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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bronium

  1. OMG! DustyKatt is totaly right. When RD was doing the sonic rainboom she was going against gravity... WHAT THE FUUUU

    1. Typhoid Libby

      Typhoid Libby

      You do realize that when you jump you go against the gravity?

    2. Bronium


      Yes but what I cam to realized was that RD needs to now expend more energy to reach the required speed for a sonic boom and she did it like it ain't no thing. And that remark hurt. :( I do physics in school ya know.

    3. Typhoid Libby

      Typhoid Libby

      That's power to weight ratio, and has pretty much nothing to do with gravity.

      (Or thrust to weight since it's aerodynamics.)

      No-one has ever weighted a pegasus, but they seem to be lighter than clouds, there does not even need to be that much of thrust to get to those speeds.


      Pegasi must resolve tens of thousands of extremely complex aerodynamic equations in milliseconds to be able to hover and they still can continue talk, now THAT'S impressive.

  2. I fully expected Discord to be at 100%. I mean who thought that people on the internet had differences opinions to those of mine? Absolutely crazy. Ah but bronies prove me wrong once again. Now for why Discord is best pony:- 1) He has these roundabout and just fun ways of going about his chaos. He doesn't just change the Mane 6, because he can, but he actually goes through the process of letting the Mane 6 change themselves, which actually revealed more about the Mane 6 themselves. He made Applejack realize that lies can provide comfort which made her lie. Rarity was found to be indeed greedy, unable to give away Tom. Pinkie Pie was very insecure about herself and needs others to like her. Discord used this to his advantage. Rainbow Dash was shown to be not truly be loyal to her friends and that they weren't their priority. Twilight lost hope in her friends, and slowly too, and thus lost her element as well. With no real interference from Discord. I could go on and on but alas I have to go to school. Discord was the most fleshed out character and that's probably why I like him so much. (I just realized I have never seen bullet points on the forums). Does anypony use them?
  3. @Tich I'll put all my followed content on Daily Digest and report about it tomorrow. It'll be funny if this was indeed exactly what I'm looking for.
  4. @Auretias Yeah, I do follow and that's the problem. I get too many updates from some topics w/ hundreds of posts. @NASCARFAN160 Tich's post is probably meant for you. @Tich That's a good idea. I'll try it but what does it mean by daily digests? Is it like all the messages about posts sent to you in a daily message?
  5. I have that box ticked off. The Notification method to use for replies to followed topics oneOr do you mean the "Follow this topic" box at the top? I do both either way.
  6. You didn't like Love is in Bloom? I loved that song. Don't get me wrong. I loved the other two more, especially BBBFF for own reasons but I thought it was fantastic. It really had this cheery vibe to it and was a great finish for the season. I
  7. Right now I'm following quite a few roleplay topics that gets a lot of posts in a span of a few hours. More often than not, I arrive from school with around 60-70 notifications and it does get rather annoying. I was just wondering if there was a notification setting that could give me a single notification saying something along the lines of - " X amount of posts have been added to ." Then I could just click the link and it take me to my last read post. This would leave me with <15 notifications and would make my notifications folder much more organized. I know that I can always customize my notification settings, I have no idea which ones to check off though which will give me this desired setting, nor do I know if this is possible. This isn't something that's too urgent just a general question. I know I could always simple disable:- Notification method to use for replies to followed topics and simply just check all my topics and this isn't beyond me but I just want a shortcut so I can easily check all my followed topics. Just wanted to know. Not really asking for any site changes btw.
  8. I got a severe writer's block guys. You guys can take control of Skyler for now. I probably won't be posting for a few days. Sorry. Continue the story as you want.
  9. 1000 POSTS ON NEW LIFE. Oh well. Have fun in there you guyz

  10. Right now? But nowadays I normally listen to Love is in Bloom Right now? But nowadays I normally listen to Love is in Bloom
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liR9bW5hm2c This girl the totally opposite of Gummi. <3
    1. Vicke


      Oh god my ears. Horrible!

