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Lightning Crasher

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Everything posted by Lightning Crasher

  1. I've ran into this before in a lucid dream. I was a little freaked out at first but after awhile i got use to it and want about it like i was always there. Although finding out it was a dream helped out. But even if it happened in real sense, i think i would cope with it the same way. SSDD
  2. Good morning Everypony! Another Great day.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lightning Crasher

      Lightning Crasher

      I'm doing really great today, You?


    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I'm doing great too =)=)=)=) YAY =)=)=)=)=)=)

    4. Lightning Crasher
  3. Good night, Everypony!

    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      *Huggles* Nighty-night, sleep well Lightning! :3

    2. Lightning Crasher

      Lightning Crasher

      Thanks Storm, ill talk with you when ever you come back on.

  4. @,@@Littlecandylulu903, "Thanks for the help Storm, hope to see you soon for the training, Hopefully I can get off the ground." Lightning said laughing out loud. "Just let me know when you want to start. I'll be around the town. Hope to see you around Spellbind." Lightning walked around the town making visual notes to the different shops and buildings in the town. After awhile Lightning decided that he would give flight a chance. He took a flight posture and started to flap his wings, after a few seconds he got a few feet off the ground. He decided to push a little harder and found out that flying wasn't to hard. He got high enough to where he could see above the town, also watching the three ponies he ran into earlier. He was on his way down to the ground when he landed on a cloud. "O.K. this is weird, I'm able to stand on clouds, this is nice. I'm going to stay here as long as i can."
  5. @,@@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning was listening to the conversation and decided to go explore the surrounding area a little, "Well, I'm going to look around and see if i could get acquainted with everything around here, i don't want to get lost around here, so at least know where everything is." Lightning decided he was going to head further into town and explore.
  6. @,@@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning looks at both Storm and Spellbind "I believe its a pretty good idea, if your here you might want to learn all you can, I know I'm going to try my best to become what I can. I'm definitely going to work on being the best flyer i can, you might as well try to be the best magic user, and if possible I'll help when I can."
  7. @@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning sat there and listen to the conversation learning about the different ponies that lived in this new world. Although he was still trying to get use to the area, he was starting to become more and more comfortable. Lightning looked at Spellbind, "Hey, learning spells shouldn't be to difficult, maybe there is someone around here that we can find to help you, since Storm is helping me maybe we can help you."
  8. @ @@Littlecandylulu903 "I think I will stay here a little longer then i recently thought, If its possible i would like to learn to do these things here, and you have yourself a new resident, and if at all possible i would like to meet your friend," Lighting sits downs and looks in the sky, "man i would love to be up there again." After being startled out of thought Lightning looks over to Spellbind, "What happened there isn't that suppose to be longer?"
  9. @, Lightning chuckles to himself looking at Pinkie Pie, "Breaking the sound barrier has always been fun, but I don't think its very possible like this, this body wouldn't be able to withstand it, but i'll believe you." Lightning then looked over to Storm, "Your friend you said, Rainbow Something, you said she does tricks, that's the one i want to talk to. I use to do stuff like that all the time. Zero G turns, corkscrews, high speed banks, if she can do that. I'm in. Unless your daredevil?"
  10. @@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning looked over to Spellbind, "Its going to take sometime to get use to, but if i can get help with my new body," Lightning shakes his wings a little, "it won't be to bad, being that i never flew with wings before everything was with an engine. Although I'm going to miss breaking the sound barrier." @, Lightning looked back over to Storm, "Any help would be great, I want to push myself to the limit, i use to be a fighter pilot in my world until i became a military adviser, so if you someone like that, bring it on, but as far as the weather goes," Lightning looks up in the sky, "its controlled by itself, the animals take care of themselves too.
  11. @, Lightning looked at the ring, "This is the same thing that i picked up," Lightning looks at it closely, "but how did it, nevermind." Lightning calms down and looks back at storm, "I'll stay around for a little bit and try to get use to this place, its not like my world but i could always use a break from my job i guess, Is there anybody else around here that could help me out around here. I figure since i have wings why not try and use them, its not like flying a jet tho."
  12. (OOC: Yeah, he has a uniform on so you got it right. LOL) @, Lightning still looked aorund the area, looking at his uniform he had on. " Honestly the last thing I remember was standing over a ring and i appeared here. I was in the middle of going to my tent to go to sleep." Lightning looked back at Storm, "Who is in charge around here? This don't look like my world at all."
  13. @,@@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning looked at the three ponies thinking to himself, "Where can this place be? I dont remember anything like this in any of my briefs." Lightning looked at his hand hoof and started to breath a little heavier, realizing that he wasn't human anymore and trying to come to terms of his new body Lighting looked at Storm, "What are you talking about Wonderbolts? And what is this place? What am I? I don't remember ever hearing about a place like this, and you said ponyville right?" Lightning practically started to have a panic attack, being in a new place wasn't something he could help but he couldn't calm himself down enough relax. "I need to speak to my commander, this isn't right."
  14. @@Littlecandylulu903, Lightning looks towards the pony that talked to him. "I have no idea where i am, the last thing i remember I was picking up something off the ground and now I'm standing here." He looks around the area, "and whats with the ponies, this doesn't look like a place I've seen before."
  15. James finished his debrief with his commanders and made his way back to his tent, "Another long day of this stuff, I can't keep this up." As he walked back he looked over the camp making sure every one was doing there job. As he was about to walk into his tent he noticed something on the ground. As he closely looked at the object he noticed that it was a ring, "I wonder who dropped this here?" as he began to pick it up, "Better give this to Comm..." ~~~~~ A Grey stallion with black and red colored mane fell out of the sky and landed on the ground. "Man, that hurt, where am I?". He looked around the area and surveyed where he could have appeared.
  16. ok, well here the info you need. Lightning Crasher Human Counterpart: James Knight Appearance: Average built man, black buzz cut hair with multiple battle scars on his face and body. Personality: Very outgoing individual, puts himself before others, Believes in loyalty and honor more then anything else. He currently works as a military adviser to a small group of Freedom fighters helping them to overthrow a dictator who is oppressing them. Currently at a military outpost giving a debrief to his commander on the situation. Let me know if you need any more info.
  17. Well im interested in joining, you just need basic information? The reason I'm asking is becuase i need to re-do my ponies info, and i already know the human counterpart
  18. You did a really good job. Keep up the good work.
  19. i've never used that program before, sorry i can't help
  20. as long as it helps, but, when it gets passed that is when its bad. your welcome.
  21. I don't think people will start talking bad about it, if somebody does that, there not any better then people that give Brony's a hard time and I'm sorry to say that gives all of us a bad name.
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