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Everything posted by ANGEL33

  1. As Angel, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight Sparkle were gathering what few things Angel owned. And put them in a special circle with a star in the center (http://fav.me/d6ipc1y). Rainbow Dash found a strange purple guitar (http://fav.me/d19gbq2). "What's this?" "I see you found my guitar, Nevan." Rainbow Dash looked Nevan over. Twilight came up to Angel. "Did you say Nevan, as in the famous lightning witch?" Angel smiled and nodded. "Why did you name it that?" "Play her and find out, Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash positioned Nevan and started playing the intro to a rock song she liked called 'Thunderstruck.' And within seconds Nevan began to emit purple sparks of electricity. Which became small bolts of lightning. Rainbow Dash stopped playing and Nevan stopped emitting electricity. "Whoa, that was awesome!" Twilight Sparkle was impressed. "I didn't know instruments could have a spell like that put on them." "They can't." "Huh?" "Nevan The Guitar originally belonged to Nevan The Lightning Witch herself." "No way, I never knew that!" Angel laughed loudly. "No suprise, they never mention a famous pony's hobbies. Nevan built this guitar and sealed abit of her lightning inside. Now whenever it's played you get the lightning show." "Why did she build it?" "To play for orphans and make them happy. Though she only played soft songs with it. The orphans loved it when Nevan played for them."
  2. ANGEL33

    request TRON Game

    If someone could help me with an amazing digital picture idea. That would be awesome. Everyone knows about the little colt playing the arcade game. I was hoping someone could help me, make it look as if he's playing the game TRON from the movies. Nothing major just changing the outside of the game to have the TRON Arcade Game appearance. I have no money so don't ask.
  3. She would accept me because that is who she is. Look at Scootaloo a pegasus who can't fly but Rainbow Dash accepts her. Twilight Sparkle isn't athletic yet Rainbow Dash accepts her.
  4. You want an honest answer here it is. This made no sense to me. Because it sounded like you were bashing her. Bash all you want about EqG Rainbow Dash. But leave the pony Rainbow alone.
  5. I have just ordered the Misty Figure from Ebay! Oh, and an Ash figure is coming with her but it's hard to get excited about that. Both will be at my housd June 5th. And Ash is going straight to my brother. While Misty goes to stand with my pony figures.

  6. I found out the Wakfu Anime will be released in America later this year. I can't wait to see Amalia! I just hope that my source was fact

  7. ANGEL33

    movies/tv KAMEN RIDE

    In Japan it means Masked. And please KAMEN RIDE is just the Subject Name. Kamen Rider is Japanese.
  8. ANGEL33

    movies/tv KAMEN RIDE

    Recently I had discovered the multiple KAMEN RIDER series. I've finished Kiva, Decade, and Gaim. I'm working on W, Wizard, Den-O, and OOO. I was wondering if there are other fans of KAMEN RIDER. My favorite is Kiva
  9. Ever feel like the whole world is against you? That's how I feel right now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StitchandMLPlover


      I'm so sorry you feel that way. I'm here for you.

  10. ANGEL33

    Devil May Cry

    You read it there everyone the darkness of Sunset Shimmer's heart, that had been cast out by the removal of the Element Of Magic, Devil Shimmer. Who has returned as a seperate being from Sunset Shimmer. Feared by many especially Sunset herself. Enough to bring her to tears. This time the love that Angel and Rainbow Dash have for each other and the power of friendship may not be enough to make this devil cry. But what could an ancient secret from Equestria's origins possibly do to save the planet from total destruction?
  11. Why do think some (myself included) prefer Equestria over this crummy planet?
  12. Like Ditzy, Misty has become the focus of my attention.

