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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @Mickey Adaptus The mare simply nodded. "Alright, fine by me. Second will get you a blanket and a pillow, so you can make yourself comfortable on the couch. I guess we'll just wrap it up here and get some shuteye too." As she mentioned her brother, he looked up from his plate and, somewhat resigned, stood up and went to one of the wardrobes to fetch the aforementioned things. "Yup, got it all in here. I'll put it on the couch for you Jack. The lights are kinda dim anyway so I guess it won't bother you too much as we finish up here."
  2. Why hello there! Nice to see a friendly face on my profile. Sorry about all the dust though, haven't expected guests, hehe.

  3. Alright, I'll see what I can do between my chosen medium and current art skill.
  4. Full scene, screens... More old Star Trek or something straight off a blockbuster film, with holoscreens and whatnot?
  5. @Natasha Xalian The stallion raised an eyebrow as he listened. "Manticore? Now that's new. And I thought I've seen it all when it comes to leather. May I?" He took a piece for inspection and put his glasses back on. "Hmm, it's much thicker than the usual stuff, yes, and harder too. The tanning is a bit rough but, nothing that can't be smoothed out. I think I can find some good use to those small pieces. But I'm afraid I won't find any use for those... other pieces." He then glanced at the armour and hoof blades. As the stallion took one bladed hoofboot, he looked squarely at the filly. "I can tell this is the real deal, not a toy. And it's well worn from use..." The earth pony then examined the entire set in silence, and spoke up when done. "Despite the obvious patch jobs, there's quite a lot to do. Mostly replacing the worn out straps and re-sewing some pieces properly, just to name the most pressing needs." He thought for a moment. "But I guess I can trade the repairs for those scraps though. It's good leather, no matter what it's from. As for the tools and work, well..." He ran a hoof through his mane, thinking. "I guess you could help around the workshop to pay up for new tools. Some of these aren't worth repairing if you ask me. They'll only ruin everything you make with them." "So, are you interested? And if yes, what can you do with leather?"
  6. Thanks! I try my best to make quality drawings, and felt like experimenting with some different styles, see which way I can go with it. That, and I love comic book style inks. @Techno Universal do you have the pose I asked for earlier? You're up next.
  7. @Glacies Frost Your request is complete. I took the liberty of trying to make it look like a DC comic, I love the solid black shadows and texturing. @Violet_S And Your request os also complete! This time, I decided to supplement the ink with pencil texturing, adding shades of grey.
  8. Air conditioning is awesome in hot weather. Until you abuse it and catch a flu from the stark temperature changes in and out of the cooled spaces...

  9. @Natasha Xalian Natural Order chuckled. "I'm always right, maaaybe except for when I'm not." She walked towards the tannery, navigating the still wide streets of the seemingly sleepy town they walked into. The biuldings were placed rather sparsly on this end of Ponyville and ponies didn't really pay any attention to another visitor, especially since she herself wasn't new to them. As the duo neared their first destination, and Astral noticed the tannery, Natural stopped on her bidding to allow safe embark and picking up all the leather her companion wished to trade. Then the mare waved back to the filly and looked for a good spot to park for a few minutes, so that Astral could see her after coming out of the tannery. --------------------------------------- The tannery was well lit whrough large, slighly opened windows, letting fresh air to combat the stench of leather, salt, and all kinds of things used with it. The store was composed of a rather small space for customers, separated by a heavy counter. Rows of shelves and racks displayed various ready to sell goods, from pouches through saddlebags to belts and anything in between. Doors leading most probably to the workshop area stood ajar, and there was a humming sound coming from over there. it stopped at the ring of the bell however, and soon enough hoofseps were heard on the creaking wooden floor, occasionally muffled by something. An elderly earth pony stallion wearing a think leather apron emerged through the doors, thick eyeglasses on his nose as he peered over them - apparently he wore them when reading or working. Looking around, he asked: "Yes? How may I... help you?" Only after a moment of looking around did he realise that his customer was as tall as the counter, and that's why he couldn't see them immediately. Once that was out of the way, he approached the filly across said counter, taking no doubt the usual position when he attended the shop. The stallion eyed his customer rather curiously, but whether it was because of her age, race, or his poor eyesight, nopony could really tell. "Ahem, yes, so, how can I help you, little one? Here to purchase, or maybe repair something...? Rright, I think I've heard something about trading leather, am I right? I thin I can buy some if it's in good condition." He walked around the counter and onto the "customer area" to see what she had to sell.
  10. I was thinking about selling my car, because I'll have to commute by a bus to my new work (city center, no parking slots etc). Under the condition of selling her for as much a she's worth, which of course doesn't match with market prices.


