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Raven Rawne

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Everything posted by Raven Rawne

  1. I'm renting that place I checked earlier this week. Moving out will be a real "fun", but hopefully I'll have some peace once I start living on my own.

  2. @@Nightmare Season, She smirked at the proposition. "Shining Flames eh? I like it. Kind of confusing with the tree banner but, whatever, let's be Shining Flames then." She had to agree with her husband when it comes to building though. "Hmm, another thing I haven't taken into account." She peeked over the bushes at the dunes." As an outsider, I thought the scenery is permament, like up North." She submerged again and sighed. "I can also see the merit of not building landmarks... It's so sad yout kin doesn't know the lasting peace." She gave her husband a wet nuzzle. "The canopy would be appreciated, thanks." At some point, the mare felt cold in the water. Too much of the good stuff, apparently. The pair got out of the water - Nightmare gave his wife a helping hoof, since she found herself surprisingly stiff from laying in the cool water. Then he led her to a shaded patch between those funny trees, where they laid on the lush grass and let the wind dry their coats. Even when they were completely dry, neither wanted to get up, so they just crawled to each other and lied together in a relaxed embrace. Just enjoying their presence. No words. Their little shaded haven. Crystal saw a phoenix fly and perch on a bigger bush. "What is it, Radiance?" The bird gave her a funny look and pecked at the letter hung to it's chest. It was some other phoenix. Nightmare took the letter. The mare looked at the blue sky as he penned the reply. "I think you have the wrong attitude, sweetheart. Just as I do with cooking. It is a responsibility, yes, but look past the swarm of letters and clans biting at your coin purse." She lifted a hoof and pointed it straight up, for no reason really. "You have a great opportunity, to put the clans in order and actually do something that will benefit the nightmare ponies as a whole. That's what the Sultan is for. You lead them, even if some don't want to go where you want. You can kick their greedy flanks into a better future. I guess it's not that bad from this perspective?" She looked at her husband, who seemed to be thinking of her words. Somehow, the big breakfast, cold water and no movement made her last till evening without the need to raid the nearest food supply. Crystal was a bit dissapointed she had to get up, but it was time to move into her home. Crystal put a hoof to her snout, as if deeply thinking over the proposal. "Well... It is kind of tempting but I might need some mor convincing." She smiled at him and purred as he gissed her some more. The tent looked the same from the outside, but as soon as they left the large "throne" room, things got a wee bit different. "Somepony's been redecorating, huh?" Crystal playfully jabbed Nightmare with a hoof. She let him show her around. The crystal workshop was neat the entrance, mainly for ventillation since she needed to make some alchemy stuff too. Sparks room, a real nice one at that, was separated from the workshop by the indoor garden. The main bedroom was placed at the opposite from the workshop, and the unicorn's room. The other bedrooms were mostly kept intact, in case they had important guests. They finished the tour in the main bedroom, standing side by side. Crystal positioned herself to get the most of the bellurub - she loved the way he did that. "Our very own paradise indeed. It'll be hard to leave when the time comes, but it's very importnat that our daughter is linked to the Heart. Our son won't need it, being a nightmare pony. I hope it'll be okay to make the trip with any crystal foals we'll have? it's not just some tradition, it keeps us who we are, the crystal ponies." She nuzzled his neck. "Keep rubbing that tummy, the babies need to know they're loved by their daddy. Thaaat's it. Uuuuh so good..." They stood like that for a few minutes, or so, when Crystal felt hungry. "Okay, I guess that'll do for now." She smoothed he dress. "Care for a bite to eat? I could use a few actually. Skipping dinner wasn't the best move on my part." The couple left the bedroom and walked through the corridor and into the main hall. Sparks did it again, she was halfway through with setting up the plates on the table as some other pony brought trays with food. "Seems you have a knack for that, dear. Perhaps you'd be interested in... how do I put it... the pony in charge of the house. Keep tabs on the supplies, make things run as intended. No heavy lifting or such. You'd be management. What do you think love? We could use a good pony to lend a hoof in running this show. Especially when our numbers double..."
