A mysterious being was bored. So. Unbelievably bored. It found itself suddenly, and irrevocably BORED! It decided it would take a looksey at the world around it, only to note that a certain pony was in a coma, and some others were on their way... He could work with this...
"Maybe, I'll be their Kyuubei!" It hopelessly referenced. "Or, at least, their Inception Box..."
With a flash of green changeling flame, it takes the form of a grey stallion, curved horn that fades to scarlet near the tip, meek demeanor and slender framed glasses upon his brow. A purple vest and cloak adorn his boring hide. After a look at it's flank, and wanting to still have some reference to his manipulative personality, he makes a puppeteer control paddle appear as his cutie mark. The strings are loose, and unattached.
"Better make it there first, or the fun might start without me!" He exclaims, before charging up a teleportation spell, with green and black magic, his eyes glowing from the long distance he would have to cross. And like that, he appears in the room, and decides to rest, and recuperate his magic for the taxing spell he'd have to perform.