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Blaise Zebrataur

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Status Updates posted by Blaise Zebrataur

  1. Morning every pony/creature, hope you all are doing well.

    Been awhile since I've been on this forum, this outbreak has been so rough that I'm having to sell a lot of my stuff to try and make rent even my pony stuff.

  2. Well it's official, I bought tickets to go to BronyCon this year. I'm both excited and nervous, never been to a convention before.

  3. I am super excited to announce that I will be going to my first convention in August, the last ever BronyCon.

    Should things go as I have planned, I'll be debuting my brand new costume of my OC, Blaise Zebrataur, at the con.

    1. Brony Number 42

      Brony Number 42

      BronyCon is the best thing ever! :pinkie:

    2. Polarismoon


      Nice ! to bad its the last one ever though.

  4. I would like to introduce my new fursona/persona, Blaise Zebrataur.

    bandicam 2018-12-08 17-53-20-269.jpg

    1. Denim&Venöm


      And they say originality is dead. 

  5. My new oc/fursona/persona, Blaise the Zebrataur. And he's got wings!


  6. Thanks for following me.

    Brohoof /)

  7. Really hoping I get to go to BronyCon next year, but the odds are like 5% chance of me going.

  8. Live by the MLP code, treat people right, be nice, respectful, and still get cheated on...twice in three years...man life sucks. :(

  9. Super excited, I'm proud to announce that I now own a MLP costume/cosplay. I will share pictures when it arrives, but to give a hint, it is 20% cooler. B)

  10. Not sure where to look or ask, but I don't have a pony character drawn up of me, I'd love to have one, I like my own personality and image in this community.

  11. I've been binge watching CatDog lately, I just love the character of Cat and Dog.

    bandicam 2018-03-29 00-27-27-297.jpg

  12. I still believe Rainbow Dash is best pony, but Pinkie Pie is right up there with her.


    My favorite song from MLP:FiM has to be the BBBFF and the Winter Wrap Up

  13. Wow it's been over a full year since I've been here. Things have been going quite well for me, got myself a new boyfriend and still a big fan of MLP, despite the fact I'm still on Season 1 of the show.

  14. Call me crazy but instead of all this #BlackLivesMatter going around why not #AllLivesMatter, wither black or white we are all equal and should treat each other respectfully.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J.T.


      be a firefighter, everybody loves when the firefighter shows up :3

    3. White


      Indeed. Just watch the comment section of this video, it's really appalling.

      Ugh, some people are just sick, they are angry, but sick. I was afraid you were going to respond by arguing who was right and who was wrong like people often do. I'm glad you didn't.
    4. White


      But perhaps you should follow you dreams. Isn't it what police do, anyway ? Risk themselves ? But don't mind me, I don't know anything about you to have the right of suggesting anything. And my whole perception of mounted police comes from this sketch.

  15. If anyone wants to join a YouTube racing league, I got alot of spots left:

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Maybe I would if I could find a download that isn't sketchy or would work on Windows 10.

  16. Haven't been on for months due to trying to get my dream job as a Mounted Police Officer as well as dealing with family issues. Glad to be back!

  17. Someone's got a birthday I wonder who :P #happybirthdayOreius

  18. Merry Christmas every pony :)

  19. Happy Halloween every pony :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blaise Zebrataur

      Blaise Zebrataur

      If it doesn't rain here it should be, I plan on going out dressed in my centaur costume. Last year I went in my Hitman 47 suit. :)

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Let's hope it doesn't rain then, that sounds really neat. :3 A friend of mine went as a centaur last year. I have another friend that is going as Rick from Rick and Morty. Me...sadly I won't be doing much, I really wish I could have but it is too late now, so I will just relax, hangout with people and my brother and have candy.

    4. Blaise Zebrataur

      Blaise Zebrataur

      Oh really that sounds cool, did anyone happen to take a picture of your friend in the centaur costume? Because I'd love to see what it looked like.

  20. It might just be me, but I'm I the only one who thinks pewdiepie is overrated at times?

    1. Bojo


      Nope, you're not the only one.

    2. Megas
  21. I haven't been posting much here the past few weeks because I'm currently trying to become a Mounted Police Officer :)

  22. Alone with no one to play with :(

    1. PoisonClaw


      I know that feeling.

  23. I would like you all in some form to help me out on YouTube and to get you all involved. I would like to do a Q&A video every single Sunday, this video will be about fifteen minutes long of me answering questions that you have, you can ask me anything wither it's about my personal life, MLP, Wrestling, anything at all, but do try and keep it PG..for the kids who might be watching. If you have any questions at all, post them down below and they will be a part of Episode #1 Thanks!

    1. PoisonClaw


      First thing I notice is how different her skin/fur color is between the two.

  24. I need some help from anypony that would help by signing up for a race I'm holding over on YouTube:

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