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Lil Pip

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  1. I have this theory that you are secretly a very complex AI program. o_o

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    2. Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Ziggy + Angel + Rain

      Very little, but I'm impressed with the smooth animation. I also more or less like the character designs.

    3. Lil Pip

      Lil Pip

      Yes they have the most animation per frame than any other fighting game currently, and each character (if you buy the 2-3$ dlc) has 25(20 without dlc) color palettes. Peacock is a very fun character, painwheel will be incredibly difficult to use, the game has a great tutorial system, but if you want to learn more competent combos and such try looking it up tutorials youtube to practice in training mode (set ai to block after getting hit so you know you are doing it right). But if you wan...

    4. Lil Pip

      Lil Pip

      Fudge, anyways if you wanna see normal gameplay you can look up the storymode. But here is a decent gameplay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxCXgZD0fS8 this person is extremely extremely good with peacock, who is an entertaining character I think

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