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Everything posted by ANGEL33

  1. Sorry guys but my stories are on hold. My xbox won't let me access the site. And I can't write with an iPhone

  2. Just as Dorothy removed her hand from Joyce's mouth. A woman with long orangish blonde hair, wearing a World War 2 helmet, blue goggles, and purple mechanic coveralls rode a motorcycle into an empty parking space. "There she is!" The woman climbed off her bike and pulled her helmet off then sat it on the seat. She pressed a few buttons and walked away. "YOU KNOW I'VE BEEN WAITING ALL NIGHT?!" "OH BE QUIET, IT TAKES HOURS TO GET FROM HAWAII TO HERE!" As the woman walked towards them she pulled her goggles to the top of her head. "Who's that, Michael?" "That is one Gadget Hackwrench, one of the biggest mechanical geniuses in the world." Joyce looked at the ground. "She's barefoot, does she know?" "She does, but where she came from she ran around like that." Dorothy looked at Michael. "Where's she from?" "Another universe, and back then she was literally a mouse." Joyce and Dorothy looked at Michael wide-eyed. "She's from a Disney Universe, but the man she's closest to doesn't know which one." Gadget walked up to Michael. And hugged him tightly. "How are you?" "I'm great, Gadget."
  3. All right fillies and gentle colts, I needed another place to post my collection of Joyce collection. Besides tumblr. So here it is, all but a few pics I have cropped to put Joyce as the center of attention. I would also like to point out why the pics have the name image is because I'm uploading from my iPhone. I will upload any other Joyce pics I pic up. I hope you shall enjoy my collection of Joyce especially my crops. I worked hard on them.
  4. Angel, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Twilight ran in to the throne room, where Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor waited. "MOM!" "Angel, good you're in time!" "For what?" Just then a breeze blew in to the room. Then there was this strange sound, it sounded as if something was grinding against something (http://zedge.net/r1044019?src=ios&v=2.1.1). Then a light blue sphere started slowly materialize in the center of the room. "What's that?" Once the sphere fully materialized the sound stopped, and the sphere popped like a bubble. And in place of the bubble was the Lord Of Time, Minuette with a black box with strange glowing blue writing in front of her. "Minuette, it's so nice to see you." "Hello, Princess Celestia. I have the Legend Lock, like you wanted." "I hope it wasn't too hard to get." "Getting it, no. But getting to the point in space and time, where it was hidden was hard." Princess Celestia smiled and laughed. "Well don't worry, it only has the power to lock one last time. Then it fades from existance, forever." Twilight then remembered a story from when she was still young. About a lock that gave a pony the power of 2 Alicorn and stacked it on top of the ponies current abilities. But that was supposed to be only a bedtime story. But Minuette had it in a box in front of her. So many old stories are turning out to be real. "Will there be anything else?" "No that's all, Minuette."
  5. Joyce went with Michael who carried Ryan's demonic corpse to the dean's office. Michael walked in and slammed the body on to the dean's desk. "You wanted a demon corpse, here's one. Now put Devil's Traps at every known entrance and exit to every building on campus! Oh, and deal with that it's starting to stink" The two left the shocked dean and went to the front of the girl's dorm and met up with Dorothy. "Hey, how's your face?" Dorothy happily hugged Joyce. "It's fine, but what about you?" "Well I would be with God early, if Michael hadn't shown up and saved me." Dorothy looked at Michael and smiled. "Thanks for saving Joyce." "Anytime, anywhere, and anyday." "Do you have a crush on her?" Michael held up his hand and showed a small amount." "That's a small crush." "Sorry if I burst your bubble, Joyce." Joyce smiled at Michael. "It's okay, I have a boyfriend anyway." "She kinda has a boyfriend." "How the hell does she kinda have a boyfriend?" "He's gay." "Then how is he dating her if he's gay?" "I'm..." Dorothy gently covered Joyce's mouth. "It's complicated." "I'll say."
