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Lightning Crasher

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Everything posted by Lightning Crasher

  1. Yeah, i see that, lol. Although I cant go further until Storm posts
  2. @@Midnight_Aurora, @, @, Twilight comments with a confused look, "Dimstar? I have no idea what your talking about, I've never even heard of that." Applejack looks around Twilight, "First we have some strange creature appear, and take Spike, and now we have a new pony appear, something just ain't adding up." Applejack looks behind the new colt and notices the huge figure standing behind him, "Rainbow, we might have a problem on our hooves here." Lightning was confused at the new pony and noticed the giant that came out of nowhere, he decided to make his way past the colt and into the house, "I'm sorry, but i need to get by you here." Lightning squeezed by the new colt and made his way into the library noticing the atmosphere of the room wasn't very pleasant. (OOC: Had to edit my post for Onyx, I need to wait on Storm to post before I move on)
  3. @, "Well, I agree with Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, "we need to save Spike, he's going to be scared out there all alone." Twilight began to sigh, "I know, I miss Spike just as much as any of you," she began to make her way to the door, "but with the portal broken their isn't anything we can do right now. I agree with Applejack, we need help in this matter." @@Midnight_Aurora, As Twilight made her way to the door she heard a knock from the outside, "I wonder who that could be at a time like this." she opened the door to notice a Colt standing in her door way, "I'm sorry, i don't recognize you. Are you new around here?" --meanwhile-- Lightning noticed Twilight standing in the door talking to the new Colt and decided to see what was going on, he wasn't one for meeting new ponies, but if Twilight was talking to them it couldn't be to bad. @, As you enter the town you notice that the inhabitants are neither human or Xeno related.
  4. @, Twilight looked over the portal, "From the looks of it," she looked closely at the controls and other equipment connected to the portal machine, "Its burned up, there is no way I'm going to be able to get this thing up and running again, and even if i did get it up and running, who knows where they took Spike." Twilight pounded her hoof into the ground. @@Midnight_Aurora, Meanwhile, Lightning was sitting on a cloud doing his Weather Observing, when he happened to look down and noticed a new looking pony in town near the library, he decided to fly down and see what this new Pony was up to, not looking like any of the other ponies around town he decided to take a little precaution with this new Colt.
  5. @@xCuddlefish, Your welcome to join, the more the marry All Following posts need to be redirected to the link below. OOC Posts
  6. RP Link Below, I decided to start it now, when other people sign up ill bring them in. Attack on Equestria
  7. Link to the OOC thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/124081-attack-on-equestria-ooc-sign-ups/ @, As the Main Six stood in amazement at what stood ahead of them, the figure looked over to them. "I see this place has lifeforms after all." The figure started making his way to them. "Stay away from them!" spike yelled as he jumped in front of the Mane Six. "A talking dragon?" The figure picked up Spike by his tail and looked at him closely, "This is truly an amazing place, wait until command hears about this." Twilight Sparkle yelled at the figure, "Put him down this instance!" The rest of the Mane Six jumped to the ready, "Yeah, where not going to have you hurt Spike!" Applejack said as she began to charge. The figure jumped at the sign of the ponies attacking him and retreated to the Portal, "Just so you know you won't be getting your friend back anytime soon." he then disappeared into the portal with it closing behind him. "Poor Spike, he's probably scared, i hope he's OK." Fluttershy said as she sat down in place. "Well, sugar cube, we don't want to start a panic," Applejack said as she walked to the door, "I think we should look for some help round here, There should be somepony who can help in this situation." @@Midnight_Aurora, You arrive in the middle of a field overlooking Ponyville, not knowing the exact time frame or dimension you decided to make your way to the town. @, After your travels through the Chaos Rift you appear suddenly out on a mountain overlooking what appears to be a village below you about a couple of miles away.
  8. @, Your characters are accepted, although just to let you, the humans gadget won't work upon first entering the portal when you do. Also just so everyone, is aware Storm Shine will be assisting me in this RP, so he will be the Assistant RP Leader.
  9. @,@@Littlecandylulu903, "Yeah, i guess your right, hopefully I'm never forced to stay on the ground, I love the sky to much since I found out I can live up there, but I guess if things are meant to be, there meant to be." Lightning looked at the other two ponies and gathered his composer, "You know what, lets just get to Twilight's, I don't want to be a worrying pony, Lets just get on about the day."
  10. It would all depend on what happens during the RP, I know at this point one relationship is already happening.
  11. @@Littlecandylulu903, @, "If you ever could pick one place to stay, the sky would be the nicest place i could think of, the cool air, the peacefulness, everything is calm up there, I don't see how anybody who could live in the sky wouldn't." Lightning got lost in thought about losing the ability to be in the sky, and he started to show a little bit of a sadness, just enough for someone to notice, but didn't realize it till it was to late. Lightning walked beside Storm and Spellbind slightly behind them so that they wouldn't notice his sadness.
  12. Just so you guys are tracking my OC as well as my human character will be in this RP as well. They are going to NPC as well as the Mane Six, so you can talk to them. The human won't come in till later tho. Lightning Crasher James Knight
  13. Lightning became more aware of his surroundings, he took flight and began to fly in place, "OK, I don't know who is out there but you need to make yourself known!" Lightning yelled as he tried to narrow down where the noise was coming from. "I don't have time for this, or the time to deal with who ever you are!" Lightning stayed just far enough away from where he thought the noise was coming from, he didn't want to have something sneak up on him so he concentrated on the noise around him.
  14. @, @@Littlecandylulu903, "So you have other Pegasus who live on the ground, how can that be, I thought all Pegasus loved the sky?" Lightning pointed up to one of the house in the sky, " I would come to think that the one that own that house there would be Rainbow Dash, the one i fell asleep on?" Lightning thought to himself for a second, "That would be a nice house to live in, it looked nice from the outside at least, do you think i could meet her and maybe ask her, I don't want to be a bother to anypony tho." Lightning decided to walk with Storm and Spellbind to Twilight's house, looking at Spellbind he said, "That would be cool if you could live in the sky as well, the air up there is so nice, makes you want to stay up there."
  15. @, Lightning thought for a second, "Well, I'd prefer trying to stay with somepony who is relaxed, not very demanding, except when situation dictates and is OK to get along with. And preferably another one of me, I can't stand the ground. It would be nice to be in the clouds but if that's not possible then i guess i'm stuck ground bound."
  16. @, "That would be great,' Lightning said as he walked next to Storm, "I ran into a cloud house earlier when i fell asleep, luckily nopony came home and saw me on there steps," then he thought about his condition, "although I'm not really fond of staying with multiple ponies, one is good but having to many i get a little irritated."
  17. Finally finished the 3d Model i was working, such a headache.

