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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. @@Moon Dancer., "Something far away from here, that' what! I don't know how I'll manage to sleep at night..." She remained silent for a spell, then continued. "We can try the same place we crashed into a cave earlier. Find a safe way in. It looked pretty rich in crystals, all things considered. But now, I need to stop shaking and the best way to do it is to get into a solid crystal cabin." They walked back, again for an hour or so. They were getting close to the cabin when she saw something. "A sleigh?! He was due in two weeks! Oh Heart, he's probably browsing our stuff and all!" She looked at Aquarius with some fright. "I know you said no, but please, change into a pony for a moment when we walk in? So the guy won't do anything rash when he sees you? Pretty please?"
  2. @@Moon Dancer., They basically hugged until they walked a fair distance back to the place where they started the search. Only when the pillars were far and out of sight did the mare relax a tiny bit. First theing she did was to let go of her companion. "I'm, uhh... sorry for, you know, clutching to you like a filly. I'm no hero type, eheh." She laughed nervously, trying to judge the changeling's attitutde to what happenned. Hard to do when he's wearing tinted goggles and a face mask though. Crystal continued, tracing a circle with her hoof in the snow. "I guess that area is a bit too dangerous for comfort, so... would you mind if we head back home for a bit? We can try another place in the afternoon."
  3. @@Moon Dancer., The mare nodded and suddenly clutched to her companion, shaking slightly, as they both noticed something in the distance. The mare nodded feverishly and they slowly withdrawned from the site. Crystal was keeping very close to him, as she was visibly scared.
  4. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal was rather on edge as she said quietly. "They're spirits that brought eternal Winter on the first land of ponies. The Frozen North is, in fact, the southernmost part of that realm." She noticed him wiping another portion of the mural. "Those two? But... No, let's leave this place be. Check the rest of the cliff and if there's nothing in here, head back and think of a new place to check out."
  5. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal tried to discern whether he was brave or stupid. "O-okay, let's." She walked just behind him, eyes nad ears wide open. Turns out, there wasn't much to worry about. Just stacked rocks, with some... symbols? She tried to wipe one rock face clean with fresh snow, and gasped audibly at what she saw, now cleared. "Windigoes!" Crystal Clear got spooked, and noticed the stacks were arranged in a triangle. Obviously old too. The mare came to the changeling and said quietly. "I don't like this place, who knows that's under the snow."
  6. @@Moon Dancer., The mare had her eyes on the rock face, and occasionally on the landscape too. She froze when she saw Aquaruis musing aloud. "What's s- Oh." Crystal walked to the changeling's side, disregatrding her own safety advice. It did look like something stacked those boulders on purpose, although they were too far to see if they were natural or quarried. She didn't see any tracks either, but they could be snowed over by the wind in a couple minutes. She leaned to her companion, a bit unsure of herself. "So... we check this out or?"
  7. @@Moon Dancer., "Okay, let's then. Just keep further apart this time, in order to avoid what happenned the last time." - the mare led the way, staying close to the cliff face and looking for any signs of her precious crystals, occasionally glancing at the changeling to make sure he's okay. Crystal Clear walked a few minutes before she stopped and unslung a pickaxe from her saddlebags, then struck a discolored vein in the rock. Peering closer, she decided it was some kind of metal. Iron maybe? Worth mentioning in her reports for sure. "See that? It's some kind of an ore vein. If not for the teensy little fact that we're in the middle of nowhere, somepony would try and look for a good spot to mine it. But not us, so I'll just mention it in my notes and carry on. Speaking of which..." - she pointed a hoof onwards and continued walking.
  8. A bot from a radio I don't even listen to calls me and announces I can win half a million cash? Yeah, totally legit...

  9. @, The noble nodded. "So I've noticed..." - He was about to take his seat when the mare in question showed up out of nowhere. Everypony's heads turned at Shade Walker's sudden appearance, except Clarissa who no doubt was already used to it. Crystal noticed she opted for a seat at her right, not at the noble's immediate left, which was more honorable. Nevertheless, sne nodded politely at her table companion. Lord Wheat took his seat while nodding humorlessly. "I take that as a big compliment, although, truth be told, I wish my guards didn't have to be so good at their job. The Forest is a troublesome neighbour, and we learned the hard way not to let our guard down in it's shadow. But I guess you're tired and hungry, not wishing sor some more rambles of an old stallion..." He motioned at his guests to begin the meal.
