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Pinkie's Hat

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Everything posted by Pinkie's Hat

  1. I finished updating my interests thing and have submitted my OC. Things be getting done!

  2. Reflective Rose
  3. I made my Signature, yay :3

  4. Who needs sleep when you have ponies @_@

    1. Jackie Snack

      Jackie Snack

      I do. I need large amounts of sleep to make up for the many years of only sleeping four hours a night. x'D

    2. Pinkie's Hat
  5. Glad I'm not he only new one here. Sup.
  6. The song is fine, but I think they need to add more characters. Like Discord, he is reformed and all, shouldn't he be there with Flutters?
  7. Two Ponies: Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. When they are angry, you better hide in your gentlecolt hat.
  8. *Shrugs* What can I say? I'm a sucker for pink ponies.
  9. *Hides in hat* I can hear the fluttercords coming...
  10. Being a derp at the moment ~_~

  11. I am shy, I am random, I have a weird personality! I love to Rp and I have my own OC Named Reflecting Stem. I like to garden and write stories and am a bit of a tom-girl but who cares? I also am very bad at making introductions. I'm sure you have noticed by now. Want to know what I grow? Check out my profile. Want to see my bad writing? Check my Fimfiction account!
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