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Everything posted by Bronium

  1. Skyler almost didn't reply. Almost. I can't stay mad at her. She almost killed herself , can't be a dick to her today. "Sorry Atropa." He couldn't say anything more. Atropa didn't reply back but continued to walk to her room. She's just having a bad day. Probably because of the dick Brenden. Skyler made his way back to his room. Gummi was still not online. I guess she's away today.Sky felt more of a connection with Gummi in comparison to Atropa. Gummi is at least honest about me. He has problems but at least we can talk about it. But not Atropa. She is as cold as ice. He wished he could talk to someone, even if it was to discuss their problems. He needed human connection, even if he tried to say he didn't. He began searching videos on youtube. Nothing much was posted beyond a Let's Play videos. I wish Atropa would just talk to me for once. He sighed. I wish I had friends. I feel so alone... Gummi suddenly was back online. Al right. He began chatting, and wouldn't stop talking till 3:00am the next morning.
  2. Skyler smiled. Only Atropa had called him Sky. He turned around while he waited for Atropa to get dressed. As she sat down next to him he was happier than ever. My sister is back. My sister is fucking back. "I love you..." He couldn't believe it. His sister said she loved him but something was off. Something in her voice. It wasn't love. It wasn't warm. "Stay out of my business..." What?! How...why... Stay out of my business? Skyler was angry. "How the fuck do I stay out of your business when you're fucking trying to kill yourself? What should I just not have saved you and just waited for you to drown?" Skyler couldn't believe what he said. He apologized immediately. "I'm sorry, it's just that. Since fucking Brenden, who wasn't there by the way, came into your life it's like we changed. Tell me what I did wrong. Just tell me." Skyler was close to crying, his whole body shaking from either anger or sadness. Probably both. He heard knocking at the door. He ignored it. He needed to know the truth. It was too late. She had already run off to the door. It's like she doesn't even think I exist sometimes.
  3. "Just trying to make you laugh." Skyler laughed as well. He loved it when Atropa laughs. He hadn't heard her laugh in months. The slight increase in pitch in her voice sounded, the little skips in her laugh. It was lovely. "I just wanted to talk to you about what umm happened to you today." Skyler was a bit nervous. He didn't know how Atropa would react. He used to know her like the back of his hand but now, it was like she was a completely different person. "I mean I completely understand if you want to not talk about it, it's personal and I get it. Just that I haven't talked to you in ages and I feel like we are losing each other. You were my best friend before..." Skyler wasn't about to say Brenden. That name was one he would never say out loud to Atropa, in case she felt nostalgic about her relationship. He quickly responded before she could say anything. "I just want us to be best friends like before. I loved being your friend." Skyler smiled. It was sincere. He had no friends since Atropa left him. He needed someone and Atropa was the only one who understood him.
  4. I feel like such a dick for leaving Atropa at the hospital with mum. I can't believe I did that. And just to see if Gummi was online. The worst thing was that she wasn't. Skyler sighed. He had gone to the the hospital with Atropa but didn't stay, he just wanted to speak with Gummi. It was selfish but he needed her now more than ever. Look at yourself. You're sister cuts herself and you think that you're the one who's hurt. Selfish much? "Maybe I should go talk to her" Skyler said, voicing his thoughts out loud. "I might as well tell her what happened" Skyler made his way into Atropa's room but saw that she wasn't there. He knocked on the door. That was a recent thing too. Knocking on her