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Skylord Nexus

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Posts posted by Skylord Nexus

  1. @@Drago Ryder,

    This seems like fun.


    Name: Lucius Calbian Dallarus




    Gender: Male


    Personality: Lucius is part of a very rich family who own a very big business, after the death of his entire family Lucius found himself the inheritor of not only a very large amount of money, but also the family company, and their multiple estates. While some people would be stressed by all this, Lucius was thrilled for there was only one thing in the world he loved more that money... himself so both went hand in hand. Lucius is also very self centred and only does things that will get him money no matter what it may entail, whether it's destroying an hospital to build a super store, or scamming children for there pocket money, or even going on TV shows. Lucius is also in a way a very fickle person who will change sides if things look bad for his... if he can. Lucius is also known for being a ruthless business man who hate being talked down to and who has a cocky attitude in most situations.


    Appearance: Lucius has black hair in a kind of sloped spikes which are tipped with dark purple, he wears a black shirt with his initials embroiled on to it's top right pocket in gold. He also has a black cane with a purple spherical crystal on top which he needs to walk properly. He is 5 foot 6 and has a surprisingly toned body for someone who does next to no work.   


    Other: Lonely... very, very lonely

  2. Ticktock watched as Tybalt lead Scarlett way and began contemplating what was going to happen to his allies "You know Ticktock they're probably going to prison or get a death sentence or something" Ticktock bluntly nodded "Yep i think that's likely... so my disembodied, diabolik amigo, do you have any idea where my tower went after i made it teleport away?" "Meh, somewhere in that general dirrection." "You know, Dark i can't see where your pointing." "Well just walk in the dirrecting of poniville and keep going, you'll find it eventually." "Dark my friend what an amazing help you are to me" 

  3. Ticktock watched Radiant then Tyra go into the tent and put shifted from left to right, contemplating what to do now "Kid in my opinion you should not enter that tent, i think there's a good thirty percent chance that you will not come out." Ticktock sighed and began muttering under his breath "As much as i hate to say it Dark, i ... agree with you." Ticktock then took a few steps away from the tent "If it's all the same to you lot I want to live, so i'll just um... keep the wolf company, yeah that's what i'll do." Ticktock then went up to Blizzard and gingerly took a seat next to him and chuckled nervously "Hey there... good... little... wolf."

  4. Ticktock took a few moments to look around the camp "Well this is certainly depressing isn't it, they're moping around like someone took away all there money, who knows maybe a bit of humidity will teach those rich snobs a thing or two!"


    Ticktock gave a heavy sigh "Well Tyra, if not from Canterlot then where would they come from, i'm afriad to say they are indeed from Canterlot."

  5. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock chuckled "So, it all comes down to this card, the ability to win or lose all relying on a single card." Ticktock thought looking intently at the duel. To anyone else this next bit may seems like Ticktock was talking to himself, but what or rather who he was talking to was very much there "So Dark what do you think about the duel?" after a bit of silence (from Ticktock's perspective) a voice not that much different from his own only a little more regal piped up "Does it really matter? I lived in your head for years Ticktock you know what I think, just as I know what you do, so why bother." Ticktock chuckled and rolled his eyes "What can I say, I just love our... riveting conversations." Dark then sighed "Ticktock, three words for you. GO. TO. HELL!"



    (Just so you guys know, the whole Dark thing I am not making up on the spot and is a part of Ticktock as an OC :) )

  6. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer, @,

    Ticktock glanced at Yugi "It isn't always about summoning the greatest monster you control, it's about how you plan to use it, for example say your opponent has a monster with 2800 attack points and one spell card face down now you could always choose to summon a monster with more attack points like a blue eyes, however what if that spell card in mirror force, then you will most likely lose, where as If you summon a monster with say 2000 attack points it could have the ability to destroy 2 cards on the field, not only crippling your enemy but also allowing you to deal 2000 point of damage directly to them."


    Ticktock then looked at Yuma "Hmm chaos Xyz monsters, nasty pieces of work but what I want to know if who or what the bloody hell is a Barian?"