    And to think I wanted to keep her to the end, and when she's too old to be safe to drive, take her on one last trip we both wouldn't come back from... Talk about loving your first car, I guess.

  11. @Dark Horse The mare couldn't help but nod at the mention of the device they have found as loot. "If we find a screwdriver I can pull it apart, extra caps for electronics." - she mused aloud. She was about to look out the window but Saffron continued, and Crystal cocked her head inquisitively as his intention unravelled. "Are you...?" As the implications of the offer sank in, so did her alcohol assisted mood. She bit her lip and looked at her hooves, suddenly very intriguing. Obviously mulling hard, she started pacing around, avoiding the stallion's eyes, until he darted to the window, since something was going on there. Perhaps out of instinct, Crystal Clear pulled out her gun and aimed it at the windows, then sighed as she relaxed a little. A quick stroll to the nearest one and she knew what was going on. With a humorless voice, she said. "Pass the popcorn, we have the first row seats." The mind controlled mirelurk seemed a but slower than the wild one, but apparently, made it up with aggressiveness and bold attacks. Crystal thought she saw something fall off from the underside of the uncontrolled fighter, and it screeched in pain and fury. The mare tore off her eyes from the fight and decided to use this opportunity to change the subject. "Call the other units, if they have the same parameters. We can cull the opposition with a massed assault and be in the clear to leave before sunset, if they act quick. I don't expect any beds in here..."
  12. Summer house, 2 AM. Just woke up cause something's flying in my room. A huge moth? Gotta check. I raise my head to look and get face slapped. By a bat. Indoors.

    I mean, come on! I've encountered a few in my career as "family Steve Irwin", even held in my hands as I took a sleeping one to the shed, out of the house, but, seriously? Since when I live in Australia or something?

    1. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      Well that must have been fun to deal with

  13. @Dark Horse The mare surpressed a snort at the stallion's comment. "It was a very good school, but, yeah. We didn't really cover Pre-War mad science." She apparently withheld another remark when Saffron mulled about level two intelligence, and nodded when he suggested a recall. "Sure worth trying, as long as we stay alert for any malfunctions. Dumb or not, whatever is hooked to this thing may not be friendly." When the command was issued, she winced slightly at the noise from the antenna. Since nothing apparent happened, Crystal decided to take a closer look at the device, see if there was a way to safely pull it apart for parts. She planned to do it anyway, so... Crystal just glanced at Saffron as he moved away to the window, and continued her noninvasive inspection until he called her over. "Huh? What is it?" - she got up and approached the window, then couldn't believe her eyes. "Heart preserve us..." After a moment of staring at the living tank making it's way to them, Crystal snapped out of it and shook herself thoroughly, as if shaking off water. With some alarm in her voice, she called, already taking steps back to the console. "We have to cancel the command or it will break a hole in the entrance! You saw how it rammed the walkways?! We'll be easy pickings for the wild ones after that!" Hurriedly, the mare scrambled to the terminal and tried to reverse the command, but she wasn't as good with these things. A loud thud announced that the mirelurk just started ramming a hole somewhere downstairs, and Crystal let go of the console to let Saffron do it. "Can't find the damn menu! Make it stop will ya?!" Thankfully, the pounding ceased after another ear wrecking impulse from the device. Crystal Clear patted the stallion on the shoulder and decided to take a swing from the bottle she left on the desk. "Friggin hate those gizmos... eugh! Worse liquor I had this month! But sure does it kick, oooh..." She stood and took in the feeling of alcohol spreading through her body, eyes closed. After a moment of indulgence, the mare sighed and returned her attention to her present company with a tiny smile. Her coat looked slightly better too. Less matte. "Sorry for the freak out. Seems we have four thugs at our disposal though. Care to look through the commands some more? Maybe we can use them to fight off their wild cousins? Or at least provide a distraction for us to vacate the premises, heheh."
  14. Huh a week since I posted my last request? I didn't lie when I wrote I can be slow... Anyways, here's the newest one: @Dawn Auroua I opted for the unicorn version mainly because the self-preening scene didn't quite work out. I need some more practice with feathered wings before they look presentable.
  15. I got the job I applied to last week. Now just gotta check my termination period in the current one, and hand the papers to my boss without laughing like a cartoon villain.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rikifive