door. It used to be open but now it was closed forever. He heard no reply. He's heart skipped a beat. Maybe she's... no. She must be doing something else. Skyler opened the door and entered Atropa's room. It was a dark place. Not the lighting, the atmosphere. It was cold and unwelcoming. It was different before Brenden. It was warm and safe. Skyler saw that no one was inside. He sat on Atropa's bed. He'd have to talk to her. He hadn't talked to her in a long time and this disconnection was worrying. He wanted to get to know Atropa again. He wanted things to be like the days before he met Brenden. Skyler sighed, dreaming of the days near the lake where they just talked for hours about nothing in particular. Skyler sat on Atropa's bed till she came back, wishing for the good old days.
  5. Skyler decided that he might as well get out of the house. He didn't want to be around when his step dad came around. He left through the window as usual. He had a safe spot when he was six years old. He would go out with Atropa and lie down on the warm grass and just talk. After Brenden... well that stopped. He made his way out down to the ground. As he walked past Brenden's house to the lake he wondered where Atropa had gone. She wasn't lying near the tree, where he had last saw her. I really hope she didn't go into Brenden's house. He is only going to abuse her like he always does. It didn't really matter much to him though. He had grown distant from Atropa enough that he barely even looked at her. A few minutes later he arrived at the lake, where he noticed that someone had dumped a pile of rubbish near the edge of the lake. You'd think that people would care about the only nice thing in our neighborhood but I guess not. But as he slowly approached the pile of garbage he noticed that the pile of garbage wasn't trash at all. He quickened his pace, fearing the worst. He began running. Indeed his worst fears had come true. What he saw was not trash but his sister. He quickly rushed to her side, noticing the bloody water around her. She cut herself as well. Bloody Brenden. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1. He screamed for them to come along. He pulled Atropa out of the water but noticed that she had many major cuts near on her chest, arms and chest. He quickly removed his t-shirt and ripped it apart and tied the strips of the shirt around the cuts spewing around the cuts the most. He applied pressure the to more severe cuts that he couldn't wrap his t-shirt around and tried to stop the bleeding. He didn't know if this helped or not but he had to do something till the ambulance arrived. I should have picked you up. Brought you home or at least somewhere else. How did I not see this coming? For the smartest boy in my grade I'm pretty fucking stupid. Skyler was an atheist. He knew what he was going to do was useless but he needed comfort. Please just save my sister.
  6. Skyler was in class, daydreaming. He had completed his test and still had 20 minutes left of the period. Should I check over them one last time? Maybe tenth times the charm. Skyler checked over his test for the tenth time. He hadn't found any mistakes. I guess I could leave early. "Hey umm Ms?" "Yes Skyler?" "I've umm finished, can I like leave?" Someone in the class groaned. "No need to show off Skyler" "Are you sure you finished Skyler? This is a pretty important test" She said as she eyed a boy at the back of the room. "Umm, yeah." "Well, just bring it over here and you can take the rest of the period off." "Thanks." Skyler went over to the teachers desk and handed in his paper. He left for home. He had a double free period for the last two periods so he decided he would leave for home. At least BSBFF might be on. Skyler packed his bag and began walking home. He liked leaving early. There were no bullies about. As he walked home he wondered what he would talk to his BSBFF about. He smiled. Talking to his Applejack was the high point of his day. Life seemed pointless without