My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: You know what, I have nooo idea.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Well, I did know about the show since 2011, but I thought it was a show for 4 year old girls. In 2013 I saw how big the fanbase was getting, so on the 26th of June, 2014. I watched my first episode of My Little Pony.
-I ramble a lot
-I am terrible at drawing, so don't expect any pictures to be draw by me.
-I suck at doing memes.
-I have good grammar (Yay! A good thing!)
-I (think) I have a good sense of humour.
-Everything about me is MLP:FiM
-I am 20% cooler.
-I make a lot of references
-I forgot to put spaces in my username, now they are joined... That's really annoying me.
Well, that's about it... Just another brony, nothing special.
-The Epic Rarity