  6. Michael looked at his watch again. "Hmmm....I thought it would have been noticed by now?" Joyce looked at Michael questioningly. "What?" Then came a voice that Joyce would never forget, one that chilled her to her very soul. "Hey!" Joyce looked down the hall. It was Ryan the very guy who tried to rape her at a party. "You Michael?" "Depends, are you Ryan?" "I heard you had some pics of that girl." Joyce's eyes widened in horror. "No.....She was fooled again." Michael stood up and pulled something from his pocket. Joyce caught a glimpse of a pic. "Wait those are...." Michael handed Ryan the pics. "Time to see what you look like na....huh what the?" Ryan threw the pics at Michael. And Joyce finally saw that the pics were really cards. Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva. (http://zedge.net/r839120?src=ios&v=2.1.1) "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PLAYING AT!" "Well I think I just played you, you black eyed son of a bitch!" Ryan's eyes turned black. "He's a demon too?!" "No matter I'll just take her myself!" Michael punched Ryan so hard, Joyce heard his neck break. "No black smoke. Meaning this was Ryan's true demon form." Michael picked up the cards, and put them back in to his pocket. "But......you said...." "I had pics of you? Come on, I was raised in a church. Plus I did say I'm here to protect you." Joyce was so happy that Michael hadn't betrayed her, that she hugged him tightly, and nearly cried.
  7. Michael woke up and looked up at Joyce then smiled. "Hey, how are you?" "How long have you been there?" Michael looked at his watch. "All night, your R.A. was sure suprised to see me here. But had a floor meeting where I introduced myself, and stated my business here." Joyce sat down on the floor next to Michael. "What is your business, if you don't mind me asking?" "To protect you, and keep you safe from demons." "I thought demons stayed in Hell?" "Most do, others find a way out and terrorize humans. But there are a few that fall in love with humans." "No way, they're the spawns of evil!" "But they were human at one point. So they still have emotions. It takes the one human that is romantically appealing to that demon. To flush out the emotion to love." "So what happens then?" "They date, get married, and have kids. Just like normal people." Joyce looked at the floor. "I had no idea, demons could do that." Michael sighed deeply. "Let me guess, you had Youth Pastor Rick?" "How did you know that?" "Lucky guess, that guy could never get his facts straight." "So Michael can you tell me a little about yourself? What do your parents think about what you do?" "Dunno, I was abandoned at a church as a baby. Father Murphy and Mother Ann raised me as their own." "You poor thing!" "Yeah, I've heard it all before. The sisters at the church really became my sisters." "They don't know who your parents are?" "Nope but the one thing that confuses them is that I had/have a tattoo of wings that go down to my waist." Joyce covered her mouth in shock. "Who would do such a thing to an innocent baby?!" " I dunno."
  8. Joyce was so excited being near two heroes she began to feel woozy. "Oh no, not again." Michael crouched next to Joyce and put his hand on her back. "Easy all the excitement is going to your head. Any more and you could blackout." Joyce smiled and leaned in to Michael's chest. "Thank you, Michael." After thanking Michael, Joyce blacked out. "Great, just what I need a blacked out college girl. Explaining this should be fun." Michael looked up and found Amazi-girl had vanished. "Oh that's so damn cute! Doin' the Ninja Vanish trick to get out of helping me." Michael looked down at Joyce who was still out cold and smiling. "Well I guess about 5% of this job is done. Now I just need to stay by her and maybe find out who the Devil is that wants this girl and why." A few hours later, Joyce awoke in her top bunk. "Huh, was it all a dream?" Joyce climbed out of her bunk. "Sarah's not here, she must've went out or something." She opened the door to her dorm and was suprised to find Michael asleep in a chair with a golden desert eagle in both hands. "Oh my gosh, he's real!"
  9. ANGEL33