      Ouh, that's not good indeed. Have you tried explaining the situation to your new company?
      Or.. if you still have some free days off from work to take, then you could practically end the previous one sooner..

    3. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      I'll talk to them tomorrow, and yes, I have done spare free days. Still, it won't be as smooth as I hoped. 

    4. Rikifive


      True - but that's how life likes to cooperate. :twi: 

  16. @Dark Horse "Only one way to find out..." - the burgundy mare commented and stepped to the cabinet in order to hold it still. She looked over her shoulder, expecting her companion would pull immediately, but apparently, he needed to focus first. Soon enough, the handle lit with magical light and there was a steadily growing pressure yanking it open. As if expecting something, Crystal hid her face and turned as much with her back to the lock as she could, and waited for the telltale sounds. As the lock gave away and the cabinet become ajar, Crystal let out a breath she was holding. When Saffron asked if she was injured in any way, she shook her head. "Nah, I'm a professional." Since the stallion beat her to be the first one to open the cabinet, the mare tried her best to peek over his shoulders. Not the easiest task since he was a bit taller, but she saw a big antenna like device and heard it was still online, based on the humming found it gave. Finally she decided to win some space by brushing against his side as she took a spot next to him and opened the other half of the doors fully. Now both were standing side to side and seeing the same thing. Never an afficionado of Pre-War tech, Crystal looked the device over but haven't had any ideas on what to do with it really. It sure was worth caps, but, considering what it was, maybe selling pieces would be better... Before she could indulge in this train of thought however, Saffron Shadow pointed out a fairly disturbing piece of info, glaring at them from the terminal screen. "Fair point..." - She started, raising an eyebrow. Maybe this thing will tell us more? It's a control beacon after all." Without really waiting for confirmation, Crystal Clear tapped the keyboard to open the list of linked units. The device beeped as it processed the command, and gave them a list: 5149 9874 3451 9001 "Huh, not much to go around. Probably serial numbers." She then entered the first one and had to wipe her eyes in disbelief. "I don't understand over half of this gibberish, and I went to school okay? So dies it mean that the device is hooked to something that is alive, just... sleeps, and, I don't know what those mean, but I don't think ponies count as non-sapient. Saffron, you read this the same? I don't know how a front line technician was supposed to even get this wall of text, but there should be some commands too, right? Maybe we could order one unit to come to us, see what happens. Other than that, my only idea is to take the talisman and try to sneak out or something."
  17. @Goddess Sunset Shimmer Natural simply nodded. They were getting closer and she seemed to be on a lookout for something from within the town proper. "I hear ya, been a while since you had them changed eh? Being in the forest and all." They finally reached Ponyville outskirts and the mint mare almost braced as they fid so, but then stopped and looked around, confused. "Have you... ever visited the town before? Cause if not, then Pinkie Pie is clearly out of town. She welcomes every single pony on their first visit... Anyway, the leatherworker first, then your horseshoes. Maybe we'll see any guards around to ask."
  18. @Dark Horse @Nightmare Season The crystal mare bit her tongue, and replies after a brief pause, nodding weakly. "Y-yeah, let's..." Apparently, they weren't destined to cross the distance on hoof because, after walking out of the garden and around the estate proper, the pair saw Peony and her carriage still parked. There was another wagon on its way out, no doubt escorting the rose. Crystal saw the driver be kon them and, with mixed feelings, she nodded and headed towards it. One last glance at the guard detatchment following the rose, safe in its new ride made her sigh. "If only she did it sooner..." As she made it to the steps, Peony was already inside the coach, so Crystal thought it was prudent announce herself. Miss Peony, it's me, Crystal and Saffron. Would you mind if we ride with you?" No reply arrived so she took it as a silent agreement, and climbed inside. Mindful to avoid muddied the floor and seats with her less than impeccable dress. The carriage nutted forward and rolled onto the street but, instead of putting her muzzle to the glass and zone out, Crystal took a moment to inspect the unicorn mare sitting across from her. She seemed... distressed, putting it lightly. So, the crystal pony gambled and asked hesitantly: "Are you... all right?" All in all, it was hard not to sympathise with the other mare. Her... vanity, or other misplaced sentiment caused such adverse effects, and it seemed she lost her only friend for Heart knows how long. She sighed deeply, and said to nopony in particular. "That is in the last, for better or worse. Now all that matters is what you do with your future..." They arrived to their destination soon enough, and the burgundy mare was relieved to see her familiar cart safely parked where she left it. Anticipating that Peony will have serious trouble moving around, Crystal offered her aid in disembarking the carriage and led her to the front door, although it might have gone smoother. She couldn't help but roll her eyes as the maid by the doors tossed the silent accusation their way for mishandling the daughter of the House. Thankfully her companion provided necessary explanation, and they were met in, albeit reluctantly. With a pleasantly heavy bit purse by her lap, and carefully holding a cup of tea in both hooves - the material was called "porcelain" if she recalled correctly, and was very expensive - Crystal Clear enjoyed a moment in one if the numerous guest rooms, along with her other unexpected companion of the day. She held her breath as the cup shook slightly in her hooves upon hearing the proposition to venture into the Everfree Forest, however, and decided to put it down for a bit. Just in case. Crystal started, undecided but concerned. "I uhh, heard some bad things about it. And the Crystal Princess warned us about it too... Are you sure you can... I mean with your eyes covered and... Oh Heart, I mean, how can we even know it's the right one if you can't see it, and I don't even know how it looks like? I expect mister Shadow would have similar issues. And I thought the guards would get it, with her royal Highness involved..."
  19. I'll reply to my roleplays tomorrow guys. Had a job interview and kinda came back home late.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      @Raven Rawne