  13. Sunset Shimmer kept crying while Angel hugged her. "Angel, we need to find out what we're gonna do." Angel waved his hoof at Rainbow Dash. "Not now, Rainbow. She needs this, so let her get it out of her system." Sunset Shimmer squeezed Angel tightly but nothing he couldn't handle. "Angel?" "Yes, Sun?" Sunset Shimmer pulled away from Angel. "Go with Rainbow Dash, I'll be all right." "Are you sure?" Sunset wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yeah." "Well then go to Pinkie Pie, she'll have you cheered up in no time." "Okay, thank you." Angel smiled and nodded. "Bon Bon (http://fav.me/d5e6fcq), would you mind taking Sunset Shimmer to Pinkie Pie?" "Sure, come with me Sunset." Bon Bon and Sunset Shimmer both began walking to Sugarcube Corner. "All right, Rainbow Dash. Let's get me moved in with you so we can properly handle the situation afterwards." Twilight perked up. "You're moving with each other?" "Yes we are." "I can use my magic to teleport your stuff to Rainbow Dash's house." "Thanks, Twilight!" "It's no problem for me. I've been practicing teleporting multiple objects. So it should be no problem for me." "I dunno, Rainbow Dash. She said 'should' like she has no idea." "HEY!" "I'm only kidding, Twilight. I know you can do it."
  14. I never once have thought she was a lesbian in anyway. My dad said she's a lesbian and a symbol for gay pride because of the whole rainbow thing. After calling him a dumbass and explaining it to him. He hasn't said a word about it.
  15. Angel landed next to Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. "Sunset have you been here the whole time?" "Of course I have, I was helping Twilight keep the barrier up." Angel used his X-ray vision on Sun. Then he poked her with his hoof. "Are you okay?" "Either I'm losing my mind, or we've got another rogue Changling." Rainbow Dash landed next to Angel. "You're not losing your mind and I don't think it's a Changling either." "What do you mean?" "I mean a caught a glimpse of some.....thing as it flew out of the tornado. It was red, had big bat wings, and it had fire for hair." Twilight knew what it was immediatly. But that was impossible. "I think I know what she's talking about." Angel was curious to know what this new enemy was. "What is it, Twilight?" "A being known as Devil Shimmer (http://fav.me/d6gg5jx), but she was Sunset Shimmer. And she was beaten by her removing the Element Of Magic." "No, not her. Please tell me you're joking." Twilight looked at Sunset Shimmer. "I'm sorry, but it is her." Sunset Shimmer dropped to her knees and put 2 hooves on her head. "I've had nightmares about Devil devouring me, or destroying everything and everyone I care about." Tears began running down Sunset Shimmer's face. "Why won't she leave me alone!" Angel walked up to Sunset Shimmer and hugged her. "Hey, it'll be alright." "No it won't, she'll destroy us all." "That's what they said about DiEnd. Remember what happened to him?" "You became Decade and erased him." "Exactly, now I may not be able to become Decade ever again. But I will erase Devil Shimmer."
  16. As I have said before Ditzy Doo is the pony I can relate to the most. Both of us being disabled
  17. It was a sad, and rainy day in Cerulean City, Misty the youngest of four sisters had died at the young age of 20. Everyone was at her burial, except one Ashley "Ash" Ketchum. He was too far away, and nobody knew if he cared. Misty's ghost stood next to her caskett looking around at everyone who had attended this sad occasion. Her sister's were there, as was Brock crying his eyes out, Lt. Surge was there holding back tears as he saluted Misty, Jesse & James + Meowth were there bawling hard, Sabrina was there as were her 3 ghost pokemon who could see her but were still sad, and even Ash's mom Delia and Professor Oak were there both were supporting each other. Misty didn't understand how or why she had died. "You were still very much a child." Misty looked to her right and saw a middle aged man in a suit holding a pocket watch in his hand and he was looking right at her. "Who are you? How can you see me?" The man put his watch away. "I'm your Reaper, Misty." "Reaper? As in the Grim Reaper?" "I'm not Death, he's a very busy man." The Reaper walked towards Misty. "Your death has Heaven and even Hell both confused. I've been told to give you an offer." "An offer for me?" "Would you like another chance at life?" "Are you serious?" "Yes I am. Death seems to like you. But he will still take your soul when the time comes." "What do I have to do?" "If you say yes. You will be brought back to life on another world. But if you say no. I will take you to Heaven." Misty thought for a moment. "Yes, I accept." The Reaper snapped his fingers. And everything went dark. Misty looked around in the dark. She noticed she could breathe, smell trees, and feel cold air on her body. "Where am I?" Then she heard a car horn honk. Misty turned in time to see a car speeding towards her. "WATCH IT!" Suddenly she was knocked to the side by someone. "Ow, that hurt!" Misty looked up and saw someone standing over her. "You must have a death wish or something." When her eyes adjusted, Misty saw who saved her. It was a boy, her age. With black hair that was shaved at the sides (http://fav.me/d5m8cdu), he wore a white shirt with big black letters that said "BRONY AND PROUD", a black leather jacket, blue jeans and black shoes. "Um....You realize you're naked, right?" Misty looked down and saw she was naked then quickly covered herself. "DON'T LOOK YOU PERVERT!" The boy pulled off his shirt. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Then she felt the shirt drape over her head. "Here put this on."