    movies/tv Discord in TORCHWOOD

    Well guys I have to say that I am truly impressed. Not only did John de Lancie do Star Trek one of the biggest things in America. But I just discovered while watching TORCHWOOD: Miracle Day he plays a CIA Agent there's a little "Discord" in TORCHWOOD.
  10. The man holstered his gun on his hip and began to make his way towards Joyce. When out of nowhere a girl in yellow body suit with a big blue letter "A" on her chest, a blue mask over her eyes, blue gloves and boots, with a blue cape and short brown hair landed in front of him (http://fav.me/d5yashc). "STOP RIGHT THERE!" The man stopped and sighed deeply. "You do know the Comic-con is in San Diego this year right?" "I will not allow you to hurt this innocent civilian!" "Why the hell would I do that, after I just saved her?" The girl looked to Joyce and the dead body of Mr. O'Malley. Then looked back at the man. "I don't know what your intentions are but you have commited murder." "First of all, my name is Michael Saint. 2nd had I not put a bullet in that guy's head he might've killed her. So if you're done, I would really like to check on the girl." Michael walked past the cosplayer to Joyce who was still in a heap on the ground. "Hey, are you ok?" Joyce looked up in to Michael's eyes and saw they were beautiful blue. "I'm fine, thank you." Joyce kept stairing in to Michael's eyes. "Are you........Really an angel?" Michael laughed at Joyce. "No, I'm no angel. It was a special gas that made it look like I am." "You have to be an angel. I asked God to please help me. And then you show up and saved me from that demon." Michael sighed again and looked around a bit. "I'm not an angel, but you can think of me as a kind of stand in if you want. I don't mind if you do that." Joyce smiled at Michael happily. "Wait, where's Dorothy?!" Then the superhero girl came to Michael's side. "She'll be fine, she may have pain in her face later." "AMAZI-GIRL, YOU'RE HERE TOO?!" Michael looked at Amazi-Girl. "What?" "Seriously?" "Shut up, it works great." "I'm not saying it's bad, it's better than what I thought it was."
  11. It was a quiet Friday afternoon at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Class had just released for the day and the weekend. A girl with shoulder length brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a smile that could brighten anyones day. She wore a orange long sleeved shirt, a blue and purple striped sweater vest, blue jeans, and dark orange sneakers (http://fav.me/dxgs2f) walked out a building and was headed towards the dormitory building. "Oh what a beautiful day the lord has given us." As the girl approached the dorms, a group of girls walked by her. "What do you mean by her eyes were black?" "I'm saying her eyeballs were black. And she drew some symbol on the wall with blood then snapped her own neck." The girl stopped dead in her tracks and her happiness turned to fear. "B....black eyes?" She shook her head. "Joyce Brown, get ahold of yourself. They were probably talking about a scary TV show with Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as the heroes." Joyce laughed and kept walking towards the dorm building. "I wonder if Dorothy finished that big story she was so focused on all week?" After Joyce went inside, a man with a flat-top brown hair, glasses, a blue long sleeved shirt and jeans appeared outside the dorm building. He stood staring up at the building. He smirked and his eyes turned black. Then he disappeared in to thin air. Later that night. Joyce, and her friend Dorothy (http://fav.me/d2yvbdz) walked out of Chic-fil-a with a bag in their hands. "So why did Walky not wanna come with us again?" "He said something about buying the DVD Box set for a Japanese show called Kamen Rider: Decade." Both girls laughed and began to head back to the university. "What are two pretty girls like yourselves doing out here?" Both Dorothy and Joyce nearly jumped in to the air. They turned in time for Dorothy to be smacked away. "I know you, you're Mr. O'Malley!" Mr. O'Malley smiled then grabbed Joyce by the throat and held her in the air. "Please let me go, Mr. O'Malley." Joyce watched in horror as his eyes turned black. "Sorry, I have been ordered to take you with me." Her vision began to blur from the lack of air. "God, help me please!" Just then a ball hit Mr. O'Malley in the side of the head. Causing the grip to loosen from Joyce's neck allowing some air in to her body. "Who the....." "ATTACK RIDE: ILLUSION (http://zedge.net/r606415?src=ios&v=2.1.1)!" The ball flashed a purple light and let out a purple smoke. "Hey there, ugly. Did you miss me?" Mr. O'Malley turned and saw a man with short black hair (like this http://37.media.tumblr.com/485bdf3ecb16b846d9133ea00d25572a/tumblr_mmxpyi0lFp1rlxkmko1_500.jpg), wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, and black boots. "Whaddaya say you put the girl down, and we handle this like men or whatever you are." "If I don't?" Joyce noticed the sky had become cloudy and lightning began to flash almost every 5 seconds. "Then I'll get angry, and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Joyce looked at the man and saw big beautiful white wings coming from his back. "You're no angel!" "Do you really wanna risk that?" Mr. O'Malley dropped Joyce who fell to a coughing heap. "Fooled you!" The man quickly drew a golden desert eagle and shot Mr. O'Malley in the head.
  12. Hey guys sorry about this but both stories are on hold until I have something solid

    1. StitchandMLPlover


      it's okay. I understand.

