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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bronium

  1. Sorry guys, this was meant to half joke/half serious kind of post. The statistics are made up, but I was just outing my opinions. I mean I felt that it just makes it easier for me at least. I'm not asking for a site overhaul. It's pretty late at night and I'm not really thinking properly. Also it's just scopes talking there and not me. I just meant it as an option like a filter of sorts(with a button) just switching the way one views the info. The stats are meant for comedic purposes and I thought it was implied when I said "My Little Labs"
  2. My character is this one: http://mlpforums.com...-telescope-r123 Note: I do not posses the portal gun at the current time. Pinkie's Clone Army is too powerful! I shall try to provide comic relief in times of great pain and great sorrow. All I want is a mule or two for my testing Their sudden uprising is all too surprising considering their lack of resistance the past 3 years I have lived in Equestria. Also I request a meeting with Princess V4641 Sagittarii.
  3. I think the viewing the topics makes it hard for new content to be read. Further studies in My Little Lab have shown that posting the 1st page provides context and basic information to the viewer and subsequent posts should be viewed newest to oldest would give newer posts more chances to be read, more often than not, it has been concluded, that a pony will walk away from a topic after around 10 pages.
  4. Granted, but you are eternally covered in mud as he is too splashy. I wish I met the princess who represented the closest Black Hole to Earth (V4641 Sgr)
  5. and experimental robots abusing neurotoxins
  6. Scopes Van Telescope
  7. Hey Guys, I found some info that might shed light on the the whole physics thing. "There has been some editing in the whole documentary, for example when you seen Big Macintosh pulling the house, later analysis and eye witness accounts showed that, the so called house was in fact a 2D prop for a movie set and to emphasize male empowerment (which is speculation) made the house look 3D." Also on the cake fiasco:- "Waterboarding techniques used on Pinkie Pie, a real threat to equestrian security, have PROVEN beyond doubt that Pinkie Pie herself had eaten all the desserts." -Fox News
  8. I know I have seen that pony that is flying upside down before. I just know it! I find that characteristic to be rather amusing though and I must bring you into My Little Lab for testing.
  9. Bronium

    Ask Luna

    Dearest Princess Luna, I, and I speak for the scientific community of all ponies, am intrigued by your lack of resentment towards Princess Celestia for banishing you to the moon. Why do you bear no grudge. True you may have been evil but you were TRAPPED ON THE MOON FOR A THOUSAND YEARS!!!! I had been trapped in a laboratory since I was a young colt and have been tortured by a robot so I destroyed her. Twice and then I destroyed a dumber robot and sent him to space. (Do you see where I'm going here?) My main question is would you banish Celestia to the Sun and are there any Black (A)Hole Princesses.
  10. Bronium


    Greeting Swordfishtrombone, indeed you are a strange creature and I humbly and you present yourself for inspection and examination to My Little Lab for some, how should I say, illegal experiments.(Assuming that you are indeed a swordfish fused with a trombone, if not please disregard this text.) Indeed, it is going well. Thank you for asking me. May I ask "How is your day, Swordfishtrombone. In response towards your question, I find myself to enjoy the company of the pony named Fluttershy.Indeed the most polite pony, her quiet demeanor is quiet lovely. If you are referring to an episode of the documentary that is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I particularly appreciated the 3rd episode of the second season where Twilight shows some signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I found that to be most fascinating and found that I could also very well understand her need to bow down to a great and powerful master, be it robot or alicorn tyrant.
  11. Rational: I would sacrifice my life for science as you may or may not know and therefore take the more terrible, less tread route as no one would take even possibly consider the choice taken into consideration the pain and suffering they would have to go through. Answer: Michelle Bachman's voice may kill me in the first thirty seconds but I will use that time to note and record the pain of her in hopes of furthering scientific goals. Questions: Option 1)Would you go through the pain and suffering of entering a black hole assuming that you would survive and be able to live once back on solid equestrian soil? Option 2) Would you go to Equestria for merely 30 minutes and come back forever in knowledge that utopia was once reached but is beyond reach ever again. Please note that you are constantly documenting the dynamic physics and primarily observing our subject pinkie pie ( ) Image included.
  12. Bronium


    " I'm just an average pony living an average pony life looking to live a nice quiet existence, under a starry night." -Scopes, the pony with his sights set on other princesses in the sky. Not really know why I joined nor what I want to do. It's just an impulse decision. Any direction would be helpful. If you want to get a sense of my lack of direction, think Skyrim after the story. Well here is myself laid bare:- Interests- Scientific pursuits such as science. Princesses ( specifically those in SPAAAAAAAACEEEE) The documentary created for "humans" called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Discord (Such a fascinating creature) Dislikes- Those denying the existence of talking ponies and pegasi and unicorns. "If you know what I mean" meme. I do not know what they mean. :l Hoping to get to know everypony around this part of town and making a meaningful contribution to and FOR SCIENCE!
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