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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bronium

  1. Yes, but the concept of slowing down time to a grinding halt, where you can do anything you want is at least slightly OP. Think about. You could change the world if you could stop time for 30 seconds. You could finally be on time for work . While I'm not going to tell you to remove the clock thing, I'd recommend some serious disabilities on your pony. Something that makes your time spell weaker. Something like: 1) Can only use if your horn warrants it. Of course you have control of your horn, but still I'd recommend it cause it allows your character to be less OP. 2) Only use it on bad guys or when the situation really needs it. 3) Since you have a girlfriend(Lovely) your horn isn't working as well as your emotions are conflicted. Just a few suggestions. 1 is also kinda canon as Rarity's horn can make choices for itself.
  2. I think the real problem is the fact you are OP. We aren't saying that you will abuse it but it would seem illogical and upset the whole RP if you somehow can save a pony's life with your power but because you don't wanna abuse it you choose not to. You seem to have full control of your ability whereas my special talent is very dependent on my emotions. Not hatin' just clarifying Aurety's point.
  3. I just read that Season 3 only has 13 episodes in current production but they will make more during the season. Phew you worried me for a second Hasbro

    1. WhiteLightning


      Thank Celestia. Link plz?

    2. Bronium


      It's actually on the Forums actually, http://mlpforums.com/topic/14338-there-may-be-more-episodes-in-season-3/

      It's still speculation but the bronies make sense.

  4. No notifications. Me sad

    1. Doctor XFizzle
    2. Bronium


      :3 But no roleplay notifications yet :(


    3. ponyvangelist


      This is to inform you that you have no new notifications at this time. :-P

  5. Guys! Guys! Coconeru made an awesome ringtone. http://www.mediafire.com/?292059eod0ddr7i. Everyone download it now! #Coconeru 2012. I hope that the Mods don't think that this is advertising lol

  6. Shorn stopped studying. He really liked his subjects and his schoolwork but The Academy, while a place of learning and knowledge, was also a place of excitement and fun. I really have to socialize more, I need a few friends and I think Roxy had joined The Academy. I'll ask administration as to what room she's at. Shorn made his way to the administration section. "Look hun, I told you. You can't switch rooms." "I know, I know. I just wanted to ask you where my friends dorm is. Her name is Roxy." "Let me check. Ummm, Roxy ehhh... the new Alicorn, is that right?" "Umm, yeah that's her" "F-795, do you need directions?" "No that's fine. I got a map see?" Shorn raised his map. "Next please." Shorn eventually made his way to F-795. He looked at the nameplates to see if he indeed at Roxy's room. Electra and Roxy. That's the right one. Shorn knocked at the door. He waited a few seconds and he heard a door unlocking. Ahh, good ol' magic. No Earth or Pegasus pony can rob us.The door opened and to Shorn's surprise, hit him on the nose. Of course, had Shorn not been surprised, Shorn wouldn't have been hit, but her was surprised so he was hit. "Oh shoot, sorry Shorn." "Your fine Roxy, no need to panic. I'm a medicinal pony after all." Shorn quickly healed the bruise on his nose. "Well come on in I guess" "Thanks" Shorn made his way in. He was surprised at how decorated the room was. Photos, posters you name it and he;s got it. OK, not always but most of the time she's got it. He saw that she had PonyPage open. "Hey PonyPage. I always hear about it. I never had any use for it because I never had any friends but now...I guess I could use it." Shorn smiled a smile asking if they were friends. Roxy smiled back. A smile that said yes. (Awww come on Roxy. Don't be so depressing )
  7. Watching the Office. I miss Steve Carrell