  18. @@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning looked at Spellbind and noticed his question hit a hard spot, "I'm sorry for bringing it up if it bothered you, I didn't mean to make you upset." Lightning looked at the ring around his hoof, "I guess i'm just being a little home sick, myself. I won't bring it up again."
  19. @@Littlecandylulu903,@, "Yeah, speaking at which, Spellbind had a good question, I'm actually curious what these ideas are as well, I'm actually scared to hear the answer tho," Lightning looked over to Spellbind, "I wanted to ask you earlier, what did you do in the other world, I was just curious if you don't mind me asking."
  20. Good Morning everypony, Attack on Equestria is now open for character Signups. This RP will be on a D & D style RP during battle sequences. Other then that you go about your daily lives in which ever town you start out at. Below are the following rules on setting up for the RP. 1. Basic Information: What your char. will look like, talent, and type of Pony you are. (Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth Pony. Sorry no Alicorns allowed.) 2. Back story of your char. 3. If you want to have Romance between Characters, that's fine, just don't over do it. 4. No Godding 5. Force Shipping: No forcing of another character in a relationship with your character. This is a huge no no and you will be kicked form the RP. 6. NO PVP unless previously discussed with a RP Leader. Also, all characters from previous RP's will be toned down for the beginning of this RP. Can't have one hit kills on beginning enemies. As time goes on equipment will be awarded. Roster: 1. Techno 'Tech' Blitz (Midnight_Aurora) 2. Reven (Onyx Guard) 3. Storm Shine and John (Storm Shine) as well as Assistant RP Leader 4. Swift Fang (xCuddlefish) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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