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Bright Bastion

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Everything posted by Bright Bastion

  1. If we all stick together, love each other, then we're glue!

    1. Monsoon


      I totally agree with you bro ^_^

  2. Draw a face, cut it out, glue it on, NEW FACE

  3. And I expect that axe to be polished, sharpened, sparkling, and within a loop on your belt or on your back in a suitable carrying device. And those pies best be perfect down to the last grain of sugar. And a thorough inspection have been completed on that cannon. And as for myself, I have hundreds upon hundreds of Forms, letters, citations, reports, and evaluation details to read, write, seal and send by pegasus to multiple members of higher rank in all reaches of Equestria as well as make copies for my personal records. So everypony better get enough sleep for me tonight.
  4. @@Comrade Courage, @@Tao, Well since everyone believes in him no sense in not trying I suppose. WE MARCH AT DAWN!
  5. Uh, I'm not sure if Bright Bastion should be leading any armies... heh heh...
  6. My head is dizzy. I should sleep... But I have to work on characters... I - I think I have to much to do right now to sleep

  7. Bronze smiled at 'Nathan' and look towards the rest of his companions. Trilby and Lorec cornering Quick with Syuren mocking the two of them and Drake asleep on Drakk's back. "Well... I guess I do have an obligation to them. But hey, you know I'm always running around with motley groups... And you must be lonely, so don't be a stranger. I'll be back before you know it, and my dad could use some company... just -- uh, stay for dinner at you own risk. Bleck." He laughs and lets the other pony take Natrolite from him. "See you later, Nathan." He trots over to the rest of the group and gives Quick and give a little awkward chuckle. "Heh heh... I don't think they're so bad once you get to know them. They haven't done anything suspicious so far at least. I'm Bronze Amythest. And you?" He says, sounding like he's apologizing to the pony.
  8. That's actually pretty interesting. Like the greedier they get the more they turn into giant scary dragon when they get further and further from being capable of Charitable acts. That's cool and tragic and all kinds of cool.
  9. It's still awesome. I'm so happy that Bastion inspired you! It kind of inspires me
  10. Margaret is extremely terrifying and easily one of the strangest video's I've seen, but it's exactly my kind of terrifying and strange. I mean she rubs a freakin potato on your face. I love it.
  11. Events that happened so far today: I realized that I only have four payments left on my loan! I have been added to the Filly Fool Chart. Hard. Like charging into a brick wall hard. And it is now the consensus that my face is creepy T_T

  12. Honorary Brother of the Gray Sisters. http://camphalfblood.wikia.com/wiki/Gray_Sisters
  13. As awesome as this sounds, I'm not to up to speed on the lore of pesona. When I was really getting into 3 (not FES so I don't even know "The Answer") my PS2 Finally shat out. And I don't know anything about 4 or any of the ones before it. But I'm still really interested so I'm looking forward to reading what you guys can RP out.
  14. 263475 @, I hate your Signature lol.
  15. You Know I feel the opposite. About 2% of the cast is either cute or adorable in my eyes. Most things people find cute about characters, I just think is normal or annoying.
  16. Tales of Xillia 2! I was also trying to play Tales of Heroes: Trails in the sky, but I've gotten incredibly distracted from it. Oops.
  17. Bronze puts the gem away for the moment having a hard time reasoning with what he just did. Defeating a huge monstrosity single-handedly? He was positive he wasn't capable of that. Yet he did. He went to Natrolite and shouldered his weight again as they made their way out of the tunnels. Bronze didn't say much even if Natrolite or the others tried to talk to him. When Syruen approached him he was thankful for his and Lorec's small bout that distracted Syruen from his gem and gave him a little time to think. Then finally he called Trilby over as Lorec gave his charm to the Crystal Pony who was with them. "Trilby, I'll meet up with you later, but I think me and Natrolite need to have a little time. After all he needs a doctor."
  18. I haven't been spoiled to anything in Tales of Zestiria, and youtube taunts me so! I can't watch your opening Zestiria! Or even know the characters' names! Or anything! STOP IT!

  19. Whispers: Hope you found some sleep :D

    1. Miles


      Thanks :}

      I did.

    2. Bright Bastion
  20. I just am in utter disbelief that there's someone at the wheel of a taxi in my bad making that face. Oh, through the space under your door technically. Teleporting is so complicated.
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