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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. I guess we jumped to conclusions way too early on that. Sorry.
  2. @TimeyMarey007 Waaait, the anatomy is all pony, it's not anthro in any way. Although the pose might give that impression, I guess. Funny how it haven't crossed my mind when I stumbled on a cool pic I used for reference. If you'd rather have a more equine pose, I can make another one, just say so.
  3. Tending to a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere would be a perfect job for me. Such a shame they're all remotely controlled or even fully automatic these days...

  4. So, something like this maybe? Of course with less details and some necessary simplifications. Also, I take it that your character should stand in plain view rather than behind the countertop, so they can be seen better?
  5. @Foxy Socks Did you just... I mean, really? A carbon copy of a fictional character? Cause that's what it sounds like to me. She's got a point, you know. There are some hazards when making a soulbind - I think we discussed them in this thread. Unless we're totally wrong and he just looks like that character, but is free to become his own person as he matures. Well I sure hope that's the case, cause he can be a real pain later on, if you piss him off that is. @Gekoncze No dream interaction on this end. At least nothing I could remember when I woke up. Usually I can remember them for only a couple of minutes after waking up anyway, unless some part of it strikes me as I recall it. Like when you woke up and realised you were dreaming about your work, that was rather... depressing. Yeah, that.
  6. Oh, right, the numbers in my opening post can be misleading like that. The queue is open, no worries. I was about to toss something witty about me "being done" but I guess it would be too Wednesday Addams style (which reminds me to try and draw Crystal Clear cosplaying her). Ahem, so... what's your wish then? Pencil, ink? Both? I could really use some more info on how to put together the scene and whether you want that cloak on - it obscures the Cutie Mark, otherwise I would also need reference of that, if the character has it that is.
  7. @TimeyMarey007 Here's your request. A bit unorthodox as far as the pose is concerned but I think it turned out okay.
  8. Finished the second request from my queue, the ink is drying and I'll post it in the evening.  Who knows, maybe I'll finish another one before the Weekend ends.

  9. @Chrylestia600 Finally, after what seemed like a small eternity, your reqest is finished! Although I learhed in the process that I am not very comfortable with larde shepes that need to be shaded and/or have their shape indicated. So the city background turned out not nearly as well as I imagined but, guess that's to be expectied from a first drawing like that. I also need to figure out a better texturing method for hair... But, all in all, how do you think it came out? It's supposed to be night time but I didn't want to push my luck too far with making the sky black.
  10. @Goddess Sunset Shimmer Natural Order cocked her head at the filly. "It's your hard won leather, why wouldn't you sell it and keep the bits? Surely there's something you'd like to buy for that. Or at least keep the money for future needs." She was rather quick with her salad, apparently used to eating fast and hitting the road in the morning. That, and she skipped supper last evening. Already halfway done, Natural took another sweep of her surroundings before adressing Astral. "So, after we pack you up and leave the forest, wanna head straight to Canterlot or do we stop by someplace along the road? Normally I take two days to reach the capital from over here, mainly because I spend the night at the foot of the mountain to rest a bit before the way up. Pulling a wagon up that slope is rather tiring to be honest."
