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Everything posted by ANGEL33

  1. Sounds boring, I'm staying out of season 7. I didn't start watching the show thinking there'd be mane male characters. Not once have I thought "There needs to be more stallions." Plus the show is called "MY LITTLE PONY" not "MY LITTLE STALLION!" There's key things. Twilight having kids with a stallion who's NEVER supposed to appear in the TV series, Beef in Equestria, Pipsqeak being dead and the fact that it's season 7 when they should be focusing on season 6. The whole thing is fake.
  2. All of them are dangerous and depressing. I'm sticking to the true future. The one where there is nothing dangerous or depressing.
  3. NO PONY NEEDS TO DIE!!!!! Unless they're pure evil and there's no hope of changing them. I'm looking at you, Tirek.
  4. A crack opens in the fabric of reality and pony Sonata walks through and joins the cast That'd be great
  5. It's not just season 6 I'm worried about. It's the rest of the series I'm also worried about.
  6. You should have had none of the above. Because I didn't like any of those futures. They depressed me
  7. Dr. Hooves is really Ditzy's great great great grandfather due to an accident he had. Granting the gift/curse of regeneration.
  8. No, sweet Celestia no. Why would you want that?!
  9. I say let it run beyond the movie. This show is the best thing to happen to tv. And hopefully HASBRO will see the error of their ways and Pimp Slap Discovery Family. Take it back to the hub where the show belongs and should remain.
  10. Not in a million years, hopefully, totally, go with both of them. I hope that the ponies that we know and love make an appearance in Gen 5.
  11. One last thing before I stop coming to this thread. I'll stay in the fandom for the rest of my life. I'll never leave it. Even if the show ends. 9 seasons, AWESOME!!!!! So far SUPERNATURAL has gone on that long.
  12. This thread is depressing to be honest. This show is one of the best things to happen to tv.
  13. Minuette of course! What a silly question to ask. Besides she doesn't have toothpaste as a cutie mark.
  14. Oh THAT box. I thought there was a mystery box like in FNAF 4. My bad
  15. new one, the old sounded too much like a boy. I honestly don't see HOW Ditzy's gender was mistaken for a boy. LOOK AT THE CONCEPT ART OF HER!!!!! Just look at her face and the face of other mares in the show. Then look at Big Mac's face and the face of other stallions. You'll see the difference and you'll know "OH SHE'S A GIRL!"
  16. You guys say that season 5 will be the end. I say it won't be the end, because I think we're just getting started.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Well, season 6 is a thing so, it definitely is not the end. :3

    2. ANGEL33


      I KNEW IT!!!!!!

  17. You really should listen more. MAYBE meaning they might be. We don't know and THEY don't know. Man, this getting as out of control as the debates about Leia kissing Luke in A New Hope.
  18. If you've read Angel. You know mine already. Pretty much.
  19. What part of THEY'RE RELATED is so difficult to understand.
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