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Night Shadow/Daw

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Status Updates posted by Night Shadow/Daw

  1. I'm better off dead...

    1. Frozen Glow
    2. Zarosian


      Oi, stop that. Big bro Zaro says no!

    3. JeyWiz


      WHAT? NO! *hugs* you can't go....

  2. new avi! a little longer until hearts and hooves day!

  3. I want a muffin ^~^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      Yay! -noms muffin and hugs Zaro- how is u Zaro?

    3. Zarosian
    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Chocolate muffins are the bestest. :3

  4. I got a new headset!

  5. As the snowflakes cover, my fallen brothers, I will say this last goodbye... Night is now falling, so ends this day, the road is now calling and I, must away, over hill, and under cloud....

  6. The moment I was waiting for.., this will be the hardest thing I've ever done. Wish me luck...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      My best friend need my help. I will help her, at by all means.

    3. TheRockARooster
    4. DarkHaert
  7. I'm lonely...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      Thanks... I guess...

    3. DarkHaert


      Somethin' Up? PM me if ya need to.

    4. Nova Wings

      Nova Wings

      *gives you a pony* Now your not lonely :3

  8. How do I prove to myself that I won't make the same mistake again?

    1. DarkHaert


      Depends, people don't change easily.

  9. I'm working the Hearths Warming Eve Fic. Wish I was better at writing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Night Shadow/Daw
    3. CheeryFox


      I'm kinda eccentric, lol.


      Beautiful as in I like your effort and I hope you get ahead...

    4. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      Ohhhhh ok

      Tell me what you think of it


      Password is Umbra

  10. I have a question for y'all. What would you do if somepony broke a pinkie promise?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      A very important secret?

      I mean if it's something small, I'd prolly do nothing too, but something incredibly big?

    3. reader8363


      I really don't tell anyone my big secrets. Already got embarrassed a few times.

    4. DarkHaert


      Depends, but I think Pinkie Pie might go berserk on that individual.

  11. This will be the hardest thing, I've done

  12. I'm out of Mt. Dew ;(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shiny Ampharos

      Shiny Ampharos

      lol I am so sorry xD

    3. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw



      I just wanted some more Mt. Dew


    4. Shiny Ampharos

      Shiny Ampharos

      -gives you some Dew- stay MLG m8

  13. Shade is coming, beware the darkness...

  14. I want to help a friend, but they won't let me...

  15. WhooooHoooo! S5 F is gunna top off Twilights Kingdom!!!

  16. ;( I pissed of a great friend, I have nothing to live for anymore....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      No friendship is ever beyond repair, though it can take great effort.

    3. Missklang


      Don't exagerate Shadow! I'm still here to give you a smile. And as Dragon said, a true friend will forgive

    4. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      Through my own actions, a great friendship was broken, and then also through my actions, it was reforged, stronger than before.

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