    2. Future Allie Way

      Future Allie Way

      Vicke please, stop browsing the forums while you're drunk.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=LRt2jX1kaYo Yeah sure Fredie. I got the best person for you. Her name is Gummi. Love you. <3i
  13. Skyler heard his mobile ring. It was Atropa... "Hello?" Atropa explained her situation. "Atropa...I can't." It broke Skyler's heart to say it. "There is some stuff that I can't let anybody know and Sarah knows what that "stuff" is." "I'm sorry, but... it's either me...or you...Listen I'm coming over there. I need to tell you this in person." With that Skyler hung up and began to walk to the police station.
  14. "Now you stay safe now," said the nurse "Don't hurt that arm of yours." "Thanks, uhh, I'll stay safe" Skyler began to walk home, thinking of what he would be doing next. I can't betray my sister, Greg was a monster and he deserved what he got. I got to stay calm, there is no way she can go to jail for life. He arrived at his backyard, but to his surprise, found Sarah there. "What are you doing here Sarah?" Sky asked through gritted teeth. "I just want to know what you'll do." "I-I-I haven't decided yet" "Well come with me into the house, you don't need to climb this tree considering Greg is here." She knew? Well, it wasn't exactly hard to find out. Skyler followed his mother and entered the kitchen. "Listen, I don't want anything to get out of hand. You little secret no will know." "I-I won't betray Atropa." "What's it to you? She's has been nothing but pain for you." "It's because of Brenden." Skyler looked away. He couldn't stand to look at her eyes. "So what? She knows that Brenden doesn't care for her but she needs that. She needs abuse. She will never change. She will never be your sister again." "How do you know that?" "Because I'm not delusional." Skyler stood there, she was right. As much as he didn't want to believe it, she was right. "So here is the deal, you tell the truth, your life will be ruined. On the other you lie, and nothing changes." Skyler felt like he was going to die. "You are a crazy boy," Sarah said with a smile. "I have to congratulate you though. You still haven't cracked after 8 hours. I applaud you." "I'll do it." "What was that?" "I will fucking do it, you bitch" “8 hours and 13 minutes.”
  15. BSBFF is the saddest song in the finale :*(. I tear up a bit when I listen to it.

    1. WTFisupwithyouguys


      Sometimes I get misty eyed when I listen to Gotye. I've never cryed at a pony song though.

    2. MachineGunLola


      I got super sad when that song played too. :x I wouldn't admit it to just anyone but I almost cried.

  16. BBBFF has a special place in my heart. I could relate so much. I immediately fell in love with it and listening to the song makes me want to call my BSBFF. :*(
  17. Ehh? What am I searching for? A friend? 'Cause now I have 3 2 IRL and MachineGunLola! I'm pretty much obsessed over her so that's my entry.
  18. Guys! Should I but Prototype 2? It looks pretty fun and I enjoyed the 1st one. Or any other good games coming out soon or is there something I should buy now?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Typhoid Libby

      Typhoid Libby

      'Tis was a poem for thee, not an reference, my dear boy.

    3. Bronium


      It...was...amazing. You are one hell of a writer. That was truly amazing. I WANT MOAR


    4. Typhoid Libby
  19. Guys does "How would you change the Finale go under Episode discussion or Show discussion? Medic: I HAVE NO IDEA!

  20. Let's face it. "The Royal Wedding" was far from perfect. Still a great episode but not as good as other episodes. So how would you change the episode and why? You can change the whole episode if you want or just change the smallest detail it's up to you. 1) I would have removed a few scenes that I felt unnecessary to the whole episode such as the bridesmaids attacking Cadace and Twilight. 2) I was really looking forward to the fight scene. It looked like it was going to be fantastic, but they just recycled what was essentially 6 pictures. Now hear me out here. I felt that all my favorite episodes had this one amazing scene or had multiple great scenes. Like the whole training montage with Fluttershy or the craziness of Twilight in Lesson Zero but the wedding had no memorable scenes. I think that the fight scene could have been a lot better but again, the animators were probably stripped for time. 3) Now the real issue with me is probably the ending. It felt so corny. Now I'm not saying that I could have done it better, I can't even think of an ending right now, but they are professionals, I even heard one of the writers say about how MLP was about the story and the writing and to see that sorry ending, well I'm just annoyed. 4) The episode was quite centered around Twilight and I felt that it should have focused on the whole Mane 6, like "The Best Night Ever". This is not about any particular pony in general *coughfluttershycough* but they could have gave them more speaking parts. The ending gave the impression of "Twilight and friends" whereas it was really about "The Adventures of the Mane 6". The whole team had an extremely talented cast and it seemed just wasteful not to fully utilize them. This is why I would change it. Hasbro really marketed the episode and I'm quite certain that at least a few non-bronies would have watched the finale. The whole episode is the opposite of the series. The episode felt like a Disney Princess movie (not hating) while other episodes felt like a Pixar Experience, with their great writing. Many of the non-bronies who were getting the first impressions will probably brush of the series as girly, because lets face it, it was. (Not saying girly is bad btw). I got no good ideas on how to change the ending but I bet all the writers on the Forums will probably think of something.
  21. Wow, 15% that's actually pretty close. Oh and I'm right handed though I do you my left for closing Chrome when I'm... doing stuff.
  22. ... It hasn't even been a month since I joined the Forums... It feels like years. Golly

  23. I was watching the Episode yesterday. Season 1 Finale was a better episode than the Season 2 Finale but Season 2 was a better finale.

    1. Miles Rarity Edgeworth

      Miles Rarity Edgeworth


      isnt it FEIDO?

    2. Jokuc


      :o I thought it was Play-d0h!
  25. I hate tonight. Probably the worst night of my life.

    1. MrJK


      What happened? :C


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