  10. @@Nightmare Season, After a satisfying night and good breakfast, the royal couple left their palace to find the ponies who petitioned the Queen for aid in finding their missing daughter. They needed a few pointers from the local jungle ponies, but eventually made it. They talked to the father, a timber mill worker. Mother was a nervous wreck. Crystal couldn't fanthom how she would fare if one of her own got lost. Probably not much better... The father had little intel himself - the young mare was fourteen, had a green palette and golden eyes, wore a marble teardrop necklace. He noticed she took her bits she was saving, but nothing else. He didn't believe she ran away, but had some suspicions towards the local nightmares, even though Crystal thought they were unfounded. Tey bid farewell to find the guard that oversaw the neighbourhood. The mare stood to the side and let Nightmare lecture him. She knew he would do it better as she was prone to getting heated. Only once her husband was done did she chip in, ordering him to find any and all trace of the missing pony. She was a citizen of this city, not some decond class pony. The couple decided to let the guards work as they went back to the palace. The twins were already expecting a meal... The Queen was waiting anxiously at any news, and jumped right into her armor as soon as she got word that the missing mare went outside the city. No point risking her own life with going unprepared. Although she needed to make some adjustments to it - namely don a cape of sorts since it didn't cover what she wanted to stay hidden. The part about the missing pony carrying items fit for exploration seemed odd though. The royal couple joined the search- partially to show they care, but mostly because they did actually care. As parents, sitting idly did not go well with them. She had a small entourage of guards at her side - ten nightmares and five jungle ponies. As soon as they left the gate, they waded into tall grass - around the heights of a normal pony's nostrils - off the road to the farms. The think vegetation proved to be very ticklish to her underside, as she soon discovered. Nightmare Season glided overhead, looking for any signs too. They didn't find anything at first and waded into the Forest. It was there whem at some point, the crystal nightmare saw a hacked path and hoof marks in the mud. Her guards confirmed the track was fresh and belonged to a one, normal pony. She shot a flare to call her husband down and they followed the track deeper into the forest. They found a body. Not the missing pony's however, but a monkey's. It had a big dent in its skull after being struck with whatever the lone pony was hacking their way through the jungle. What was important, was that the animal had something in it's paws - a tuft of long, dark green hair - it fit the description of the young mare's mane. The search party took heart at this, knowing they're on the right track. And that their quarry is not as defenceless as it may seem... Crystal started to get worried - the search was getting long and her foals sure won't be happy about the delay in their meal. She was getting uncomfortably full too. If they won't find her soon, she'll have to turn back. A jungle pony from their entourage heard a waterfall in the distance, and the trail turned abruptly towards it. The crystal nightmare sure hoped this will mark the end of their search. They walked into a small grove of sorts, a stream formed a waterfall and a little pool underneath, but didn't flow any further - a clear sign of a cave underneath. The missing mare was feverishly scrubbing her coat, undoubtly still bothered by the monkey incident. She didn't notice the newcomers until they spoke to her, and she got so startled, she slipped and fell whole into the water. Crystal waded into the water to help her out and calm her. Also to wash the slight leaks from her overflowing milk taps. It was starting to hurt how full they were. The search party helped the missing pony gather her bearings and escorted her home, while the royal couple asked why she did that in the first place. Crystal was clearly in a hurry to get home.
  11. @@Moon Dancer., The mare observed the changeling tor a moment, with her head slightly cocked to the side, thinking about something. She shook her head and proceeded to get dressed herself. Once she wal also fully dressed, Crystal Clear walked over to the door and gave him an appraising look. "You know, you do look rather good in mares clothes, heheh." She went out before he had time to retaliate, and then closed the door with a key. Then she shoulder bumped him. "Cheer up, I'm just teasing you a bit. Happens when I'm in good mood. But do tell me if I get annoying, okay?" They started walking towards their destination for the day. The wind was light but still made talking through the masks a bit uncomfortable, so they kept quiet till they reached the cliff face, an hour and some more later. Crystal Clear oriented herself in the landscape and mused aloud so he could hear her. "So the cave we met is there, but I haven't checked the other side yet. So unless you fancy revisitng the place, I say we go the opposite direction, okay?"
  12. Hmm, dunno really. Depends on what you aim for. Some guides mention that looks and personality can be put on hold so the tulpa creates them on their own. Like I said, cross referencing a few guides and other sources wouldn't hurt to expand your idea on how to tailor your approach to your needs and abilities. There's no one best way to make a tulpa, after all.
  13. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear decided to cut the teasing and just did her mane as he brushed. Once she was ready, the mare nodded at the changeling with a warm smile. "Thanks. Now we can get dressed and move out. I'll take my saddlebags for samples. I also have some useful things there. C'mon, while the weather is good."
