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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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About sleepypony

  • Birthday 1991-02-09

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  • Personal Motto
    if you can't laugh at yourself you shouldn't laugh at others

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. hello again, it's been a while. been dealing with lots of things and been kinda depressed lately. hope every pony else is doing good

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    2. sleepypony


      thanks, I just hate feeling unwanted. and for the most part I'm usually a very happy individual but it's just one of those low days when things just seem to be heart breaking at times.

    3. NOX33


      Been there before, it's like any other day you're happy like a random character in MLP and don't care about the bad things.


      Then there's those moments where you just feel like sooo super down and just feel like left out. But don't worry your not unwanted. Shucks you should draw more!! I love them drawing of yours xD

    4. sleepypony


      thanks I've actually have drawn a couple more drawings sense I've been offline for a while. I feel bad for those that have wanted me to draw things for them, but I kinda needed to draw stuff that I wanted to draw.

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