  3. @@Nightmare Season, the mare chewed up a portion of her meal and smiled. "You really think it's a good idea? Thanks." She wasn't sure where he was going with that hoof, but once it became apparent, she laughed. "Riiight, I guess we could place my mark amongst the branches too." She closed her eyes and thought of the image for a moment. "Yeah, that would work..." Crystal took a small bite and and after a bit, mused aloud. "though we still need a name... I'm bad with names. So much I named my shop "Sapphire Rose", if you can believe it." They ate their breakfast until all three ponies decided they had their fill. Radiance also came for a bite. Crystal never really had a pet, but she was really happy with the phoenix. Nightmare said he wanted to check on their tent, and Crystal decided to join. Sparks agreed to clean up, and Crystal made sure the knew it was aappreciated, not simply expected. She still needed to talk with the unicorn about actual terms of her stay, like occupation and where she'd live, but all in due time. For now, the royal couple went to visit their home. Crystal Clear inspected the tent from a safe distance, so she wouldn't interrupt the works. Seems they finished with the roof, and started filling the tent's inside. All in all, the task was about halfway done, structure-wise. The heat was rising and their private pool looked rather inviting. The mare decided to try it out. "I'll do a test run on our pool, okay?" She took off her dress and hung it carefully on a branch. Then, she carefully waded into the water. She could see the bottom alright, so no crocodiles. Either somepony tampered with it sometime earlier, or it was really convenient - first several steps were a gradual decline, then a flat part, the water would just brush her underside if she wasn't pregnant. Good for swimming lesons for little ones too, she thought. Further in, the water was deeeper and allowed for proper swimming. The bushes that grew around it's edges provided some privacy, but no shade. Still the water was nice and cool, compared to the hot air at least. She swam along the length and came back to Nightmare, who was wading through the shallow part. "Hot springs are amaaaazing, but they're a cold climate treat, you know. This will do just fine, help me bear the heat better." Crystal looked around as she made room for her husband to join at the deep part. "We could try and make some improvements though... Place a canopy over a part of the pool for some shade. If we found some stones, I could quarry them to make floor and walls on the shallow part, to make it easier for our foals to get acquainted with water..." She patted her chin in thought, then waved a hoof dismissively. "Ehh... we won't stay here forever. Maybe we won't find this spot once we come back. I guess it's why your kin doesn't make any permament changes to their surroudings, right? Although that valley could use some proper, stone fortifications... Anyway, look at me trying to fix everything at once. Let's just enjoy ourselves and maybe think of a name for our merry band. It's so fascinating we get to start a whole new clan! We get to make the rules, customs... I can't help myself, the possibilities are like, endless! Err, sorry, shutting up." The pair enjoyed the cool water for some time. "Buck, we didn't get any towels... I'll either ruin my dress or look indecent in front of my clan. Talk about royal pains..."
  4. @@Nightmare Season, The mare was relieved Nightmare wasn't mad at her short sightedness with the ponies they were "given". She still had so much to learn about this place... Although the mention of green and a river lifted her spirits. "A river? And real grass? Count me in!" The idea that they would have their own clan now was... odd, but it's way better than being tied down to this place from lack of hooves to help them move. The "royal family" and their guest retired for the night. Crystal had a good idea to assign the far room for Sparks, since Nightmare made sure to make her happy that night. They met in the morning, in the main room. Sparks seemed a bit embarassed and Crystal came up to her and quietly apologised for the noise. The trio walked outside, Radiance perched on the crystal mare's back. She lived riding on ponies. Crystal Clear was positively surprised to see that their clan has increased in numbers - a good number of ponies were still there, waiting on Sultan's decisions. Once her husband annouced the move, whole town took a group effort to pack up everything and get on the road. Crystal was amazed how strangers managed to cooperate so efficiently. The trio took their basic belongings to the carriage and let the clan ponies pack the rest. Crystal said that, if she'd like to, Sparks can travel inside with them. She tried to be a friend to the young mare, maybe secretly hoped she would stay. The unicorn was still jumpy, but she seemed to like the crystal mare as well. Right before departure, Crystal Clear took a look at the place where their city stood a day ago - now there was no trace of it, just the many springs and patches of green. They were on the road for two days, and spent the nights in the travel tent. She didn't mind, it was very nice after all. Although it lacked some privacy, since Sparks was living with them. The mare arranged bedding for her on the cushions that formed the sitting area. Apparently she was used to sleeping on the ground, judging from her reaction. Poor child, Crystal knew how she felt, but didn't tell her of her collared past. Some things should be best buried in the past... The evening of the second day brought the much anticipated view of the distant trees. Crystal Clear practically lied by the doors to be out there as soon as possible - a place free of sand, her little green sanctuary, so close she can smell the