    1. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy


  8. Scopes went back to his room to pack his sack and get back to his cave. There really wasn't much for him to pack. In fact...there was nothing to pack...Why am I here? I really had nothing to tie me down here I guess. And who were you kidding Demon #3? I can't believe you thought that Honey was falling for me. Come on, she was on joking right? We Frenchmen always just randomly kiss other Frenchmen. What about Frenchwomen? Oh no, that's just gross. Scopes began to sob a bit. Oh come on man. You always do this. I just have something in my eye. A lot of something in my eye. Scopes ears were perked up. Sheesh Cloud and Lovely are coming inside. I better teleport out of here. And with that Scopes teleported out of the room, into the rain. "Well off to the library I go." (Before you guys say it I HAVE NO IDEA!
  9. Scopes was in shock. Fear had kissed Honey but then Honey...kissed him back. And it was real. "I-I got to go somewhere." "Yeah sure" said Honey Wow, just wow. You'd think Honey was more of this quiet mare but nope. Full on meanie. She must have been eyeing Fear all this time. Scopes sighed. My cave sounds really nice right now. I really hope the bear is away. Oh don't be so stupid Scopes, go and kiss Honey. Don't be a stupid Frenchman Demon #3. If I kiss Honey, she'll go all ewwww. But Fear could do it. Yeah but Fear is like this bucking attractive stallion and I'm just this loner. I really can't stand this. Scopes walked off. To even make matters worse it was raining. Great, my life has just been switched upside down. What next everyone starts kissing everyone? I wonder if there are any new books at the library. Books made him happy.
  10. OOC: I try to save your life and you're like ewww and Fear goes ahead and kisses you and you're like yay! What has this world come to?)
  11. "I'm fine. Eris isn't the nicest pony in the world is he?" Shorn said laughing. "Did he punch you or?" "No,no he just he me in the face with the door" "Are you ok?" "I'm fine,really" "Oh, that's nice"
  12. "Listen, that mare very well-" but before Shorn could finish, he was talking to a door. Shorn quickly healed himself and removed the blood. "God that dick. This is just insulting." He opened the door but could not find anypony anywhere. And there I was trying to be nice to the guy. Huh, he's way beyond redemption. If he's on the ER table maybe I'll let him di-. No Shorn you are under an oath to always save the guy. Celestia to hell. "Well, I better go start studying studying." And Shorn went to his desk. He had already read the books twice through but a third couldn't hurt? "I wonder what I should I start with. There's always my favorite Primary Spells that Any Medicinal Pony should Know but he was secretly getting addicted to the Most Amazing ER stories Ever told. It wasn't a book that was required but I certainly was a fascinating read. Mostly because it was all about Hermes. With that he opened his book and lost himself in it.
  13. Scopes went downstairs and saw Honey. "Honey!" he exclaimed as he ran straight at her. "Oh umm, Scopes how was you s-" Honey tried to ask. She couldn't though. I thought the dash might have implied it but someponies need everypony to tell them everything I guess. "I've missed you," cried Scopes "I haven't seen you in at least 7 hours. This is amazing. Imagine the odds of meeting you after all this time. It must be like 0.9675 rounded to the 4th significant point" "Ummm,yeah I guess" "Don't you like me Honey, you aren't that surprised to see me?" Scopes said on the verge of tears. His new trademark. "No, it's just. I'm-I dunno. Midnight is kind of sad and I was just going to help him." "Ohh, well then let's help him Scopes said smiling suddenly light heated and serious. (BTW: Scopes mode is trademarked and my demon is a french guy. XD)
