"Huh?" Shorn heard a mare speaking to him.
Respect? What does Eris see in me?
"I don't really know, and particularly don't care. He's a nice col-"
Mr. Woods suddenly teleported near Shorn. "Ahh, Eris. Great student, but how does he relate to boiling water?"
"He umm doesn't...it was just that we learn about boiling water as kids sir and-"
"You learn how to boil water but not the science behind it."
"Well, there isn't that much science behind it either way. Water is a very polarized molecule which has a strong intermolecular force between it's molecules. We are simply providing energy from our magic and breaking those bonds. Really basic stuff, especially considering we aren't actually breaking the covalent molecules."
"Well, since you seem so knowledgeable about boiling water, would you care to demonstrate such an act?"
"Well...ummm...yeah, I guess."
Shorn arrived at a beaker of water, filled to around 100ml. He focused his magic to the area of his horn. He started providing high amounts of thermal energy to the flasks. After a minute or so the water started to boil, steam visibly rising from the beaker.
"Very good Mr. Horn. You may sit down."
Phew, at least the students know that I'm not incapable of magic. Even so, the conversation steered back to him and Eris.
"So how do you know Eris?"
"Umm. I'm his roommate." The mares in the room let out an audible shriek of glee.
"You must be soooo lucky to have him as your roommate. It must be amazing to have him as your roommate."
Shorn was not accustomed to all this attention and wanted to direct it away from him.
"Well, it certainly is a different experience. You guys should probably start writing."
He proceeded to ignore all the mare's questions about Eris. He began to draw MLH characters. He wasn't very good at them, but he tried his best.
I wonder if there are any new posts to Candy Shop of Horrors. I'll reference MLH by writing about a show called... I got it My Little Pony. That'll be great. I love MLH.
(This is great. I referenced MLP and now I have a MLP reference in my MLP reference!)