  13. I just found out that exactly 4 days ago at an Anime Expo. The Ankama Team finally revealed the WAKFU Animated Series. This is huge for me because I've been eagerly awaiting Amalia in English. Not because I'm attracted to her it's far from that department. To be honest I don't fully know why I'm waiting for her.

  14. Sorry about the drag in updates guys. But just so you know I am working on it. I've thought up something for Spike that'll change him forever in the MLP: Angel universe. But as to what the big emergency that called Angel, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Twilight to Celestia's side will be revealed as will the bane of Devil Shimmer's existance. I hope you will all be locked in for this ride.

    1. StitchandMLPlover


      sounds suspenseful and awesome!

  15. ANGEL33

    LOCK ON!

    You're waiting so very patiently for me to finally reveal the key to Devil Shimmer's defeat. But since none of you have attacked me because you can't wait anymore here's the official clue. http://t.zedge.net/ringtone/1660493/?page=1 inspired by Kamen Rider: Gaim.
  16. Rainbow Dash placed the Nevan in the circle and stood next to Angel. "Ok, is this everything?" "Almost, I can't forget this." Angel placed his copy of Daring Do And The Quest For The Sapphire Statue in the circle. "All right then, stand back everypony." Angel gently pushed Rainbow Dash back and stood in front of her. "Hey, she said 'everypony.' That means you too." Angel smiled and backed up a little still shielding Rainbow. Twilight inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Her horn began to sparkle and glow brightly. The spell circle began to glow. "She's doing it!" "Ssh, she may need to focus on what she's doing." Twilight began to strain a bit. Then in a flash of light, Angel's stuff was gone. "There we go, it should be on the other spell circle at Rainbow Dash's house." "Thanks, Twilight." Just then Cyclone busted in to the room. "Angel, hurry your mother needs to speak with you, it's urgent!" Angel looked Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. "Come on, for mom to send Cyclone it must be serious."
  17. When I get back you will be amazed by an ancient secret as old as Celestia herself. And the identity of Misty's rescuer.

    1. ANGEL33


      I'll give you a hint to the secret that I know will drive you crazy until I return and reveal it. The hint is 2 simple words and they are: "LOCK ON!"

    2. StitchandMLPlover
  18. Well guys, I won't be updating tomorrow nor this weekend I'm going to visit a friend in Texas

  19. Well good news and bad news, bad news is that I can't think up of any new parts for either story. Good news is I have an idea for a name and background for the lead male in A 2nd Chance.

    1. StitchandMLPlover


      You'll think of more ideas soon. Good luck! Cool

  20. ANGEL33

    request TRON Game

  21. I bet you're all wondering what my one hope is for my story The Adventures Of Angel The Superstallion. The one hope I have for it is that Lauren Faust will read it and love it. I don't expect HASBRO to get involved in anyway. With movies, plushies, and other stuff like that. But that'd be cool too.

    1. StitchandMLPlover


      If she has a Facebook or social media site maybe you could send her a link to it? idk.

    2. ANGEL33


      She has a Deviantart but I heard she's hardly on it. Not to mention I'd be too terrifyed to even try.

    3. StitchandMLPlover


      yeah understandable.

  22. ANGEL33

    request TRON Game

    Unfortunately, I'm using an X-box 360 and it won't let me view the image because it won't "download" it.
  23. Ok, I bet you're all wondering. "Why in the name of Princess Celestia haven't he updated either story?" It's not that I don't want to. I'm excited that my Misty figure will be arriving soon! I can't seem to think of a name for the lead male in A 2nd Chance. So I'm asking you to help me. Avoid the names Dante and Vergil, don't wanna make it like a Devil May Cry story.

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