vegetation. Unfortunately, they didn't have the time to sightsee, since they arrived at the desired spot nearly at dusk. It was a bit dangerous to wander around in the dark, so Crystal reluctantly went to the tent - the small one, it was much easier to set up. She woke up early, apparently right after dawn by the look of it. The usual need to use the restroom, it was becoming a norm for her to take restroom breaks several times per day, and in the night too. Another pregnancy thing. Once the mare took care of her business, she opened the tent flap and looked outside - the camp was asleep, but the daylight meant she could look around. With a big grin, Crystal walked back to bed and gently woke up her husband. "Wake up love, time to find the pace for our home. C'mon, I'll make it up to you, hmm?" They got ready, trying not so wake up Sparks. Seems like the soft bedding made her sleep like a foal, however, and the couple managed to sneak out without waking anypony. Nightmare showed her around and led to the river. there was lush grass, some bushes, real trees, even if a bit weird. they looked like straws, with big branches at the top. A bit like umbrellas. There were some flowers around, but she was told they were poisonous. What a shame. The river itself was... amazing. The crystal mare never thought to see this much water in this dry land - she could barely see the other side, it was that wide. Probably deep too. At some point, the mare took off from her husband's side and trotted hastily to a modest offshot of the great river. She inspected the area, and the still pool of water, then annouced with pride. "This is the place for our home." It was a great spot - a group of those funny trees grew by the river, profiding shade and some protection from wind. The tent would sit between the river proper and the pool, so it will be cooler inside. The pool itself seemed clean and rather shallow, perfect for safe swimming and relaxing. All around was green grass, not sand. Nightmare ordered to raise their tent in this spot, and as the clan obeyed, Crystal decided to sightsee some more. "C'mon, just a little romantic walk." She was practically using her whole body to nuzzle her husband into submission. "If I'll just lay around, you'll have to carry me everywhere because my legs will get weak, I need some movement..." He finally agreed, seeing she won't get off his mane till sundown. "Yes! Adventire!" She gave him a hug and panced around in a silly manner for a bit. The couple informed the clan that they're off for a walk, then took the opposite direction than previously - against the current. The scenery was as such: river, a strip of fertile land, depending on terrain from fifty to several hundread steps, then the desert. Crystal didn't know how it all worked, but the shrubs tend to grow on the outskirts of the green land, and the trees usually by the river, occasionally forming groups further in-land. She saw a few little birds, heard the frogs, saw fish in the river, a pair of big, pink birds hunting fish in the shallows - Nightmare said they were called Flamingoes. At some point he held a hoof before her to make her stop - Crystal didn't notice a big snake ahead of her. It didn't look friendly, and Nightmare said it was poisonous. They also saw bog animals in the distance - yellow cats called lions. They steered away from them. At one bend of the great river, Crystal saw something strange - gianric lizards sunbathing on the river bank, by the dozens. They had huge couths that could nearly swallow her whole. Nightmare called them Crocodiles, and said they hunt in the water. Their tent should be safe though, they're very sluggish on land and only come out to sunbathe like this. Since they walked a fair distance already, and Crystal's foals were demanding she ate something, they headed back. It was still morning, although late, when the couple arrived at the camp. Their masive tent was still a work in progress, the ponies were still assembling the skeleton. Crystal came inside their travel tent and keenly noticedthat Sparks organised breakfast for the royal couple. She smiled and gave the unicorn an friendly nuzzle. "Thanks, I really needed a bite to eat. So, have you thought about your future? You'll be always welcome in my home, but if you'd like to move someplace else, I guess we may give you something for start." She looked at Nightmare for conformation of her offer. Sparks - Crystal Clear decided it was most probably a name given to her by her previous owner, based on the obvious fact that unicorn magic is shiny - seemed taken aback for a moment, and thought deeply on her answer. She finally nodded. "If it's alright, I'd like to stay for a while. I don't have a place to go anyway..." Crystal have her a hug - seems she was getting maternal on everything youngerthan herself. "It's alright, you can stay. Think about what you'd like to do in our little clan, okay? You're a free mare now, no more ordering around." A loud grumble from the expecting mother's stomach, then a giggle broke the moment. "Sorry, I guess it's time for breakfast. Come sit with us, if you wish." The trio took places by the table and began eating. At some point, Crystal asked Nightmare. "So... now we have our own clan, correct? And you said something about banners too. Maybe we should get to it and figure out our name and colours? Something bright and uplifting, maybe, as mark of the good future of nightmare ponies. I think we should try and convince the rest, by our example rather by force, to use the dream roots and such. Maybe even teach them to be Daymares, like you. That would be something." She ate and thought of the colour schemes of their banner. "Hmm... maybe red with gold around the edges? And some symbol in the middle? Your cutie mark maybe. You know, tree as if dream tree and such."
