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Captain Salty Scribbles

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Status Updates posted by Captain Salty Scribbles

  1. Happy birthday, Candy Mane! LOL

  2. Usually cat compilations are dull, but this one I found funny.

  3. Haha! I thought, "who's that Sugar Cookie?" XD

    1. CheeryFox


      I'm Sugar Cookie here (every year) - around this time-ish, lol. ^^

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      It's intriguing. Why that?

  4. Happy birthday to you. ^-^ It's time to eat a big cake!

  5. -30F. KEK. Winter is coming!

    1. CheeryFox
    2. AmarisNsane
    3. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Thanksie, Amaris, I will do my best, but now I need fancy cape. =3

  6. Happy birthday to you, one-day-pony ^=^ Heee heee

  7. Piece of conspiracy, my little ponies. 11/9 is not 9/11 but looks suspicious. o_O

    1. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      You got the point. (|)_(|)

  8. Piece of conspiracy, my little ponies. 11/9 is not 9/11 but looks suspicious. o_O

  9. Have a nice Donald, everypony ^.^ Everything will be OK.

  10. Happy birthday, girls! I wish you both all the best ^-^

  11. Happy birthday, girls! I wish you both all the best ^-^

  12. Birthdays are very good for health. Proved that how more birthdays in your life then longer you live XD Happy birthday! http://www.aceex.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/12510236_1689729027977993_5728533022257431898_n.jpg

    1. CheeryFox


      Aye. Thankies! ^.^

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles
    3. CheeryFox


      I'll be high as fuck...on cake! lol ;)

  13. Hello, there, happy birthday to you! I wish you all the best. ^3^ Long time no see, by the way. =/

  14. Happy birthday! I wish you all the best ^-^

  15. Happy birthday! I wish all the best to you. ^>^

  16. Wow! Blizzard!

    1. Monsoon


      What has blizzard done?

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Overwatch, lawl!

      No I just meant that blizzard just happened.

  17. 2016 brohoofs. Don't brohoof me until January, please XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Some temptation can not be resisted

    3. removedreason


      2026 now, see you in 10 years! :3

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      LOL, you are killing me, guys =P

  18. Happy birthday! I wish all the best to you. ^>^

  19. I wanna talk to YOU!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Diver
    3. Badow


      Me? damn they caught me....but if it wasn't for those dang medaling kids

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Of course I meant YOU!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles


      Btw I like Klint Eastwood too.

    3. AmarisNsane


      My gosh, yes, this brings back memories. Great song. <3

    4. Barpy


      OMG this one is memories for me ;.;
  20. LOL. 1999 brohoofs. I will miss 90s XD

    1. Connie


      I'll brohoof a random post of yours just to make them 2000

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Oh! Now I'll remember you all my life XD.

  21. Happy birthday, Fox. ^.^ I wish you all the goodness!

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