Link to the OOC thread:
As the Main Six stood in amazement at what stood ahead of them, the figure looked over to them. "I see this place has lifeforms after all." The figure started making his way to them.
"Stay away from them!" spike yelled as he jumped in front of the Mane Six.
"A talking dragon?" The figure picked up Spike by his tail and looked at him closely, "This is truly an amazing place, wait until command hears about this."
Twilight Sparkle yelled at the figure, "Put him down this instance!" The rest of the Mane Six jumped to the ready, "Yeah, where not going to have you hurt Spike!" Applejack said as she began to charge.
The figure jumped at the sign of the ponies attacking him and retreated to the Portal, "Just so you know you won't be getting your friend back anytime soon." he then disappeared into the portal with it closing behind him.
"Poor Spike, he's probably scared, i hope he's OK." Fluttershy said as she sat down in place.
"Well, sugar cube, we don't want to start a panic," Applejack said as she walked to the door, "I think we should look for some help round here, There should be somepony who can help in this situation."
You arrive in the middle of a field overlooking Ponyville, not knowing the exact time frame or dimension you decided to make your way to the town.
After your travels through the Chaos Rift you appear suddenly out on a mountain overlooking what appears to be a village below you about a couple of miles away.