      Unemployed and trying to find something.

    3. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Well I wish you good luck then!

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Thanks Raven, hopefully that'll be enough to get me a job :)

  20. When you have this cool idea for a drawing... aaaaand it just doesn't work with your current skill level. Welp, gotta think of something simpler while the request queue grows...

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I wish I could put most (well... any!) of the ideas in my head on paper. :adorkable:

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      Well your writing style is very good, so maybe you're more geared for writing. I'm just a verbose idea recycler who can doodle.

  21. @Nightmare Season "Hmm, if you say so." The earth pony mare nodded at the response, and started rocking the wagon to move it forward. The week long rest made all the difference to her overall wellbeing and Natural managed to climb to Griffonstone on her own. The city... if you can call it like that, was very unimpressive. Natural Order at first thought it was recently laid to ruin. But it's inhabitants didn't seem to mind. And the way they demanded payment for everything - she never thought it was even possible to behave like that. Fortunately, her employer seemed hellbent on getting an answer, and shelled bits until she heard what she wanted. Natural was relieved that the location wasn't too far away, even if it seemed somewhat tough to get to. Next stop was the hardware store. The earth pony picked whatever supplies she thought will be needed, mindful of limited storage space... and thawing funds. She really couldn't believe anypony - or griffon - could agree on the prices they had there. But there was no real choice on the matter, and Peony paid up. As they left the grotesque city, Natural Order sure was glad to be on her merry way. Even if she had only vague idea where she was headed. She corrected her hat and replied. "Sure hope so, yes. I don't really want to come back here for some extra supplies!" She made a serious face. "Really, this slope is terrible." They descended from the ridge without incident and took a road that promised to lead East, deeper into the land. The landscape gradually changed from a rocky mountainous one, adding grassy patches and scarce vegetation. Natural Order saw a decent camping spot off to the side of the road and called for a stop. It was after noon, so she could use a cup of water and a few minutes of rest. She was also curious of local plsnts.
  22. @Dark Horse While the stallion read the diary, the mare decided to look around some more. Her ears perked up as she heard Saffron exclaim a few times, and he seemed to be very engrossed in his read, and concerned too. Still, Crystal kept searching. Unfortunately, there wasn't much left. Lots of papers, sure, and some records were clearly missing, if the empty drawersdrawers were any indication. One big wardrobe cabinet was shut, of course... Crystal Clear was inspecting it closely to determine the best way to get it open when Saffron finished reading. Judging from the way he tossed it aside, it wasn't good news. She rolled her eyes at the motion of sharing the bottle's contents, but sat down to listen to his reiteration of the journals contents. When he was finished, the mare simply slid the bottle his way across the desk. Her shoulders were slumped and her coat seemed a tad matted, compared to her looks from just a few minutes ago. Crystal sighed and rose up. "There's only one place I haven't stuck my nose in yet. That big cabinet - closed. Now that I know what's inside, I need to be careful. Could use a crowbar or a big screwdriver at least..." The mare tapped her chin in concentration, staring at the locked wardrobe. It would be easy with her tools! After a bit, her hoof missed the chin and tapped the forehead as she got an idea. "Of course! Saffron, can you use your magic to yank the doors open? The lock is probably just a tiny thing, it'll come apart if you pull real hard on it. I will hold the cabinet in place. Sounds like a plan?"