  18. Both Angel and Rainbow Dash flew out of Canterlot Castle and headed to Ponyville. "I'm gonna need to step it up, Rainbow Dash." "I was hoping you'd say that!" In a matter of minutes, Rainbow Dash preformed a Sonic Rainboom and zoomed past Angel. "I almost forgot she could do that." Angel went super sonic and caught up with Rainbow Dash. In Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle had put up a barrier around the town and her castle. Then something unbelievable happened, a red tornado touched down outside the barrier. "It's red, but there's no way that can happen?!" Twilight kept her shield up protecting everypony in town. Something unbelievable happened, the tornado grew arms and firey red eyes. "I've never heard of this before." The tornado monster began bashing the barrier with it's arms. "Ugh, wow that's powerful." Luckily Angel and Rainbow Dash had arrived in time. "What in the name of Celestia is that?" "No idea, but it's gotta be stopped." The beast kept bashing the barrier, and Twilight felt the strain on her body begin. "I dunno if I can keep this up." Angel flew in front of the monster. "Hey buddy, those are my friends you're trying to hurt, GET LOST!" Angel used super breath and pushed the tornado monster away from the barrier. "Angel, I'm gonna try to cut the wind feed from the sky." Rainbow Dash flew in to the tornado. "All right, you're going down." Rainbow Dash flew up towards the sky. "Weird, I should be having trouble with the wind. But there's no wind at all in here." Angel was doing what he could to keep the monster away from Ponyville. Out of no where came a female voice. "I'm gonna make Twilight Sparkle suffer. And you're in my way!" "That sounded like Sunset Shimmer." Angel used super sight and looked in to town. He saw Sunset Shimmer next to Twilight helping her remain strong. "Come on, Twilight! You can totally keep going!" "No, I can't.....It's too much." Sunset Shimmer growled angrily. "You're really gonna make me do this aren't you?" Sunset Shimmer backed away from Twilight and her horn began glowing with blue magic. "What......are you.....doing?" Sunset Shimmer closed her eyes. "DARKNESS BEGONE!" Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes and fired a magical beam in to the barrier. Twilight felt most of the strain vanish. "I'm helping you, Twilight." Rainbow Dash reached the sky and began flying in the opposite direction of the wind. The tornado faded away but something flew out of the center in to the horizon. "What was that?'
  19. I didn't make this but I felt like sharing it with all of you Pony League UNLIMITED: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BxC2NjOSXeE I hope you enjoy it as much as I do
  20. After meeting Flash, the rest of the night was uneventful. The next morning was a funny one. Angel woke up and got out of bed. "That was a great date." "I agree, you and Flash got along great. Not to mention these Royal Matresses are almost like clouds, almost." Angel's eyes widened in horror, he slowly turned around and saw Rainbow Dash in his bed. "Oh no, did we......" "Sleep together, yes we did." Angel began to sweat. "No......We didn't.....you know?" "Sweet Celestia, no. You offered for me to stay here when I nearly fell from your side because I was so tired from being out so late. You helped me get in to your bed, and I was out like a light." Angel relaxed a little and went over to Rainbow Dash. "So what're we gonna do?" "We're gonna try to get you home without anypony noticing you were never there." "Good idea, I don't want that kind of attention." Angel kissed Rainbow Dash. "You know we should really discuss something." "Whoa, whoa there buddy. Isn't a bit early to be thinking about having a foal?" "Oh, ha ha very funny. I was thinking more about moving in together." Rainbow smiled happily. "Um, would you like to move in with me, Angel?" "I would love to, Rainbow Dash." Angel and Rainbow Dash kissed again. Then Princess Celestia walked in. The couple stopped kissing and looked to Celestia. "Oh good you're still here, Rainbow Dash. I just got an urgent letter from Twilight Sparkle. She said there are really dark clouds over Ponyville. And they need you both." Rainbow Dash's expression got serious. "Tornado Weather." "I don't think anypony will care that we slept together."
  21. It will crash and burn I'm tellin' ya. The dolls are butt ugly, and they have no idea how it's gonna work.
  22. I hate it the reason's in the name. GIRLS not ponies, not mares, but GIRLS. Literally colored Humans. It's annoying I never wanna see it. I prefer the show. At least your not expecting Twilight to grab her chest and ask what are these? http://fav.me/d65bvdy Or her to show up naked in a scene because she's not used to wearing clothes all the time. Plus human Rainbow Dash isn't awesome where the pony Rainbow Dash is. I'm probably gonna get chewed out for this but I don't care.
  23. Yeah, finally! I can only answer a few. Fav Card: Dark Magician 2nd Fav Card: Dark Magician Girl Fav Show: Original Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards I have: I have alot
  24. Angel and Rainbow Dash arrived at the Manehattan Sports Center. It had a wide open outdoor sports arena. With a race track, weight lifting, a little area for pegasi to do wing push-ups, and a set of practice dummies for Earth Ponies to work on strengthing their bucking skill. Flash was a white stallion with a short blonde mane, and a white shirt with FLASH in big red letters. He really was fast, he had just ran around the race track in 5 minutes and ran up to the loving couple. "Rainbow Dash, is that really you?" Rainbow laughed and hugged Flash. "Do you know any other mares with a rainbow mane?" Flash hugged Rainbow Dash. "Not really no." Then Flash saw Angel and released Rainbow Dash. "You've gotta be kidding me?" Angel was slightly offended. "Were you expecting Prince Blueblood?" "Thankfully no, that dude can't do half a lap. Or even start a lap without totally wimping out over the dirt track. Or worrying about sweating." Flash went to Angel and shook his hoof. "I'm Flash." "I'm Angel." Flash stopped shaking Angel's hoof. "So you fell for a super hero? How'd you two meet?" "A store was on fire, and I had tried to save a family but burned my leg. Then Angel flies in, saves the family, and puts out the fire with ice breath." Flash laughed at the story. "So how long have you two been going out?" "Five months, today." "5 months, and he hasn't asked you to marry him?" "I don't plan on doing it. It's much too soon."
  25. I've got a personal goal that I know I can do. I'm throwing everything aside for this

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