  14. Shorn was awoken by the noise Eris and some mare were making. "Oh come on, now you're just doing this to annoy me," said Shorn trying to go back to sleep. Shorn suddenly got up. "Eris, what are you doing to that mare! I can't believe this." "Oh shut up Shorn, she knows she'll like it" "Is this what you do to every filly you meet? Rape them. Think about what you're doing Eris. You might regret it." The bed stopped bouncing. Eris pushed the mare of his bed but Shorn caught her before any real damage was done. "Don't worry" Shorn whispered into her ear "It'll be okay, using some basic healing magic to heal the blows near her hooves. "We'll just walk out of here quietly and we won't need to speak of this again, I'm sure Eris is just...tired today" "I don't know why he was doing that, I thought he was joking me when he put me on his bunk...but then he-. Listen thanks for saving me and all. It's unfortunate that you got bunked with him." "You don't the half of it" Shorn said laughing. Electra laughed as well and walked off, a slight tremble in her hooves but otherwise fine. She was almost raped I guess. Wow, today has been just wow.Then he remembered Eris. "Oh shit, what the hell Eris. Why on Earth would you do such a thing to a mare, a new mare by the looks of it. If you want to get back at me next time, make sure it's something that won't get you 25 in jail." "Shut up"
  15. Scopes could not sleep. Every single second last night it was like Cloud and Lovely were fighting Bump,bump,bump jeez, couldn't they fight somewhere else. Scopes was going to complain but the door was locked. I really hope that Lovely is ok. "Hey Lovely, are you alright?" "More than Alright!" Wow, she must be really buff taking down a pony like Cloud. I should see if he's ok. "Hey...ummm cloud,buddy are you alright?" "Ughh,Ughh" Wow, Lovely must be really,rally buff. They're probably play fighting. Oh those two. The chemistry between them will obviously lead to a kiss and it's all thanks to you. Scopes smiled at his matchmaking skills. I am certainly one awesome pony. As Scopes went downstairs he saw something...horrible. Midnight was touching...Electro. "OH MY CELESTIA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING.Don't you know GAY PONIES ARE PONIES IN TARTURUS. At least that was what the ponies in my community always said." They didn't seem to hear him. I swear my demons don't like me. And by the way Demon #3 what is this France, you keep on talking about it,like you think it's a real place but I have never heard of such a place. (YES FINALLY MIDNIGHTXELECTRO ALSO CALLED IT! Also I'm not homophobic, just Scopes. Love and Tolerate
  16. Hey Electro so are you gonna go MinightXElectro. We all voted that would be amazing. Also, that ain't nothing. I've once had like 135 notifications bro.
  17. "Well, then let me set a few rules for you" Shorn said strangely out of character.There is something in this pony that brings out the worst in me. "One: I would never talk to you. You probably don't even understand what the Dispersion forces are. My words will be simply lost upon your simplistic mind. It's quite funny actually. The fact that they let a child into The Academy. Two: Your friends are probably babbling idiots who don't know what's the different between Chaos and Order. The fact that they fawn over you is a testament to that fact." Eris gave of his arrogant smile. Nevertheless Shorn continued. "Three: Don't stand in my way, it hurts to just look at your posture, your shape, your mane. Clearly somepony hasn't seen Rarity in sometime. Four: Your friends are even more insignificant that you. I would need to crane my neck down, just to look at their ugly mugs. Finally, if there's a sock on my door, well let's say you ponies would be bucking in front of the building." Now if you would get the buck out of the way, I have to complain about my current status of my accommodations. It seems like a cancer seems to be currently occupying the room. Shorn, pleased with his little lecture, walked to the administration office and asked if there was anyway to change rooms. "I'm sorry hun', but we can't. Every room in the campus is being occupied as of this moment." "Well surely, I could just switch with somepony, right?" "Sorry hun', but the administrative nightmares that might cause is not worth the risk. Everypony will be switching rooms and we cannot satisfy one student if it's not worth the trouble and effort." "But you don't understan-" "We get the same complaints everyday, what makes you think your special?" The pony said slightly irked by Shorn's persistence in the matter. "Fine. I'll bunk with Eris." "I don't see why you're complaining. The boy's a lovely young man. An upstanding citizen." Shorn couldn't care less, grumbling to himself as he walked off. He entered his room and climbed into his bed. I really need to get some rest. I've been acting really weird lately. It'll probably get better once I have a nap. (OOC:Once again,not sleeping,just away from the comp for a bit)
  18. Refreshing. Nopony is posting. :(

