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About MickeyAdaptus

  • Birthday 1999-09-17

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    Mickey Adaptus

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  1. I almost passed out a few minutes ago... Was confirming the payment for a delivery, and when the man had left, my vision was starting to get all blurry until i was seeing black red ish, and a very loud ringing came in my ears, i ended up laying on the floor for almost 5 minutes until i could see again, tough the ringing is still remaining, good god...

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      I hope you're alright. How did that happen?

    2. MickeyAdaptus


      I am not sure honestly, this happened out of nowhere, i was feeling pretty stressed, was shaking and stuff, but that seems to be a pretty normal thing for me these days, this happened just out of nowhere, i sometimes used to have this in the past but it only happenend around 3 times in my entire life, i think.

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