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Wicked Funky

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Status Updates posted by Wicked Funky

  1. *1 year later* I'm back, kinda...

    1. Miss


      Welcome back!

  2. This is probably my time to leave, maybe for good, maybe not. Anyway, I've been inactive and I feel like it's going to stay that way.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      I don't know you that well, but I wish you luck in all your future endeavors. :)

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Should you choose it, we won't stop you. I'm forever grateful for you being the first artist to draw my OC, and wise you the best of luck for the future. :)

  3. Yo, does anyone know where I can fins the movie "Avatar"?

    1. Love Doctor Blaze
    2. Artimis Whooves
    3. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      There is only one, we don't talk about the other 'thing'.

      I think you can stream it from youtube for like >$5

  4. Any blade & soul players on Windrest?

  5. Wanted to go to sleep... But stayed up writing instead, an now I'm stuck on a name... Anyone have any suggestions for rad sounding surnames?

  6. The new Monstecat track is sick!

  7. Lavender or blue? .3.

    1. 1Bit


      Lavender :3

    2. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      I'd have to say blue. Though purple's a close second. :P

    3. Seamore Sandwich
  8. That moment when you suddenly find like 8 songs you've never heard before by your favorite band *U*

    1. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      And they're all Amazing.... (of course)

    2. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      Sounds like Christmas came early!

  9. Any Blade & Soul players here? :3

    1. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      Nope, but i can become one if the game is cool

    2. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      It's pretty dank

  10. Been so tired with everything lately

    1. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      I know the feeling *hug*

  11. Going in for that sixth consecutive page of nose drawings :P Really have to nail this one...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      #1 quickscopesNoseDrawer420 champion of 1969, AND HIS NAME IS Donald trump

    3. Love Doctor Blaze

      Love Doctor Blaze

      You win. I simply have no retort to that xD

    4. Nova Wings
  12. "It was chöpped by the wöörriör in the wööds."

  13. I'ma go to bed, 6 am and still not tired though

    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      I just revealed the week's theme btw

    2. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      Yeah, I noticed. I like it

    3. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Yeah, P-Jay had nothing to do with it, I swear. It's like he's psychic or something...

  14. I'll be changing name again soon, just a heads up... :P

  15. In 5 min my hair should be completely white :D

  16. Doing this weeks art posse challange, ithis weeks it's designing an epic fantasy mount. I want to combine animals, anyone have any ideas of what animals I could combine?

    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      Lynx/bush viper combo Serpanthera. Just thought I'd give you your idea back because I think it would look awesome.

  17. Soon done with another oil painting after a month of work :)

    1. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Nice, be sure to show it to us. :)

    2. Wicked Funky
  18. A thought came to mind. A, very, special thought. "What would a cyclops potato look like?" And I have now tread grounds n human should ever tread. https://gyazo.com/87562c1e4dc9526b8692380d18987a69

    1. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      I have no words... O-o lol

    2. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      I'm planning on making another with 10-15 eyes... The potatoes are taking over....

  19. Started playing Osu today, It's fun but rage inducing :P

    1. Comic Sans

      Comic Sans

      I love osu! But my new chair and desk mean I have nowhere to rest my tablet to play it properly. :c

  20. "Your lie in april" is really tugging at my heartstrings...

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