her. Skyler felt a pang of pain in his heart. He didn't want to think of what he would do without her. As he walked home he saw Atropa lying down near a tree. I hope she isn't going to talk to Brenden. Skyler never liked Brenden but he abhorred him after what he did to Atropa. He had changed her. He arrived home but didn't go through the front door. His new step dad may have been around and he didn't want to get punched again. Instead Skyler went around the back of the house and climbed his tree into his room. It was a neat room. It had a small bed ,which felt like a hard floor, and a desk with his computer on it. It wasn't particularly powerful but it was enough to run most high end PC games nowadays. He logged into skype but unfortunately his BSBFF wasn't online. I might as well reply to any new posts on MLP Forums. There were no new notifications. What to do... what to do...
  7. 1) I think that Midnight was bound to lose anyway. She couldn't have predicted that Twilight and the gang could essentially recreate the whole Elements of Harmony.These aren't just something you can just recreate. So the chances that 6 ponies who represented these elements would suddenly join together to defeat her on the very night that she came to be was very unlikely. To her it seemed like she couldn't lose so she didn't need to bother with the ponies. 2)I'm fairly sure that Discord wanted to lose. I mean he literally gave the mane 6 the elements of harmony. They weren't even fake. He was setting himself up to lose and I'm sure he knew it. Heck, I even doubt he was actually made into stone. 3)Lastly Chrysalis... well she was rushed. Even so, I don't think she could have predicted the whole power of love thing. She had beaten Celestia which probably boosted her confidence to the point where she thought she was indeed invincible. So I guess she was like Midnight? Just my take on the villains. And either way, it's a kids show. There is no way the bad guy will win.
  8. There's like 3 people in this thing so far XD! I'm sure that we'll be able to let you join! XD
  9. Skyler was carrying a stack of papers. He liked his Physics teacher and he needed help with his homework anyway. He wasn't doing this to gain the teacher's affection that was for sure. Come on Skyler, this isn't all that bad. I mean all you have to do is help the teacher mark these tests and then you'll ask her that question. It isn't like you're sucking up to her. Then you're off to lunch. That'll be great. Skyler didn't have much to do either way. He didn't have any friends and his slender build was reason enough for bullies to push him around. The grounds was a nightmare for him. He'd rather just do paperwork than risk getting beaten up. As he walked past the office he eyed Atropa. He was going to call out to her but he held his tongue. He wasn't exactly on the best of terms with her. I guess she's in trouble again. Probably for chewing gum or something like that. If only the school knew... Skyler wanted to help her out. He wanted to talk to her and she how she was feeling, but he wondered if that would really help. She had issues and he doubted that a 15 year old brother would come off as anything but whiny. Skyler noticed that someone had walked into his sister. At least he wasn't going to bully her. Bully her? She'd rip them to pieces. "Skyler. Are you coming" Ms. McCraw called out. Skyler hadn't noticed that he stopped moving. I hope they aren't too hard on her he thought as he began walking, continuing past the office. Skyler followed Ms. McCraw to her office and began working on the tests. He already knew the answers so it wasn't like he needed the answer sheet but he liked to reference at it to see if he had made any mistakes. Naturally he hadn't. In truth he was simply stalling for time, willing the clock to turn it's second hand faster. He didn't want to go outside. It was not safe outside.
  10. Just finished my new OC. Don't feel like I properly finished him. Might write a bit more about him. :)

