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Lil Pip

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  1. Trying a blend of spices oil n chocolate, in an attempt to boost my metabolism. So yeah, spicy spices, caffeine from the chocolate I melted with the cayenne pepper. Cinnamon and oil, so it really gets absorbed, then I got an after-taste, rmeinds me of raw garlic, and I read supposed to do stuff complimentary when using combo spices, so adding garlic next. Could prolly use more spicy spice diversity tho.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lil Pip

      Lil Pip

      Hm now I dont recall, did it increase muscle metabolism, or does it just redirect more protein allowance to muscles? There is technically a difference.

    3. Lil Pip

      Lil Pip

      Muscles r great for metabolism anyways tho so its fine

    4. Lil Pip

      Lil Pip

      could use more cayenne, celery is taking the sting away

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