  11. @Dark Horse The mare gave him a weird look and shook her head, then trotted up the stairs. The upper storey welcomed them into a large hall, empty of course. There were doors and a smaller corridor leading further in, and she was about to get closer to read the plaques when Saffron called her over. Crystal approached the windows - they were rather nice, she liked tall windows - and peered through dirty glass outside, onto the sunken part of town. "Well Heart preserve me..." She said in a distant tone, taking in the view. And counting the 'Lurks. Saffron voiced his concerns and she bit her lip in thought, but apparently this wasn't the time to play philosopher. Crystal dragged her hooves with some resignation as she followed her companion, stroking her chest for some reason, her chances of getting out alive considerably lowered. The off remark about the mayor's name made the mare snicker humorlessly. "I bet they change their names after taking the office, there's no other explanation." Saffron found himself restricted from entering the office by a lock in the door, however, and stepped away to let her do her trick again. Crystal shrugged and approached the doors, and set to work. "Never broke down the door? Or maybe you're afraid of traps, huh? Anyway, first you put your weight on the locked doors to see if they budge." She did as she said. "Then, if they stay closed, give them a good measured kick just under the lock - the middle one if they have several - and repeat until they let go. Like so." Crystal took a step away and spun around, adding momentum to her buck. These doors were made of sturdier stuff, and needed a repeat, but even then they opened only halfway, stopped by something on the other side. "Practical exam on the next ones?" She said with a raised eyebrow and directed her attention to her handiwork. "No traps for once... but something's - uhhh..." - She poked head in and sighed deeply, her shoulders dropping with her breath. "Come on in, and better open a window too... I'll never get used to it..." The doors were barred by a file cabinet that was laying sideways, it's drawers opened and the documents in disrray. There were more of these, and clearly somepony looked for something very urgently through them. So much that they made a huge paper mess. But perhaps more importantly - and more distressingly - they were no longer alone. In a way. A stallion was seated behind the Mayor's desk, leaned back and illuminated by one of those tall windows directly behind him. An elderly fellow, earth pony on first glance, but there were two troubling things about him. For once, he was dead, and for a while now - he already started to smell and look all around bad. Crystal couldn't see any wounds or blood, but he had a nasty grimace, like he was electrocuted to death or something. Which led to the other disturbing discovery - resting atop his temples was a crown like object, made of unpainted metal, with some cables and a clearly visible magic energy containement gem, now shattered and coated with black ooze. "What the hay is that...? I've never seen anything like it. A-any thoughts on that, Saffron? Looks freaky to me, just as if it... killed him. Painfully so." She lowered her head and sighed. "I wish we could bury him at least, but we'll be dead the moment we set hoof outside. So, what did you want from here? Ah, the records, right... Should be around here, somewhere. I-I'll start looking through these papers, see if here's anything useful." The mare dived into the stacks of loose papers strewn all over the floor, but couldn't help but eye the Maor's remains from time to time, and that wicked crown of his.
  12. Alright but, fair warning - his Cutie Mark is too detailed for me to draw on an a4 page, unless you want a close-up partial body. But I can put some marks to indicate it's there. One of the many limitations of traditional drawing is pen nib size, can't go any smaller than 1/2 mm line.
  13. Sure Violet, I'll try and draw something nice. Any ideas you can toss my way? Dawn, you think you could find the shape of that gem online? Alternatively I can make it so the mark is hidden from view by something.
  14. Now playing: "last kiss" by Pearl Jam.  For some reason it puts me in the driving mood. Fast driving I may add.

