely. With disappointed sigh I got up and accidently bumped into a file cabinet. To my surprise the cabinet stood its ground instead of the usual bob and shake. I tried to move the cabinet in a multitude of ways before sliding it to the left did the trick. Behind it was a flat terminal with a card slot on it. I pushed the power button and read the the introductionary text out loud. "If you are reading this then you are in need of a bomb shelter. Please enter identification be it card or code." I thought for a moment before pulling out the employee card and punching it in. "Welcome employee please hurry inside." I read before the wall with the screen groaned as it pulled apart. The darkness made it hard to see but I managed to make out the shape of a stairwell. I turned on my lamp light before descending into the darkness below.
  15. Gypse was right, I've let past organizations and history cloud my judgement too many times. Loosing troops is never easy, but it's easier to lay blame on a race then an organization. I guess that's one thing the ponies in the war forgot to do. I recalled the countless amounts of propaganda displaying zebras in stereotypical mannerisms. I cringed at how the many ponies including myself shared that sentiment. "I've understood the truth for a while Gypse. It's harder to accept it when I've been at it for so long. So thank you for reminding me."
  16. "Well that's how it is out east, the companies probably would have a fun time in the court if Ya know the mega spells didn't drop." I checked my compartment for my bar count. "To be honest ones enough to fill you for a good portion of the day if not the whole one. How do you think I traveled from coast to coast without starving." I jokingly stated as I handed him another one. Gypse finally got fed up with my pegasi comments and put her hoof down. "I don't have any problem with you personally, but your race turned your back on us during the war. Two hundred years of living safe in the clouds kinda makes us ground dwellers resent the pegasi. Them coming down to purge us in a war didn't help my opinion either so I apologize if I have not been accommodating." (I believe I got this information from the original fanfic. Cram varies between stories so yours is as good as mine.)
  17. Nuclear commented on my quote before focusing his attention back on Chain. Huh I guess he is learning a thing or two. My attention was refocused on Gypse as she made a comment about crowbar. "Remember Pegasus you're the one traveling with us not the other way around. I can show respect well enough, but if crowbar insist on acting like a deranged chimpanzee I will not do so." I retorted to Gupse before looking at nuclear and chain talking about hunger pangs. "Chain cram is literally dog food, meaning those were given to diamond dogs back before the war. If you insist on eating food do just eat mine." I said with a laugh as I pulled out one of my ration bars. "Taste could be better but it will keep you full and it's full of nutrients."
  18. Crowbar was knocked back from my retaliation. I would have thought he was done before he promptly threw his supplies off and charged me with a crowbar. He jumped on top of me before repeatedly striking my helmet with his metal instrument of bluntness. Before I could throw him off an beat him to death with my hooves a field of magical enegy I assumed came from chain engulfed him and pulled him off. A gunshot rang out causing everypony to turn there heads. Nuclear stood there with his revolver and a bloody axe. He went of into a rant before Chain suddenly collapsed. Gypse and Nuclear rushed to his aid before I could have done anything. I laughed a bit when Chain said he let his emotions get the better of himself. "Kid believe me the only pony who did that was crowbar and his immature little ass." I said before continuing to the factory. "Due note Gypse try to control your animal in the future, I wouldn't want to put him down now." I said dismissing her earlier comment. My missile pod slid open an my minigun revved up. Now it's time to get back to my objective.
  19. I grunted in disgust as Crowbar defied my order and got up in my face, I gave him an armored head butt in response. "Voice your concern if you have to but I will not tolerate an action as pathetic as the one you gave me right now. If you are to remain in this group you will follow orders accordingly and respect the others abilities, if you can't do something as simple as that you can kindly go fuck off and blow your worthless brains out. Also take note that I didn't survive over thirty years in the wasteland and three wars by pure luck. So remember that before you question my skills and brag to me like a pathetic child to his alcoholic father." I stood my ground as I heard Gypse and Chain voice their concerns and opinions on how we should take action. I took a few moments to take it in and think before coming to a conclusion that would save me a headache. "Lets make this simple shall we, everypony is going to come along the kid included. So lets get a move on before I get a fucking headache," I annoyingly stated before moving ahead.