  23. @Dark Horse @Nightmare Season Crystal Clear stood near Peony Springs, making sure she was more or less okay, when she heard the unmistakable rattle of armoured ponies running to their location. She instinctively tensed and looked for a spot to hide - some things cannot be unremembered - but the royal guards came quicker than she took the first step. Before the mate could say anything, that blasted rich buffon framed them and now she was being held firmly by the telekinetic grasp of a huge unicorn guard. Crystal struggled instinctively as her heart went into overdrive. She tried to reason with her captor. "Let me go! My Princess will hear about this unwarranted use of force against me!" Thankfully the guards had some brains under those thick skull plates and, after an agonisingly long exchange, which Crystal spent struggling in fright and spinning up her sharp tongue on the deaf ears of the guard that held her, she found herself free. And laying on the pavement, since she upset her balance with all this squirming. As the mare picked herself up, without any help, she muttered to herself angrily. "That was the LAST time I ever set hoof in this wretched excuse of a city. Bits and renown be damned." While most of the events came over her head - Crystal was too busy reliving her past for those long minutes while held against her will to keep track of what was going on - she just picked up that Richly was being marched out of the estate, his head low. And the officer in charge of this detachment started talking to Peony, questioning her about the incident. Crystal took deep breaths and tried to calm down after her little panic attack, and just sat on the pavement to ease her shaky legs. She was more or less okay when it was her turn to answer questions, and she did her best to provide answers. However, before her testimony was taken in full, an unexpected visitor landed in the garden. "Am I... seeing things? " She asked aloud but everypony was already bowing, so she followed suit like a well mannered crystal pony she was. Most days at least. Princess Celestia herself, who would have thought? The burgundy mare listened in to the exchange and finally knew why Peony kept it in her garden. Misguided, but good intention if anything. A guard escorted Peony back to her carriage, the Princess exchanged a few words with the officer and took off, and, before Crystal could register, it was over. The detachment upped and left, even though the mare was not done answering questions. She looked a bit out of place, waiting to be summoned to follow maybe, but she found herself alone in the garden. Left to her own devices. "That was... intriguing." Apparently Saffron also had similar experience, since he also remained. Crystal looked at her raised foreleg, which finally stopped shaking. "I guess I'm headed to her estate, to grab my tool cart. Would you like go accompany me?"
  24. @Goddess Sunset Shimmer Natural couldn't really argue with that logic. "I reckon some curio collector, or maybe an alchemist, or other sicence type would be interested, yeah. Buuut we'll see how it goes once we get there, yeah." She remained silent for some time, as they neared the town that was finally coming into view. Finally the mare spoke up again. "Uh, any particular idea on how to attract the attention of the Princess? cause that's completely out of my area of expertese, so to speak."
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