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Nightfall Gloam

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Posts posted by Nightfall Gloam

  1. Yeah, I have to wear glasses all day because my vision gets all blurry without them. Even reading the very text I'm writing on my monitor can become unreadable without glasses. I don't mind wearing glasses though, kinda difficult to imagine myself without any at this point.

  2. Surprised I haven't given any sort of answer here yet.

    There are a lot of reasons, but, I think the biggest ones are the fact that I don't socialize a whole lot, and when I do, I tend to be quite a bit socially awkward. In addition to that, when I was younger and first started trying to find love, I pretty much always felt like I had to have a girlfriend, even if I never knew WHY, often ending up with more crushes than relationships, and this was well before I got into a relationship I would consider truly meaningful. Not to mention my multiple failed relationships, including one big one that really affected me.

    Decided to spoiler my relationship stories because although they are relevant to why I'm still currently single, they're long, and not everyone wants to read them. Warning, wall of text ahead:



    The first girl I was in a relationship with openly said that she was also dating someone else at the same time as me, which I did not like very much, and I think it pretty much already damaged me quite a bit for all future relationships and it did end up hurting the friendship we had before, and the second girl I was in a relationship with did not feel very genuine at all and her "friends" basically pressured us to kiss and kept treating the whole relationship like something out of a Disney movie, and very soon after, she broke up with me, which I was actually okay with due to how I felt that the relationship wasn't genuine anyway.

    Now we move on to my third and last relationship I was in... It was a long distance relationship, and we met over a Brony website. Unlike previous relationships, it did feel genuine to me, and we both did care a lot about each other and as far as I was aware, there wasn't any cheating going on. We met on the New Years Eve of 2016, which was a very lonely time for me, and I really wanted to spend it with someone, even online. We got along really well and it almost seemed like we were made for each other, but, unfortunately, neither of us really knew what we were doing either, and despite all the good in our relationship, we failed to ever properly communicate with each other about alternative ways to stay in touch, our relationship happened in one of the worst times in my life to be starting a relationship, and presumably similar for her, and due to not knowing when we would be able to chat with each other, our relationship eventually failed as we ended up being in touch at worse and worse times. Following that, our relationship ended in a simple miscommunication on my end, which looking back must have made her feel like I was saying I wanted to leave her, when I only meant to say that I was leaving to go back home. I really wish our relationship didn't have so many communication issues. Despite everything, it was difficult for us to fully build the trust necessary for a relationship and in the end, I guess her and I just had to split up and go our separate ways... Honestly, I hope she's been able to recover better than I have.


    Having thought about the last relationship I mentioned in the spoiler above more recently, I do feel like I made a lot of mistakes and wasn't the best boyfriend at all to her, and I do own up to that. Its been a long enough time for me to have been through all the stages of grief, and I'm past the point of being angry at myself and/or her for our mistakes, finally at peace with the fact that that relationship was a bit of a disaster 3 years after it all happened, and have been able to let go of her for the most part. That said, it all happened to abruptly that I still feel a bit of pain thinking about her sometimes, and I do really want to just chat with her one last time and apologize for the entire mess I caused. Maybe also explain to her my side of the story and get her perspective too. I talked about that last relationship with one of my friends on here recently, so its all very fresh in my mind still, but that talk did make me feel like it would be the right thing to talk to my ex-girlfriend should we ever meet again and try to clear things up.

    Aside from that, these days, I try to avoid even talking about relationships as much as possible, since it is a depressing thing for me.

    TL;DR I am terrible at socializing, I felt pressured by some unknown force to get into a relationship, lots of rejection and/or huge lack of courage followed by desperation, been through 3 relationships that screwed me up in one way or another, and a strong desire to right my wrongs with the last relationship I was in. Relationships and love are difficult.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I've watched a lot of Doctor Who in the past, from around like 2005 to about 2015. Haven't watched any of the more recent episodes though, so I don't have any real opinion on them.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Windows now has to be paid for via a monthly, $80 subscription fee and we are now more like Apple in the way we function as a company.


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