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Crazy Misty

      Crazy Misty

      Washing clothes is akin to rape in equestria

    3. Aureity


      Uh huh >_>

      *poker face*

    4. Bronium


      The nervous look is my poker face and also, today has been a really weird day.

  19. Shorn was annoyed. A stupid male pony was interrupting his sleep. "Listen you, I just saved a man's life so " Shorn had just opened his eyes and saw Eris. Did they really have to room me with Eris. This is bucking impossible. It's ok Shorn. Take in deep breaths, one-two-one-two-one-two. Suddenly it all made sense. The dozens of photos of Eris, the trophies it just connected. He wasn't sharing a room with a mare, he was sharing a room with the blasted pony himself. Shorn couldn't believe it. I have to bunk with this douche and did he really can himself the King? Wow, that is fantastic, I gotta tell Roxy... Oh shit! I forgot to call Roxy, Shorn immediately picked up his phone and dialed...no number. He hadn't picked her number up when he had met her. Stupid. You are the dumbest pony ever. That is the first thing you do when you meet a mare is get her number. That's what my dad says at least. Shorn remembered Eris. This has to be a mistake. This has to be an administration error. Shorn stood up and began running for the door, but he accidentally barged into Eris. Considering that Shorn was actually taller than Eris, Shorn knocked over Eris. "Jeez, Spaz pony, get off me" Shorn quickly jumped to the side and tried to run off again. But Eris wasn't letting him get away so easily. "Slow down there, Spaz Pony, I gotta talk with you." Crap.
  20. That damn laugh! When Coconeru finished the This Day. PERFECTION!

  21. Bro, I'm always like a hundred posts late when I wake up, 20 posts ain't anything and I'm friggin OP. If any pony dies, I can just resurrect them, but to only the last few moments when they were healthy so, if it is a self inflicted disease, I'm sorry.
  22. Hermes squealed in delight. "Amazing. Those moments when I was dead, was just so different. I was everywhere and anything, yet nowhere and nothing. I felt as the world revolved around me but the world was not touched by me. Truly fantastical. You, my dear Shorn, is one of the most talented ponies I have ever met." Everypony was in shock. Nopony had been raised from the dead, not even Celestia has been seen to do that. "You really had me worried there Shorn, I had thought you weren't able to revive me and I was forever going to have gone out with an arrow to the head. That really wasn't what I was going for. I was always more of Died saving the life of another pony in the ER." Hermes laughed a laugh that seemed to make light of his recent departure. Shorn, now free from the officer, who were simultaneously scratching their manes. "Me too, and phew was I relieved when I felt that tingling in my horn" Shorn smiled nervously. "So I was thinking, maybe you unleash your true power only when your friends are in danger." "Actually...this is a little embarrassing but I only really felt a tingle when I was scared that my life was ruined." "Really?" Said Hermes stroking his beard "It's not as heroic as I'd like it to be but you can't argue with evidence." Hermes laughed. Shorn laughed as well, in retrospect, it was pretty funny. Him having a career in a selfless profession but his most impressive skill was based on a selfish act." "Well, I was nice meeting you again Shorn, but I'd better get going. You know, probably stop everypony from from going crazy over me" "Huh yeah." Shorn said. So this must be how Lovely feels around someone great and respected and to be so close to him, it's just amazing. Shorn walked to his bedroom occasionally being stopped by the security who hadn't been informed of Hermes recent resurrection. Shorn eventually reached his dorm room. Damn, I'm puckered after that whole fiasco. Shorn eyed his bed. It looked better than ever. Shorn faceplanted into the bed, it goes without saying, face first. I'll just take a nice long nap. Shorn thought as he dozed off. (OOC: Not asleep just wanted to bring Eris in)
  23. "Oh come on and kiss her already Cloud. The chemistry is just too obvious. I mean do I really have to be that guy who says this.? This is just so cheesy! Even I stole a kiss- I mean I even I resuscitated a pony that may or may not have needed it." Oh great, you really are a stupid pony you know that. I bet they aren't gonna kiss now. Bucking hell, I should have just kept quiet, but no, you had to go and spoil the moment. "You know I was just kidding. There is absolutely no chemistry between the two of you and you definitely need to kiss spontaneously and suddenly. That would be a great not-cheesy scene." Much better, now they'll most certainly kiss and they'll live happily ever after.
  24. I'm actually feeling a bit better now, reading about the CloudXLovely is kinda heart warming, ya know. Thanks for the brohug Power, really helps . Buck it, Imma post. I love this RP too much to be a dick about my sadness and not post. I CloudXLovely is so on, I just gotta comment already!
  25. Finally, I have found a brony who agrees with me. For me it was the Disney feel of it was all.
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