"Pokemans".... Really?
It's not very nice to poke at what makes me sad. Maybe I had a deeper meaning for it! I don't........but still. If I did, you'd feel like a major asshole. Pokemon was an awesome part of my childhood. And that part stuck with me..
Go be a meany elsewhere, ya butt.
D'aw. Thank you. You too are gorgeous!!! Your freckles are adorable ^-^ I just really want to hug your face. And I totally love your necklace.You're a baus.
I love your haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiir. And I love your eyeballs. They super stand out. I'm the same way with makeup..It's seriously an art, man. I love doing it.
I would totes be Pinkie. She's a crazy motherfucker. BUT... She's an earth pony. And being an earth pony would suck. A lot..
Soo pretty much any unicorn.
I'm way more excited for this than I should be. I love Black Ops despite how everyone said "Oh em gee, blops was fuckin' horrible, how could you possibly play that gayme?!" I thought it was incredibly fun. So a futuristic Black Ops?! YES please...
Before I read the post, and just saw the title, the first thing that came to my mind was, "being an earth pony would SUCK because you'd have to do everything with your mouth."
Sure enough.... Twas there.
Well... It's been said that the world will end as we know it. Not that the human race will be obliterated.
I think it just means that how we see the world, and it's inhabitants will change.
These comments almost grind my gears...
Because obviously nothing is the same as it was when we were kids. We were an entirely different generation. Thus kid shows now are going to appeal to them because that gen of kids is horrible and they need new horrible shows to follow... WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A FEW SHOWS.
So.... We should stop complaining about how good TV was in the 90's. Things change. And shows now weren't created for YOU. They're directed to the horrid generation before us
I have a few I could name off.. Some because I just looove their personalities and they just so happen to be beautiful like my first and last people on the list.
Ryan Reynolds
Jessica Alba
Natalie Portman
Hayden Panettiere
Olivia Munn