  14. @@Moon Dancer. The mare's smile widened at his reply. "Glad to hear that, hehe." She refocused on brushing her coat, but seems she was having fun including him in her grooming, for some reason. When she was finished, Crystal asked to switch accessories - she took care of the mane and he would finish her back. She keenly observed just how low he went with that comb, still holding that sly smile.
  15. @@Moon Dancer. "Glad to hear that." - the mare nodded as she went to grab her grooming tools with intent to make herself presentable. Seeing him waiting, she had an idea. Crystal looked over her shoulder and asked with a playful smile. "Are you bored? Cause I have something you could do..." She waved the hair comb to show she meant doing her tail.
  16. @@Moon Dancer. Crystal Clear got their breakfast on the table, and poured in hot water to the cups for tea. She then joined the silent changeling by the table, occasionally glancing at him thoughtfully. Once the meal was done, she answered the question. "Once we clean the dishes and I stop looking like a mess, more or less. So maybe you take care of the dishes this time? Should speed up our departure..."
  17. @@Nightmare Season, Crystal Clear tucked the two year olds in their beds. She stood for a few minurs, watching them, thinking how lucky she it, all things considered. Finally, the mare went out of the foal room and headed towards her private workshop and study room. First thing she noticed was the broken seal on the doors. Crystal Clear had a habit of leaving a seal of fused crystal on the door to her workshp every time she went away for a length of time. It had one obvious advantage over a wax seal - once broken, only a Master of Crystal could repair it. She felt a wave of stress inside her as she pushed the doors open. Everything seemed as she left it, even with a pristine layer of dust collected for over a month. She carefully inspected everything as she went further in. Shelves were undisturbed, and so seemed her desk. Even the Mother of Pyrite was untouched, even though it looked like a huge block of gold. The next room contained her workshop, and he most prized posession - the Master's Chest. Crystal Clear jumped to it and nearly traced it with her nose, looking for any and all signs of tampering, but findind none. Shelooked around and, once sure she was alone, she opened it with the secret method - nothing was disturbed or missing. She breathed out in relief. Still ,somepony went inside. The Queen Nightmare decided to st by her desk, after dusting off the cushion first. Only then did she notice a smudge on a drawer. Carefully opening it with her magic, she peered inside and found her Code of Laws, version 0.1. She wasn't sure but it looked like it was picked up and read in a hurry. Well, that would explain the break-in. It was written in nightmare pony letters so her subjects could easily read what she was planning to enforce. Knowing full well that, most probably, the culprit won't be found anyway, and quite possibly it was an inside job, she decided to tell only Nightmare Season, and pretend nothing happenned. She made a mental note to read it all to make sure nothing was changed, then walked out to get the documents that were adressed for her - before leaving, she assigned a chest to put them by the servants. And to ask somepony to dust the place off. The Queen Nightmare read over a stack of papers on the balcony when her study was being cleaned. Surprisingly enough, she had a lot of mail. A formal complaint from Poisoned Oasis, signed by some respected figures from other clans too, called her to lift the slave ban, citing tradition, lack of hooves for work, criminal justice, and, yes, profits, as reasins to do so. She put the letter with many seals of it's signatries away, and read the other ones. Some reports, some more appeals to the Crown, mostly by feuding ponies and nightmares. One... disturbing letter about a filly's disappearance calling for her aid in finding her. Crystal put it on a separate stack of urgent matters. The rest wan't so important or notable to mention separately. Once informed that the royal study s ready, the mare went there to pen the replies. She decided to hold off with the Poisoned Oasis one until she talked with Nightmare Season. The letter from a desperate jungle pony family was a week old, but she decided to visit them as soon as possible. The rest of paperwork was being taken care of in a few hours, with two breaks to feed the triplets. Eventually, Crystal decided that royal hours were over and she went to their private rooms to spend some time with her young. Nightmareseason found her providing late afternoon snacks to the triplets. The mare looked up from her busy twins, holding a smirk of amusement - they were so damn cute while at it, and it felt kinda tickly, but also quite good. "Yeah, have a drink on me, I insist. Because there's no way that increase demand will make me produce more, right?" - Crystal shook her head, but she knew she'll give him what he asks for anyway. She always does. Although it was getting a bit unconfortable with that hefty pair between her hindlegs. She gave him a stare as he asked how many more foal they will have. She said plainly she wanted a break, didn't she? At least she got an apology nuzzle. "I'll give you so many you'll lose count, don't worry. Just not all at once, love. Ifthere's something we have in spades, its time." The twins were losing speed at her taps nad she looked atthem. "Huh, seems my cuties are done down there? Come to mommy, you little crystals." - The mare took them, one by one, to her chest for burping. Nightmare took over Aquamarine so they will get burped at the same time, but she saw him eyeing the prize that her colts just vacated. The mare laid on her back again, and held the colts in her forelegs as they nuzzled into her fur. "Guess it's daddy's turn. Just close the doors, will you?" He had his fill, and then, he had his fun. At least Crystal managed to tell him aout the two letters she singled out from the stack she got. They both decided to investigate the disappeared filly case. With so many houses empty, there was no telling what happenned really. And the parents mentioned being waved off by the guard for some reason...