  20. The thunderous noise that echoed through the ship was easily heard from our position. I turned to look at the large figure of the ship in an attempt to find out the cause of the explosion. I couldn't find anything but the decaying metal hull so it must have come from the inside. Before I could say anything Dashia dismissively stated it was the ships local super sentinel. Worry flooded my mind on how we were going to take out a super sentinel and why we weren't taking any action! My tension was broken as Anna requested some alone time with her new born foal. I calmly assured out the skywagon and pondered on how we were going to deal with this. Looking around I found Chip spending some time with Dyna. It looked like they were having a moment so I didn't try bothering them about our problem. I looked back at Dashia who was spreading her wings in an attempt to give Anna more privacy. Dashia, what kind of sane enclave officer would name their daughter after the enclave's most hated individual. "Dashia, if that things roaming around down there your family and our objective are in serious danger. We need to deal with this thing now or we'll regret it," I said as I gripped my rifle. I've fought a super sentinel before in a ministry ruin, it killed most of my team before we had to retreat. I don't know how our under equipped group was gonna fight that metallic monstrosity.
  21. "You have admirable talent there Gypse however I highly doubt you could punch a metal bulwark that shoots lasers into submission and a knife won't do crap against a robot." I looked at crowbar and the filly I now know as duskshine, cute name but over all irrelevant. "Crowbar stays behind with shine." I stated before getting a move on, my companions followed suite soon after. "Robots have heavy armored chassis your 9mm won't do much of anything but annoy them. Stay behind me while I do the heavy lifting, you fellows just focus on looking for anything worth value."
  22. "Why do you apologize Nuclear, you have no need to do so. If they don't want to listen to the truth so be it, let them take it to their graves." I said to nuclear before putting back my folder in one of my armor's compartments. "I believe we should save this favor,having a pony owe us is going to benefit us in the long run." Nuclear nodded and separated from us for the mean time. That left me with my three guest and the child. "So does anypony want to delve into a pre-war ruin filled with dangerous robots in order to get paint and other treasures?"
  23. Scrambled Eggs
  24. Right Chain wasn't that kind of pony, he wouldn't off someone like me. I still didn't know what to think about crowbar, his skill was useful however he didn't seem the type to plan ahead. Gypse was sweet pegasus with a good sense of morale, however she was naive and probably didn't know what morality meant to most wastelanders. Nuclear was the kind of pony who gets things done, he could still benefit to learn a thing or two. The kid was just a tag along as far as I knew, the kind most ponies would of thought as a waste of space. Which sadly was most fillies and colts out there in the equestrian wasteland. The party was summing up our economic standing and our current goals. Which up to this point was nothing but help random innocents. To be honest that was every applejack rangers goal, but at least we had a secondary unlike this bunch. What caught my ear was the pegasus opinion on morality, one that I've heard a couple times before from a few stable dwellers. "The wasteland is a cruel and unforgiving mistress. Sometimes you have to be cruel in return to survive the next day, who are you to judge his desperate attempt at survival. And don't talk about honor like it's a badge you can fucking wear, there is none to be found out here and you better remember that." I said to Gypse before walking over to Nuclear. "Nuclear what's our next move, oh and do you know where I can find some red paint?" I asked Nuclear as I took out a folder with the steel ranger insignia on it, however it was in all red. I opened it up and read through a couple of the files while I waited for his answer. Star paladin Hazel you're currently tasked in the destruction and looting of the steel rangers based out in the west. Do whatever it takes and if you can convert some of them to our cause do so, more troops are necessary if we're to continue our constant fight against those that threaten innocence. We believe the surviving steel rangers are currently hiding in the Moohave, Pheonix, and Coltifornia. You are familiar with their arsenal however the ones that fled west tend to use more energy weapons. You will most likely get heavy support from Gawd's group the NCR. Use your resources and good luck on your mission star paladin. p.s Your wife and daughter sent their regards.
  25. Crowbar and nuclear showed up after the half starved stallion fled the scene. Why any sane pony would take a child through a journey through the wasteland is beyond me. However it appears I'm surrounded by fucking morons. Crowbar being the sensible fucktard he was even had the great idea to murder some pony in a crowded well guarded zone. What was worse was that Chain had the same idea! "Okay before you dumbasses get gunned down by security I urge you to think through your little plan. First off it's a huge goddamned waste of time. Second we hardly know this little twerp or her family. Third you all could possibly die over something as stupid as this. If we have to take the kid fine I can't stop you, however I'm not letting Chain get killed in a casino." I turned over to Hazmat before speaking. "Try not to waste a 44 on this guy use a knife or something it'll save us caps."
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