  11. Hey guys. I got permission to be Lola's brother, so yep Also can someone approach me and be my friend in this RP? I'm going to be in grade 9 and most of you probably will be in Year 10 with Atropa. I just want one friend. I can't handle more than one lol. Oh here's my character Skyler. I'll add my image later.
  12. Skyler Lemont
  13. I love Gummi. Mentioning of Gummi makes this the best status ever :3 *hugs Gummi*

  14. I might not be here for Gummi's Birthday :( Happy Birthday anywayz :)

  15. "Huh?" Shorn heard a mare speaking to him. Respect? What does Eris see in me? "I don't really know, and particularly don't care. He's a nice col-" Mr. Woods suddenly teleported near Shorn. "Ahh, Eris. Great student, but how does he relate to boiling water?" "He umm doesn't...it was just that we learn about boiling water as kids sir and-" "You learn how to boil water but not the science behind it." "Well, there isn't that much science behind it either way. Water is a very polarized molecule which has a strong intermolecular force between it's molecules. We are simply providing energy from our magic and breaking those bonds. Really basic stuff, especially considering we aren't actually breaking the covalent molecules." "Well, since you seem so knowledgeable about boiling water, would you care to demonstrate such an act?" "Well...ummm...yeah, I guess." Shorn arrived at a beaker of water, filled to around 100ml. He focused his magic to the area of his horn. He started providing high amounts of thermal energy to the flasks. After a minute or so the water started to boil, steam visibly rising from the beaker. "Very good Mr. Horn. You may sit down." Phew, at least the students know that I'm not incapable of magic. Even so, the conversation steered back to him and Eris. "So how do you know Eris?" "Umm. I'm his roommate." The mares in the room let out an audible shriek of glee. "You must be soooo lucky to have him as your roommate. It must be amazing to have him as your roommate." Shorn was not accustomed to all this attention and wanted to direct it away from him. "Well, it certainly is a different experience. You guys should probably start writing." He proceeded to ignore all the mare's questions about Eris. He began to draw MLH characters. He wasn't very good at them, but he tried his best. I wonder if there are any new posts to Candy Shop of Horrors. I'll reference MLH by writing about a show called... I got it My Little Pony. That'll be great. I love MLH. (This is great. I referenced MLP and now I have a MLP reference in my MLP reference!)
  16. Shorn smiled a bit. He'd stop crying the moment he arrived at the small room, being with Roxy made him more than happy. "Thanks Roxy, and by the way I don't think that Eris was trying to be mean. I think...he was trying to help me." Eris not being a total douchebag for once? That's new. "Even if he does have a strange way of doing it. I probably should get back to class... I don't mean to be rude...I just don't talk to ponies that much." Shorn quickly ran off. He entered his classroom and found a seat. He ignored the professor. It was an introduction to an introduction to magic. Wasn't too important. He spent the rest of the class daydreaming about Roxy. (OOC: You guys can interrupt my day dreaming btw.)
  17. Shorn was running for his life. Time was of the essence. A second could be the difference between him living his days in a trash bin or a castle. Gosh. I'm late for my first day of class. MLH Forums sure is addictive. Shorn finally arrived at his classroom and entered. "Ahh, finally Mr. Horn. We've been waiting for you. We can finally start class." "I-I-I'm sorry, Mr.Woods" "Oh, we got him good" the teacher said to the class. "Wha-what?" "Don't worry, I always do this to the last pony to arrive to class. You're fine." "Oh. " Shorn chuckled nervously. He may be embarrassed but at least he wasn't in trouble. "Take a seat Mr. Horn. By the way, call me Woodsie, everyone does." He heard snickering. "Does my name amuse you fellas at the back?" Eyeing the two Ponies at the back. "Umm, no...it's nothing" "Oh come on, just spit it out. I'm sure the whole class would love to know what you guys are discussing. It surely must be related to Magic 101." "It's nothing... just that the new guy doesn't have a horn" Buck. They noticed. "I was just thinking that...well...you need a horn to do...well...Magic" "Well...I do have a horn.Ummm" Shorn brushed aside his mane and revealed his horn barely two inches long. The whole class started laughing. "Look at that!" "That's barely an inch. It's barely visible." "What can you even do with that?" Shorn was on the verge of tears. And here I thought everyone was going to be mature about this. This is going to be the worst four years of my life. (OOC: MLH is My Little Human. Great show. You should try it sometime. )
  18. Also happy Birthday Swit Swat. Beatles Fan I see? Love em'

  19. Buck it. I'm just going to use my IRL teachers names lol. Also I keep forgetting that we are not supposed to swear out loud lol.

  20. Guys. I need help deciding a name for a Male Magic Teacher. Any suggestions?

  21. I got no idea what Uni is like XD. Sorry for the inaccurate representation of it lol. I haven't posted in agesssss. I only have these 3 liners lol.
  22. I'm going to sleep now. *Yawn* Good night guys :D !

  23. Lola's sleeping. I have no reason to be online. That's right I'm a 15 year stalker. Gotta problem with it? You don't. D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bronium


      Imma jump on your back naow. :3 "meow". I'm a tiger. :3

    3. Bronium


      Why can't I sleep. :( Too many people reply to my status! Keep on replying. I can procrastinate more. :3. BUT I STIL WANT FOR ME TO BE ONLINE (Think This Day Aria)

    4. Aureity


      Have no idea what an Aria is, but alright.

  24. Gah! What to post, what to post.... I have no idea. Maybe an inner monologue? What to do... Ohhh I know anyone want to do something together? We could eat some cupcakes at the Ca... I'm probably fired aren't I?
  25. Happy Birthday Vinyl Scratch, Scout is dj bonk,Azarad,DJ_PON-3,MakaSpaka,xbluepony and nights shadow. GAWD SO MANY BIRTHDAYS!

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