  18. @@Foxy Socks, I guess it wouldn't hurt if you read through a few guides to tulpaforcing. They're popping up on Google with no problem. Just stick to most recent ones, since some stuff apparently went out of favour within tulpa community. It should give you basic understanding of the process that's happenning with your tulpa. Now wonderlands are optional, as far as I can tell, BUT having one beforehand, even a simple one, will provide a "living space" for the tulpa to hang out in, as already explained. You can force them inside it, or ask them to go out and force them in a blank space/white room/whatever. If you're good with visualising and train a bit, you could take glimpses on what they're currently doing there. Also, vocal replies are rather far along the road, so don't get discouraged if you don't get any. After all, they have to have a personality to have anything to say, for starters. Good luck and keep telling them that what you provide, is a starter kit rather than your divine will for them to stay like that forever. Some tulpas may take the latter for granted.
  19. @@Moon Dancer., She noticed something as she let her mane loose - the changeling... froze? Daydreamed? Whatever it was, she decided to just wave a hoof at it as she brought the kettle on the stove. "Pretty much, although if I were you, I wouldn't hope for stuff. In my short experience, that's what wants to eat you." - She was pretty serious about that, but immediately brightened her expression. "I'll get your meal in a few minutes".
  20. @@Moon Dancer., She jabbed a hoof playfully in his chest "Hey, smart flank!" The mare browsed her larder. "Well, I have oats too, packed in some... cookie like form. Not particullary tasty though. And hay fries too. But salads make the most of my supply, yeah. there;s also cold and hot water, not just tea. So it's a whole world of opportunity in here, heh." She smirked at him as she closed the larder, having taken her pick and beginning to set up things for tea. Crystal also decided to let her mane and tail loose, and the bright azure buns unwrapped into long strokes of hair.
  21. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal stomped her hoof in amusement and laughed a bit. "I was asking for breakfast, silly! It's not like I have a long menu to offer, right? But good to know the weather is okay. I guess we can venture farther away today, to the area I found you in. Plenty of ground still to cover there." She corrected herself. "I mean, if you'd like to accompany me, that is."
  22. @@Moon Dancer., Themare stirred in her bed at the noise of him climbing ouut of his, then heard his hoofsteps to the nearest small window. Crystal Clear stretched and yawned, then rubbed her eyes open and peeked from under the covers. "Guess so, that's what I'm getting paid, after all." She sat in the bed and threw the covers off her, Another day, another brushing of her cherry coat and azure mane - both mane and tail were wrapped in tight buns for bed time. "So what do you see there? Sun? Snow? Ancient ice monsters?" She hopped on the crystal floor and made her bed, then wandered tothe kitchen area. "Same as usual?"
  23. @@Moon Dancer., Crystal frowned slightly at the comment, but nodded. "Well, guess it's hardly a perfect place for a changeling who's used to being in a full Hive. I kind of like it here, somewhat... Oh no worries, I'll make him take you, even if it means I'll have to agree to be taken on some awful date..." - The mare rolled her eyes ant the idea and got back to making herself presentable. Honestly, the day was uneventful. They didn't go out, except for grabbing snow to melt in order to refill the cistern. Once Crystal reinstalled the pump of course. They talked some more, usually on neutral topics. Crystal tried to come up with something to do so the changeling wouldn't be so bored, but there wasn't much to begin with. They decided to end the day early and get some more sleep - tomorrow, if the weather holds up, they will head out to look for crystals. The mare added a small note on the cave they accidentally found and marked it on her map. Mext morning was a new day of opportunities.
