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Pinkie's Hat

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Everything posted by Pinkie's Hat

  1. The Hat has awakened! *yawn* and is very drowsy at the moment.

  2. How you all doing?

  3. Senpai, notice me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinkie's Hat

      Pinkie's Hat

      You both have noticed the hat, what shall you do now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. catnet


      ... *wears the hat* :3

    4. Pinkie's Hat

      Pinkie's Hat

      This...is surprisingly comfortable! Pinkie! I'm staying on this head for a while!

  4. 50 Brohoofs? YAY! Everypony gets a hat! Just not a magical hat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pinkie's Hat

      Pinkie's Hat

      *glows and makes one appear on your head* There you go!

    3. Jackie Snack

      Jackie Snack

      Hawt dog! Thank you, magic hat!

    4. Pinkie's Hat
  5. Time to sleep on my nice, cozy Hat rack, May you all sleep well!

  6. Name Change: Because I'm a hat, not a plant or numbers.

  7. Hello, velcome to this thing that I am doing because I have nothing to do and am bored. So yeah, I'm Pinkie's Magic hat. Ask me something.
  8. Velcome to the forums of rainbow colored Equines! Please do enjoy your stay!
  9. So I used the pony Personality test thing and it said I was mostly like Rarity with a bit of Fluttershy...didn't see that coming O_o

    1. Jackie Snack

      Jackie Snack

      Silly hat, you're sitting on the wrong pony!

    2. Pinkie's Hat

      Pinkie's Hat

      By Discords majestic beard your right!

  10. So...who here knows how to were a top hat? Pinkie is gone and I need a head. ~Random Hat Statues Update~

  11. And I can finally get back on here, finally!

  12. Wut, that is the potato.

    1. SkullcandyPegasus


      I was once a treehouse; I lived in a cake!

  13. No sleep is required, because magic hat.

  14. Tis a pleasure to have you here Megan, hope you enjoy your stay and maybe we can be good friends.
  15. Boooooored

    1. Monsoon


      Welcome to planet earth seriously I'm bored as well :/ which sucks

  16. Here is the question a lot of us ask, if we were to go to Equestria, who would you want to live with? I would live with Pinkie Pie because I am a magic hat. But you are human! So who will you live with? ~Pinkie's Hat
  17. Rarity's tail may be pretty but Pinkie's tail is the most cuddly
  18. I'm awake and back on Pinkie's head, hows it going!?

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      going pretty good =)=)=) waht about you =)?

    2. Pinkie's Hat
  19. Night everyone, time to get some sleep on my hat rack.

    1. Jackie Snack

      Jackie Snack

      Nighty night, magic hat!

  20. I be typing fanfics!

  21. Always help your friends, no matter what.

  22. Need something to talk to? I'm a hat, talk to me you crazy creatures ~_~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pinkie's Hat

      Pinkie's Hat

      Nah thats my cousin, I am Pinkie's hat, she found me in the fourth wall.

    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      (0>0) imma owl.


    4. Pinkie's Hat

      Pinkie's Hat

      The school bus doesn't want to move it seems.

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