Greeting Swordfishtrombone, indeed you are a strange creature and I humbly and you present yourself for inspection and examination to My Little Lab for some, how should I say, illegal experiments.(Assuming that you are indeed a swordfish fused with a trombone, if not please disregard this text.)
Indeed, it is going well. Thank you for asking me. May I ask "How is your day, Swordfishtrombone.
In response towards your question, I find myself to enjoy the company of the pony named Fluttershy.Indeed the most polite pony, her quiet demeanor is quiet lovely. If you are referring to an episode of the documentary that is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I particularly appreciated the 3rd episode of the second season where Twilight shows some signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I found that to be most fascinating and found that I could also very well understand her need to bow down to a great and powerful master, be it robot or alicorn tyrant.