  24. One day, I'll write a novel starring my OC. Buuuuut it's not today...

  25. @@Nightmare Season, She giggled as he took her under his wing. "Well I have to be good at something besides making foals, right? Gotta earn my crown, not just wear it." They came back to the Palace to get ready for a family walk around their domain. The royal family took a stroll all over the city and it's surrounding farms. Crystal keenly noticed that there was indeed a segregation of sorts goin on. Nightmare ponies took the districts with best houses, and ran their business in spacious shops. Jungle ponies were found mostly in "middle class" dwellings - not bad, but less fancy than the ones taken by the first comers. They were always separated by at least an avenue from each other, and she had a feeling it was the jungle ponies who closed themselves off. They talked with their citizens on the streets and in their businesses, to get to know the opinions on the streets. They heard the same they already knew from the morning - stereotypes, fear of the unknown, misunderstandings of each others customs, some feuds over ancestral land or homes. Crystal thought about opening a Day Court to start settling the disputes. On the upside, business prospered and the city, or at least the populated parts, were clean and well kept. The fresh water from public fountains and working sewers really made a difference with overall sanitary conditions, even if nightmare ponies had some issues with adjusting to this new way of life. She saw tents on a few squares and signs of switching houses like they were readily availible and belonged to nopony. The royal family decide to try out the public bathhouse, ran by the jungle ponies who first claimed it and converted into a business. Crystal decided that coming here regularily would reinforce the view that she respects the jungle ponies, and promotes cleaniness too. Plus, these onies sure knoew how to make am mare relax, even as... unusual as her. The bath workers were clearly stunned over what she was hiding under that long dress when she asked for a massage. They talkeda bit while cleaning up before any treatments. The mare was sitting in a small pool of water, eyes closed as she took in the pleasant sensation of getting her back scrubbed. "Yeah, once we patch up that mess things should be looking up. Although I'll need to speed up the work on that code of laws and think of a way to teach nightmares about living in one place. You saw how some houses were abandoned as soon as they needed to be cleaned for the first time. And those tents. At least I haven't seen any signs of disrespecting my royal ban, so that's something..." She took over the scrub and got to work on her husband's back, careful not to mess his plumage. She grew to like preening his wings though. "You seen that stack of papers in your study? Trust me, you won't even know when this month will pass. I also have a lot to do, starting from organising a Palace library to hold all those books. Shame our subjects can't read Equestrian letters, translating al that will take a lifetime." They continued their stroll, the mare seemed happy and relaxed after a good massage and feeding the foals to relieve the pressure on her taps. They found themselves wandering over the unclaimed districts to see what they had in store. "Lovely dance competition huh?" She gave him a sly smile and bumped her hips into him. "And how else can a mare show what she's got, and who she's hot, other than in a good dance? Besides, stallions also have their showoffs, like you and Shining Armor." She nodded, still smiling. "Yeah, poor prince grew some kind of inferiority complex over how he got his flank kicked by a mare, and his shiny troops got a whopping like schoolfillies. Poor Cadence, he must be hard to bear when he's nursing his wounds after a defeat." She was walking a wide avenue back to the Market District when a building caught her eye. "Hmm, this one is different... Let's come inside and check it out." Turns out, it was pretty perfect for a dance hall, or to host concerts. The acoustics were good and they shared a smirk at that discovery. Crystal decided to try and get to know what it was before converting it into a dance hall though. The building clearly had some clear purpose, and last theing she wanted to do was to insult the jungle ponies if they needed it. They went to the market. The Market District, as it became known because of the perfect location to run shops, wide pathways and squares to set up stalls, was completely dominated by the clans, They couldn't see a single jungle pony business there, which was an obvious disadvantage, since it was the commercial heart of the city. Each clan was grouped together and brandished it's insignia. There were many customers, but again, no jungle ponies. The city had, effectively, two economies within it's walls. They decided to come back home for a meal, as the "family walk" gave them some proper leg excercise and tired the firstborns - something the mare thought was nearly impossible. The smaller foals were enjoying a ride - twins in her special saddlebags and Midnight Star on daddy's back. Crystal couldn't help but laugh as the two year olds cuddled to sleep on the nearest couch they saw when they entered the palace. She motioned Nightmare to take a look. "I never thought I'd say it, but if I had a camera, I'd snap a picture of them right now." The nannes showed up and Crystal gave Lucky Clover the twin colts. "I'll carry the sleeping beautiesto their beds, no worries." the mare procured the smoke cloud and gently moved the sleeping foals onto it, then went to tuck them in their beds. She said quietly to Nightmare on the way out. "I'll be in my study if you need me, gotta dust off the things I was working on."
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