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Captain Salty Scribbles

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Status Updates posted by Captain Salty Scribbles

  1. Fresh snow, white and fluffy, covered all the mud around. So awesomie! ^3^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flearia Dragondanser

      Flearia Dragondanser

      Ugh!!! I don't wanna hear it :( I really don't like snow ;(

    3. Starbright Sparkle

      Starbright Sparkle

      hmmm *brings a snow cloud using my magic and makes it to start snowing* whahah! XD

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Haha, Fleary! You just can't cook it properly ^.^

  2. Happy birthday! I wanna wish you all the goodness ^_^

  3. Happy birthday, pal ^_^ All the goodness to you. Have an awesome day.

  4. Happy birthday, pal ^_^ Have an awesome day.

  5. Happy birthday, pal ^_^ Have an awesome day.

    1. Dark Tempest
    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      I wish all the goodness to ya!

  6. Going to get new laptop from the Internets on next week. So excited! ^3^

  7. Heey! Awesome track on your page ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ricebug


      I'll send more music in the future. I'm currently away from my computer.

    3. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Hey, don't worry. You gave me good reference already ^-^

      Thank you.

    4. Ricebug
  8. First snow is so magical!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Eternity is not! ;-;

    3. Prospekt


      It sure is! Haha my town usually doesn't get its first snow til November, though occasionally there will be a flurry or two the week before Halloween...

    4. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      @Prospekt, It's so soon!

  9. Heeey, friends! What movie to watch?

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      Straight outta Compton)))

    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Tonight's Movie Night stream is an X-Men triple-feature, the last one being Apocalypse.

    3. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Thank you, peeps, your advises look really good!

  10. I am Phoenix. OBJECTION!

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Why? You get to be the evil side of a smoking hot mutant

  11. 9999 profile views. I feel gorgeous!

    1. Flearia Dragondanser
    2. Colourful Blast

      Colourful Blast

      Can I view it a1000 more times?

    3. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Oh, thank you, Fleary!


      @colourz, dunno, let's try. ^_^

  12. 666 posts, plus my avatar. I feel fabulous.

    1. N.W.
    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      You got the point. Also nice new avatar, Wolf )

    3. N.W.


      Slowing coming up with a new one. An actual wolf. XD

      Just need to find the time for more art. X_X

  13. Am I listenin hip-hop? Impossibru!

  14. Hello. Sweet avatar ) Is it your OC?

  15. Slept under stars. August nights are awesome!

    1. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Whoa, that's awesome!

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Dat's true :3

      Have never thought how many satellites Earth has.


  17. When people will invent wireles charger for laptops?

    1. Vulcan


      I'd give it 4...maybe 5 years...wireless charging is still barely good enough for phones at the moment. ^ ^

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      Yes it is... But I got rid of all wires on my table except power wire of my laptop. Well, at least I can remove it too for several hours ^_^

  18. Sad story of life. You love girl with all your heart but she shust turns into Xel'naga and flies away. =_=

    1. JonasDarkmane


      You have not finished the campaign D: D:

    2. Captain Salty Scribbles

      Captain Salty Scribbles

      But she flied away anyways! T_T Raynor

    3. JonasDarkmane


      Just finish the campaign first D: D:

  19. Why to dig gravel in reall life is so much harder than in Minecraft? 6^6

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