Gonna do another Rarity session, see you all later, or sooner. Idk.maybe never again? Maybe I will just be Rarity forever and I wont know who you are! So dramatic!
Oh my god! I turned into Rarity at school, it didn't go well. I refused to play sport because I refused to get my hooves dirty! Man I have really blown my reputation this time. Yay! I think I may even just be Rarity all the time now, I did draw something quite amazing!
I tried to fly. Now, flying without wings doesn't work. As I jumped off the bench, I fell. And got stuck on the ground. It was pretty funny... To everyone else, anyway and I have only heard the stories... Yes, I did Rainbow Dash, not Rarity.
I certainly would go out for lunch with Rarity, I'd try to be as kind, and caring and as well dressed as possible! Wait... Wouldn't it be a little creepy going out for lunch with a unicorn? Ahahaha. I think I would rather eat with Rainbow Dash, then I could be 20% cooler. Wouldn't mind going vegeterian just to have lunch with my favorite ponies. Oh, now I hope it really does happen! But it wont.
Plan! Okay - Get lucid dream.
Rainbow Dash appears
Take out for lunch
Enjoy my life saying that I ate lunch with Rainbow Dash and that I am 20% cooler.
Wake up.