    1. Drunk Not I Am
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      About 140 kmph. Polish roads often make it uncomfortable when going faster, and my car isn't large enough to dampen the bumps with it's length and mass. Still, she will go 200 if needs be. I checked so I know.

  15. @Goddess Sunset Shimmer Natural nodded and went back inside. She put two bowls on a crate and reached for a few jars and containers with separate ingredients, and put some of their contents in each bowl. Once satisfied with the mix, she tucked away the foodstuffs and looked around for wooden spoons. "Where did I... right, one broke last week. So they're probably... yup." The mare reached on one of the topmost shelves and brought down a few tied up wooden utensils. Finally more or less finished in the "kitchen", she took one bowl in her teeth and the other balanced on fop of her foreleg like a waitress. Coming out was tricky with a salad bowl in her eyes but truth be told, she knew where the steps were anyway. Natural approached Astral and gave her one bowl, then sat next to her and put the other on her lap. "There's also water in the barrel if you're interested. Enough for a few days anyway. Where did you learn to work with leather anyway? When I was your age my best skill was picking flowers and herbs for aunt. And only a few types that I knew."
  16. @Dawn Auroua - does your OC have a cutie mark? Can't see any in the pics you linked. Otherwise, sure, I'll give both a try. Although you know, it would be that much easier if you gave me some info about your characters. A link to the database is fine, I just want to know more about them so I can decide on the scene and the like. Edit - by both I meant Dawn and Glacies ofc.
  17. @Goddess Sunset Shimmer Natural nodded and thought for a moment, but was interrupted by Astral's comment. She shook her head, smiling. "Everypony says it's ridiculous looking, but I like it. And besides, most of the time I'm the only pony around so they can stick their opinions... Ahem, I'll uhh, get to work." She headed back inside the wagon and soon enough, there werenoises of putting things aside and general fishing for stashed things. She heard the filly ask from outside and paused for a moment, then replied back: "Not sure about the foraging, and I'll skip the fire part of breakfast too, so that we won't have any more guests coming, if you catch my meaning." She was about to reach for another jar with salad ingredients when Astral spoke up again. Natural stood for a moment, notsure how to reply, then turned around and walked out to pojke her head out of the wagon and look at her companion. She gave her a concerned look. "i don't know what you were thinking but, i'm not running away from anything, I like my lifestyle. The wagon is a bit crammed but thewhole Equestria is my home! I can't sit straight for a week in a tavern, not to mention for a whole life in one house? No siree, I need my space." She brghtened up talking about her life however, and cheerfully pointed a foreleg at the filly. "Set the table, I'll get the dishes. Be right back." When the mare was about to turn back inside the wagon, she stopped. "That was a joke, table takes too much space. I'll get things ready in a sec, although I am kinda out of fresh fruit. Just salad stuff, hay and some herbs I picked lately. Anything sounds okay?"
  18. @Dark Horse The mare drooped her ears as the stallion advised her not to make the matters worse with her temper, and his words about a whole bunch of these things napping within rifle range didn't do good to her courage at all. She took another glance at the furious creature, and backed away slightly as it delivered another slam into the wall with it's heavy shell. "I, uhh..." - she looked around to finally take in her surroundings. The hall was stripped of furniture, so they were effectively in a bathtub of marble, concrete, and fading patriotic War-Era posters. Not the best she could hope for, although at the end of the hallway, there was a reception, flanked by two elevators. The latter were obviously useless but the recepcion was fitted woth a solid wooden counter table, most assuredly hard fixed to the floor. Any file cabinets hidden behind it were too heavy to move anyway... but one object caught her eye. "Mmmmaybe give it a lesson on Equestrian patriotism, eheh?" - She pointed on a flagpole with a faded flag of Equestria on it. Atop the hardwood pole was a spear tip, although she expected it to be just decoration. "You do the honors though, it's not my flag." She pointed out for some reason. Another loud thud spooked her, now that she was standing with her back to the Mirelurk and didn't see it coming. "Okay okay, kidding! Geez... come on, there are arrow signs by the reception, no doubt one will point to the stairs." The mare trotted towards the appointed target, all too eager to put more distance between her and the beast, and tapped her holster as if checking if it was still holding her unimpressive armament. Crystal Clear squinted her eyes and tried to read the fancy print, pockmarked by decay as it was... "Uhhh, restrooms! Nah, not now... office for this, office for that, oh, town council! Second floor worth checking out. And the Mayor;s office on third too." She looked for something more tangible though. "Stairs, that's right, to the left then. Come on, let's give our new buddy some private space." While there were corridors leading brom both sides of the hallway, Crystal guessed that the building wasn't actually symmetrical. they passed some doors, most were closed but some were open or even missing While she wasn't really looing for goodies right now, she galnced inside a few times and was met with drab offices with nothing interesting striking her at first sight. Soon enough, they reached the staircase, accompanied by those loud, echoing slams. Although they were getting less frantic, so that was something. Maybe the creature was loosing steam? "Okay, up we go, and then let's find a window to look out if any more of them are struftting about all of a sudden."
  19. One if the few upsides of a stressful work day us that when I come home and fire up the stereo with Evanescence playing, it sounds the best. Like me feeling down made the music better. Not complaining though, seeing them live made me like their songs all the more.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      They were in Poland for the first time ever last month, had to buy the ticket. All in all, I was pleasantly surprised by the drummer, of all people. Doing stunts while playing and all that. Amy was basically running all over the scene the whole time, with a few slow piano songs in between. And the bass switched instruments with guitar for one song, that was cool.

    3. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      BTW finally had a good idea for your picture. Now let's hope I can actually draw it.

    4. Chrylestia600


      Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the finished product if you manage to complete it. :)

      Btw... just realized I put 'lived' instead of 'loved' in my previous reply. Ugh. Typos.

