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Everything posted by TheLegoBrony

  1. almost finished my room and it's lookin fabaroony. Love you Blackened

    1. Blackened


      Good job. Love you too. =)))))))

    2. TheLegoBrony




      plus theres enough room for rough and tumbling

  2. sorry everypony my internet is playing up

  3. isn't it weired that you think theres something missing. like for me i think theres something missing

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      What's missing buddy? :)

    2. TheLegoBrony
  4. That moment when you fall a sleep having a bath to wake up and the water is cold

  5. theres a shop near me that sells really awesome stuff

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      So a little bit of everything?

    3. TheLegoBrony
    4. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Too bad there isn't really a place like that here. There may be something like that in Nashville, but I'm not driving all the way out there.

  6. what is the best comedy film you have seen in the past 3 years? mines Mrs Browns Boys Da'Movie

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      really heavenly

    3. Megas


      The World's End and Guardians of the Galaxy

    4. Blackened


      Agreed Lazengann. World's End was a great film.

  7. being a large/ x large shirt wearer i'm surpirsed that when i wear XL hoodies theres room for two O-O

  8. i know i'm getting some MLP CCG cards a couple of Vinyls and a plush tail

    1. Blackened


      Awesome. =))))

    2. TheLegoBrony


      the plush tail is for a little something my love that i'm working on

    3. Fireboltvoices VA
  9. i'm going crazy. only 6 days to go till PonyCon UK and i'm going insanecrazyexcited for it. t'm just "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

    1. Fireboltvoices VA

      Fireboltvoices VA

      right there with you.

  10. so many snuggles to give to the wonderful and sweet Blackened

    1. Blackened


      The more, the better. =)))))

    2. TheLegoBrony


      Love is the one magic that cant be destroyed. it's inside of everypony

  11. Morning everypony had any nice dreams

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chara



    3. Fireboltvoices VA
    4. Blackened


      Couldn't remember any dream I had, but I had a nice sleep. =))))

  12. night blackened i love you

    1. Blackened


      Good night my sweet, and let Luna watch over you. =)))))))

    2. PegaDash1


      Hey :) How are ya, sugarcube?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fireboltvoices VA

      Fireboltvoices VA

      oh yeah that's the worse.

    3. TheLegoBrony


      @blackened *crys in your arms* why why BBC why you do this to me

    4. Paper Lilystar

      Paper Lilystar

      because they know it will get coverage world wide...british tv can be cruel like

  14. i'm really excited about ponycon in a weeks time Blackened can you calm me down plz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      your so snuggley

    3. Blackened


      Aww, thanks. So are you. =)))))))) *cuddles*

    4. TheLegoBrony


      theres room in my hoodie for you any time

  15. well for brotherhood social i have to give it a 7/10 on comedy, 6.7/10 for story wise and a 3/10 for the lack of loyalty from Rainbow Dash so altogether the episode was a 16.7/30

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      Rainbow Dash totally wasn't being loyal just stuck up

    3. Megas


      RD did nothing wrong, just wanted to win with Scoots

    4. TheLegoBrony


      no loyalty to her best friends brother

  16. *gasp* hasbro you are apple clever using the episode where AJ and rarity goto manehatten to plot this story NICE ONE

    1. Jeremiah


      they mentioned that in the episode.

  17. @Blackened: Our OC's get a pet, what animal is it and what's it's name

    1. Blackened


      Hmmm, I'd definitely need to think about that first. =)

  18. my hoodie is a purfect size to fit two ponies in but the spot is reserved for the lovely Blackened

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheLegoBrony
    3. Blackened


      Oh yes, that cute image. =))))

    4. TheLegoBrony


      but this time it will be us *blows you a kiss*

  19. heres a challenge for you all: Guess who is in my Top 20 forum friends list. remember 1st place is taken by 3 people

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      one of the joint 1st is somepony I have been talking about for this past week

    3. Flutterstep
    4. TheLegoBrony
  20. you heard of an art trade, well me and Blackened are going to have a food trade. we each make the best thing we can make

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      @SugarfootWillie - first you have to be in my top 20 forum friends list

      second: you have to live in the UK

      and thirdly: you have to make a cuisine that you made from scratch

    3. SugarfootWillie


      awww man that international part is killing me. the other two requirements are so easy to acquire.

    4. TheLegoBrony


      well the the first one is going to be hard since they are all taken

  21. theres a shop in derby where i live that sells cards against humanity and 3 extention packs

  22. gives blackened all the snuggles and kisses in the whole of equestria

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      cause you the very lovely one and cause I love you more then anything

    3. CosmicSpark


      what about me *curls into a ball and starts to cry*

    4. Flutterstep


      *gives Cosmic a pink doughnut*

  23. finally my mum is out of the house

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheLegoBrony


      yes and no


      a pony party but a pony party for two

    3. CosmicSpark


      oh *hugs* we will be there through MLP forum :D :D

    4. Guest


      damn that's alot of status updates

  24. still tidying my room and sweet luna its taking forever

    1. CosmicSpark
    2. Blackened


      Don't worry. The sooner, the better. =)))))

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