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Skylord Nexus

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Posts posted by Skylord Nexus

  1. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock was constantly taking notes in his note book as Yugi was talking "Ok Yugi question, why is it that important that you uncover the secrets of the Pharaohs past, plus is these millennium pieces are as powerful as yours I would imagine that some more... 'devious' people are probably after them as well, am a right?" 

  2. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer,

    Ticktock shielded his eyes from the bright light coming from the pharaoh and then went wide eyed to see Yugi standing there "Hmm interesting, so firstly I'm going to address the elephant in the room and ask just, HOW THE HELL YOU DID THAT!? Secondly I'm going to ask what it's like having to decide like who has the body at certain times or like how do you decide when to change and stuff?"

  3. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer,

    Ticktock yelped and almost fell of his seat when the Pharaoh interjected into Copper's sentence, Ticktock quickly regained his composure however "Well it's all well and good telling Copper it was dangerous, after all that was quite a while ago, and as we can see he isn't harmed so therefore you should be all good." Ticktock quickly leaned over to Copper and whispered to him "You were alright, right? because if you weren't then that's my whole defence out the window." 

  4. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer,

    Ticktock sighed in defeat "Well I guess given the three knights and abilities it wasn't necessarily impossible, and I guess neither are any of those cards or plays, and even though the whole event seems improbable I guess given the nature of everything it may have been real." Ticktock then finished off his shake while he continued to write in his note book. 

  5. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Through the second part of the story Ticktock had almost gone through his entire shake, but was also mumbling to himself as he writ in some kind of small note book. "Ok, another reason I'm pretty sure this story is fake is the infinity strength divine snake, even in theory it's impossible for a monster like that to exist and also if the fate of the world depended on that duel then we would probably all be dead, because as this Dartz said there wasn't a card in Yugi's deck that could defeat that monster."

  6. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock brought a hoof up to his chin in thought "Yeah I think I've heard of galaxy and photon cards to." Ticktock then turned to Dynamo "Yeah I think it would be pretty cool to make a synchro summoning deck, I main problem with a deck like that though is that you generally need to get like three monsters on the board, which can be a problem if you opponent plays aggressively, because he can just take out all you monsters as soon as it's his battle phase."


    Ticktock's eyes widened at Copper's story then when he finished Ticktock laughed "Yeah um no offence but you have to admit that story sounds a little far fetched I mean souls trapped in a pyramid, knights from the city of Atlantis, by all means continue though it does still seem interesting."

  7. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer,

    Ticktock shuddered "Well whatever it is that she does to find out the names of every pony, it freaks me out."


    Ticktock sat the sipping his shake while Dynamo explained his deck, after he had finished Ticktock began explaining his "Well my deck is primarily a cyber dragon deck, I use loads of different cyber dragons and cyber dragon spells to gain board control and get out more powerful monsters, I also have cyber angles in my deck to help with clearing away any of my opponents monsters, oh yeah I also have some synchrons put in for synchro summons and stuff."

  8. @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock could hear Pinkie from where he was sitting and gave a little whine "Oh why is it so hard to get alcohol now a days I mean it isn't so bad, it only messes you up a bit, but at least I can get a shake out of this." Ticktock then gulped "Ok now it is just freaky how she knows everyone's names, I mean I've never met the mare, let alone come anywhere near this happy dappy insane asylum!" 

  9. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer,

    Ticktock laughed in agreement at Dynamo "Yeah cyber angels are super tough, without them I'd been in way worse situations when duelling... that being said the hardest thing is getting the cards, see I spent the past 4-5 months tracking down each and every card in my deck separately now that was a challenge."


    Ticktock walked into sugar cube corner and shivered "Oh I hate public places their always so... public for me, so much happiness and cheer. You know what I'm going to sit with Copper, if you can get me something alcoholic and if not I'll just have a chocolate shake." With that Ticktock joined Copper at the table.

  10. @@Dynamo Pad, @@DwhitetheGamer,

    Ticktock gave a small nod "Yeah I guess it is pretty simple, I guess that hardest bit is creating a deck that works well and stuff isn't it, as for what deck I use, the cyber angels are just there to help me gain control of the battle, my deck's main focus is cyber dragons I mean given the right conditions I can summon a monster with 4000 attack which I think is pretty cool."


    Ticktock put a hoof to his chin "Can't say I know any magic that could directly link to games, well maybe hologram magic that's a possibility... Oh look there Copper!" Ticktock quickly ran over to Copper "Hey dude how's it going?"

  11. @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock was rather astonished at Dynamo, firstly he was so good at duelling with only 3 months of experience and secondly that he could walk backwards and still know where he was going "Wow! You've really only been duelling for 3 months you sir are extremely good! Also if you think about it duelling is kind of like a video game, just one where the game it's self incorporates the really world."


    ​Ticktock put a hoof behind his neck and chuckled "Yeah that trap card pretty much spelt the end for us, plus as I said before I just didn't get any of the cards a needed, I mean I could have put up a much better fight if I had more luck." Ticktock then gulped when it cam for him to talk about himself "Heh... Well all you really need to know is that I'm a super adept magic user as well as the fact that a live in Canterlot, as for long I've been duelling I would have to say that I started about 5-6 months ago."

  12. @@Contrast, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock gave a small nod at Witty, although he had become slightly suspicious of her from the amount of secrecy she had about number cards. As Witty began to walk home Ticktock yelled back to her "Bye! Also thanks for the complement!"


    Ticktock smiled at copper "Ok see ya soon Copper."


    Ticktock then quickly caught up to Dynamo "So... Dynamo how long have you been duelling for, you seemed pretty good at it on our tag duel."

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @@Contrast, @@Dynamo Pad@@DwhitetheGamer,

    After the battle had been lost Ticktock blinked a few times and chuckled "Well... that's a blow to the ego." Ticktock then saw the whole number card thing with Dynamo and Witty "Ok that's not what I expected to happen. Witty what was that all about?"


    After the Helicopter left Ticktock smiled at his three new friends "Yep looks like we're all going to meet again, although don't think you guy's will find it easy, luckily for you in that tag duel a had really bad card draw. Still good luck to you all."

  14. @@Contrast, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@Dynamo Pad,

    Ticktock took a deep breath "Ok Witty, I'm ready to go."


    Ticktock then walked out so he was directly across from Copper "Ok dude you ready to get beaten?" Ticktock then activated his duel disk, used his magic to place his deck into it. He then watched as his deck was auto shuffled "Ok well that's me ready, prepare to lose a second time Copper!... and in your case other pony of which I don't know that name, prepare to lose once!"

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