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Changeling Neon

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Status Updates posted by Changeling Neon

  1. I need a vacation...

    1. HackTune


      yeah, me too. been having bad luck lately :V

    2. HackTune


      like a streak of bad luck, since saturday

  2. What should I write next? ^-^

    1. Kiri


      A short pony Christmas fic. ^^

    2. Changeling Neon
  3. I need assistance in my game XD Pwease help~

    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      I've had 13 years of experience...

      Let's dance, my friend

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Alright, just need to find my team in Bank.


      What ruleset do you want to use?

    4. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      I just have a low lvl fennekin ._.

  4. Making a voice over. Yay! (Thank u thank u thank u for making me audible Star Struck)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HackTune


      u got a new microphone?

    3. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      XD No hacjtune, I didn't

      I'll post the video as an update

    4. Minty Beam
  5. I hate this feeling of helplessness.

  6. I hate this feeling of helplessness.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Master Intelligence

      Master Intelligence

      Not being able to help or doing anything in a situtation that may be violent or upsetting. Is a very scary feeling......I've went through it alot myself. But more importantly what is wrong? Why do you feel so helpless?......Sometimes it is best to let out your feelings in times like these. It can help emotionally.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I know this feeling all too well.

    4. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      I don't, I can not quite understand it :I

  7. I'm not invincible...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      you'd be surprised

    3. Overlord0909


      All teens are though... Are you one? :o I AM!!! >:D Jumpin' off a bridge right...

      After I go to sleep, live the rest of my life, and die at some point. Then I will!

    4. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      dj I do beluf yoo r invunibl, yew no make me sad yew mak muh happe, u r kuul ans smrt we uf yuu dj dee hol comoonity wavs yew


      (ps I wrote this with my face)

  8. thinking about recording a voiceover...

    1. Night Shadow/Daw
    2. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      i dunno yet...

      Hoping somepony will request something XD

  9. Did anypony know that I have a Hyde as well?

    1. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      I will make art for this

    2. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      I would love to see it

  10. It's been awhile, but I wanna die.

    1. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      I'm with you...

      Ashes to Ashes

      Dust to Dust

    2. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      as a very important person in my life, I can say dj you are an awesome person and I would be extremely sad if you died

  11. Should I pick Riolu or Feniken

    1. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw


      Lucario ftw


  12. I wish I could sing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Changeling Neon
    3. TerminalObsession


      You can, but only if the song is incredibly irritating.

    4. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      Just practice, dude. I couldn't sing for shit when I started but now people say I'm really good :3

  13. Oh man, oh man, I forgot about the Lion King, now My schedule is a Bucked up!

    1. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      *smears fruit juice on yr forehead* you are destined for great things.

    2. Changeling Neon
  14. Recently, my demons have come back to haunt me.

  15. Hai!

    1. Adamgreen


      Hey. It's Saturday

    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      theres also be a masscure in france


      were all on skypw

    3. Changeling Neon
    1. Missklang


      Will you stream anything?


    2. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      I was during lunch, but I'm in class now. After school. I'll definitely be streaming some art. ^^

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