  20. Okay, no promises in the garden, or more precisely whether it will turn out pretty, but otherwise I can do it.
  21. *reads post* *looks down at the page on his desk with some construction lines on it* ..you sure haven't posted in the wrong thread? Jokes aside, sure, I can always try right? Just please take into consideration that it might take a bit because I so try to make full scenes with each one of these, and it's not always easy to find a suitable setting. On that note, what are you looking for? A full body 3/4 view? Or perhaps something more particular? Have him sitting by the table or reading a book or whatever really? If something will sound too complicated I'll let you know, but I think it would be good if you gave me some pointers in this area.
  22. @Goddess Sunset Shimmer The voice came from the side and as Natural looked that way, sure enough Astral showed up from that direction. The mare smiled reassuringly and replied. "Well I should go and get my hat and basket for once, and I'm pretty sure some breakfast wouldn't hurt either. Need some help packing up? You look rather tired if I may say so..." She looked around with a hoof raised, looking for something, then went to the nearby bushes. "Riiiight, that's the spot." Natural Order picked up the abandoned hat, dusted it off and put on her head. "That's more like it. Now there did I..." A short search resulted with her finding the basket and returning to the wagon with it. She put it by the entrance and pouts slightly. "Hmm, not as much as I'd like, but considering what happened yesterday, I'd rather leave empty hooved." The mare looked at Astral - "So, breakfast?"
  23. @Dark Horse The mare impatently looked as the stallion tried to put the makeshift crossing together, and she tapped her hoof into the boulder as she did so. However, as he was just about to step on the planks he laid out, the rock started moving again, and violently this time. Crystal suddenly felt acceleration in her stomach, just like when she traveled an elevator up - but elevators never catapulted her into the air! Before she could do anything, she was in the air and, unable to make sense of her situation, landed back on the boulder like a sack of grain. "I swear I'm gonna- what the?!" - Crystal Clear suddenly realised that Saffron Shadow was on the other end of the crossing, and looked positively shaken. She herself was looking from a higher vantage then earlier, despite laying on her stomach. And... whatever it was that was beneath her, was moving about like it was alive! Saffron shouted something that made no sense to her, but didn't move, so Crystal asked him, confused. "Mire-what? Is this some kind of rock or?" Her voice and attempts to stand up apparently displeased the "Mire-what", and it tried to shake her off it's back. Crystal tried to remain on top of it for a bit but when it stepped closer to the end of the bridge that Saffron was at, she decided to take a leap off the damn thing, and landed ungracefully on the wooden construction, causing something underneath to snap. The water behind her stopped sploshing madly and the mare decided to take a peek over her shoulder, still dizzy from the rough ride. She didn't say anything as the creature, who's features she had on display right before her, turned around and started approaching them, snapping it's pincers and readying it's claws and mandibles. Instead, Crystal's eyes went wide and she scrambled on her hooves, and started running as fast as she could. She did shout at the stallion as she passed him, however: "Run, Saffron, Run!" The admin building was close now - it was made of concrete, and hopefully had small doors so the creature would stay outside as they took refure inside. Or so she hoped at least. Judging from the splashing water and breaking wood, the Mirelurk was close behind them - Crystal could also hear the stallion running too, but didn't dare look back to confirm it. The wooden crossings underneath her hooves shook and bent from the assault of the creature behind them. Finally, after what seemed like a marathon, but in reality didn't last a hundread meters, she could see the entrance - two sets of doors, thankfully normally sized and separated by a concrete collumn. The revolving doors were takend down, so they didn't have to open anything on the way in. Crystal barged inside without as much as a thought, and soon after heard a loud thud as the Mirelurk tried to repeat this stunt, but found itself like, three times too big.An angry roar-like sound and repeated thuds confirmed her suspicion, and she stood in the hallway, panting hard and only now looking back where she came from. Saffron also made it, but for now she as more concerned with the beast that glared at them with raging fury as it tried to ram itself into the building and reach them with it's appendages. Crystal approached Saffron and with a shaky voice, asked: "Y-you okay? That was a close one... and it's still not giving up! I doubt my gun can do anything to it really, maybe poke his eyes out if he stood still for a bloody moment!" - She snapped at the end of that sentence and gave the beast an equally angry look. It didn't seem impressed.
  24. @Mickey Adaptus Second Wind whistled. "Quite a sum if I may say so. Especially for a colt with no income... Say, this isn't really my business but, stealing stuff isn't the best career possible so... ever thought what you wanted to do when you're older?" His sister seconded that. "Yeah, you could learn a trade or something else that gives you legal income. Any ideas on what could that be? One day you'll pay that debt and it's good to have a long term plan you know."
  25. @Astral Flame Natural Order smiled back and waved the filly goodbye. "See ya in the morning then!" She stood in her doorstep for a bit to see where Astral was going, but when she lost the batpony from her sight, the mare became suddenly aware that she was, in fact, alone in the Everfree Forest. At night. And it was so eerily quiet all around. Her ears dropped as she closed the doors and put the bar on them, then closed the windows and took stock of her tiny mobile home. "I hope nothing nasty comes my way..." - she said to nopony in particular, and tried to catch some sleep. She didn't hear Astral coming in the night, having the pillow over her head as she slept, with both the crossbow and the axe within reach. She herself was in the corner by the stove, the spot she always picked when feeling she's in dangerous territory. The mare woke up slowly, the last remains of sleep slowly letting go of her mind. Suddeny, she lifted her head with a start, dropping the pillow on the wooden floor and looking around like she didn't know where she was. With a sigh, she remembered, and stood up as quietly as she could, then stretched her body to to ease the tension from sleeping all curled up in a corner. With no other way to look around, Natural decded to open the windows - one at the time, only slightly at first. It was past sunrise, the sun was already up and it seemed the coast was safe, so she unloched the door and carefully stepped outside. "Astral? Are you there?" - she looked around but couldn't see her yet.
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