  7. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad, @,

    Ticktock chuckled and gestured at Dynamo's side of the field "See Yugi he's gained the advantage, that being said he is still behind in life points still." Ticktock's ears perked up at the spell Dynamo cast "Hey Yugi, you ever heard of a spell card called Rank Up Magic Limited Barian's Force? I've spent a lot of time traveling around the world collecting cards, and never heard of a card called that?"

  8. Ticktock gave a heavy sigh "We may as well go see Celestia, but i mean should we really be down hearted about this, sure Scarlett broke the ley line or something, and yes Canterlot's in shambles but it could have been worse, in my eyes we've saved a lot of lives today and if Celestia blames us for all this then  she's more dense than I thought."


    Ticktock then made a mental note "Note to self when you see Celestia be prepared to run... fast!" Then Dark piped up "Yep nice call there kid."

  9. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad, @,

    Ticktock continued with his train of though "Well it seems that Dynamo is at a disadvantage but that could all change, so now he has Utopia which in a way gives him a good defence of now, but with that Madolche Chateau effect he has a lot of powerful monsters to get through if he wants to win."


    Ticktock then heard Yugi address him "True if she plays her card right Dynamo could lose, but the same can be said about any duel, can it not? the way to win a duel is to play your cards right, I mean each duellist starts with 8000 life points, losing 2000 is nothing, in my opinion he should start worrying when he's on 2000 life point, once again though even if a duellist has 1 life point left they can still win. To conclude I'd say this duel is for from over."

  10. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad, @,

    Ticktock watched as the duel between Dynamo and Rosalia began, after the first couple of turns Ticktock went into thinking about what the two's tactics were, "Hmm, it's possible that they are both testing the water so get a sense of what they are up against, Dynamo's monster is possibly something to counteract his opponents spell or trap card or to possibly build up a good defence. Now with this mare, she played a single card face down possibly meaning it is meant to defend her while she gets some monsters out, on the flip side though it could be something to deal with a monster, she may have been trying to bait Dynamo out and then take one of his stronger monsters out of play, nether the less the only way to know for sure is to let the duel continue."

  11. @@DwhitetheGamer, @, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock quickly shook his head and pet go of Copper "Well yeah i know someone might try to steal them, that's why i keep them seperate from my deck, these are probably the forth, third and second most powerful cards i possess, the problem is i've always been rather hesitant to put them in my deck, what if someone does try to steal them?" Ticktock then regained his composure completely "Well I guess I should also apologise for grabbing you like that... sorry."

  12. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad, @,

    As Copper poked Ticktock, Ticktock jumped back with a yelp to see Copper. Ticktock glanced at the cards for a second then tried to find them in his waist coat to find that those were indeed his cards. "Oh yes thank you i'll be taking those back now thank you!" Ticktock quickly grabbed the three cards from the ground and used his magic to pull Copper closer to his so he could whisper something to him although it was more like a snarl "Now did you see what cards they were?"

  13. @@DwhitetheGamer, @, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock had got really into this fight, so much so that everything else had just gone dull, to Ticktock it was like a black void with only him Yusei, Yuya and there monsters. Ticktock had got his notebook out and began making notes at light speed, so much so that he didn't notice three duel cards (that were separate from his deck) fall from his waist coat onto the floor, these cards were all Xyz cards specifically Digvorzhak king of heavy industry, Wind-up Arsenal Zenmaioh and a number card, Number 33: Chronomaly Machu Mech.

  14. As Ticktock was falling he took note of what the drill had done and that aftermath "Ok guys i think that maybe, just maybe Celestia's going to kill us." At that moment Ticktock's hoofs landed on the ground and the bubble dispersed. Ticktock turned to Scarlett "Well as sadistic as you are, you are correct. Sometimes I do so love the beauty of destruction."

  15. Ticktock took a deep breath "Ok guys just to warn you in order to keep the shield around all of us i'll need to drag you guys down with me." Ticktock then cast a solid purple bubble around him, Tyra, Blizzard and Ice "Now lets get going before you guys can process what I just said!" Ticktock then jumped, as he jumped the solid bubble would drag his companions down with him, but as long as they kept their composure then they would all get out of there alive. 

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