Hermes squealed in delight. "Amazing. Those moments when I was dead, was just so different. I was everywhere and anything, yet nowhere and nothing. I felt as the world revolved around me but the world was not touched by me. Truly fantastical. You, my dear Shorn, is one of the most talented ponies I have ever met."
Everypony was in shock. Nopony had been raised from the dead, not even Celestia has been seen to do that.
"You really had me worried there Shorn, I had thought you weren't able to revive me and I was forever going to have gone out with an arrow to the head. That really wasn't what I was going for. I was always more of Died saving the life of another pony in the ER." Hermes laughed a laugh that seemed to make light of his recent departure.
Shorn, now free from the officer, who were simultaneously scratching their manes.
"Me too, and phew was I relieved when I felt that tingling in my horn"
Shorn smiled nervously.
"So I was thinking, maybe you unleash your true power only when your friends are in danger."
"Actually...this is a little embarrassing but I only really felt a tingle when I was scared that my life was ruined."
"Really?" Said Hermes stroking his beard "It's not as heroic as I'd like it to be but you can't argue with evidence."
Hermes laughed. Shorn laughed as well, in retrospect, it was pretty funny. Him having a career in a selfless profession but his most impressive skill was based on a selfish act."
"Well, I was nice meeting you again Shorn, but I'd better get going. You know, probably stop everypony from from going crazy over me"
"Huh yeah." Shorn said. So this must be how Lovely feels around someone great and respected and to be so close to him, it's just amazing.
Shorn walked to his bedroom occasionally being stopped by the security who hadn't been informed of Hermes recent resurrection. Shorn eventually reached his dorm room.
Damn, I'm puckered after that whole fiasco. Shorn eyed his bed. It looked better than ever. Shorn faceplanted into the bed, it goes without saying, face first. I'll just take a nice long nap. Shorn thought as he dozed off.
(OOC: Not asleep just wanted to bring Eris in)