  5. Seems I'm going to move out from my parents after all. The place I checked today was decent, and unless something happens, I'll rent it.

  6. @@Mentis Soliloquy, Crystal smiled. "If you have the bits, and give me some time, I can mare whatever you want. Well, with some restrictions, but whatever. Just remember that I make stuff, not sell finished products okay? Don't show up ten minutes before the train leaves the station hehe!" She waved the strange unicorn off as she went to her hotel. "And I thought there were no normal ponies down south..." She mused aloud as she hoppd off the platform and went to get a few Aurora Borealis crystals for her newest project. They tend to be rather pricy and she already found one in that cave she was going to. Crystal walked to her destination, humming some classical tune.
  7. @@Nightmare Season, Her husband didn't seem too worried, so she took comfort in that. He knew better after all. Crystal noticed that their new servants have eaten their fill too, and since she was rather sleepy, she got up and and yawned, then motioned at the ponies. "C'mon, I;ll show you to your rooms. I'm sorry for the haste, but I'm rather tired. We'll have time to talk tomorrow though. I'll be fine love, meet you in the bedroom okay?" She went into the small maze and showed the rooms to her new servants. They were as far as possible from the main bedroom, as a feeble attempt to filter any love sounds, should they happen to come off from the main bedroom. The couple went through their morning routine, Crystal as usual stared in the mirror for a bit. She was actually afraid of how she'll look before delivery. Her foals were rather demanding as far as space was concerned... Finally, she joined her husband in bed. it was humongusly huge as far as she was concerned, but also very soft. That was good, it put less pressure as she layed on her side, spooned by her husband. She woke up in the night. Stirred and opened her eyes - she needed to visit the restroom. To her horror, the same pny she freed in the evening, was standing over her husband with her own dagger. She kicked Nightmare and screamed in fright - she couldn't do much to fight him anyway. "Nightmare, wake up! Why are you doig this, I gave you your freedom for Heart's sake!" the stallion stirred from his sleep and barely managed to avoid the fatal strike. Still, he was bleeding. The assailant escaped, dropping the weapon. She curled up, frightened. Nightmare asked if she's okay, and Crystal nodded. He then ran after his would-be killer. Crystal remained like that for some time, fearing every sound. The young unicorn mare got startled too and peered inside the main bedroom. Crystal saw her and tried to comfort her. "I-it's okay now, he ran away. C'mon, at least we'll be scared together..." She smiled weakly, and the unicorn approached, with some trepidation. Crystal patted a spot next to her, after making sure there was no blood there. "Have a seat. I'm afraid I didn't ask your name, how do they call you?" "Sparks, ma-am." - the unicorn replied, still shaken. "Crystal Clear. Just Crystal Clear, I'm no stuck up noble. Nice to meet you Sparks, wish the circumstances were more favourable but, still. Feel free to get under the covers, I'm used to the cold. Prefer it actually. Guess we won't sleep tonight, eh? I'm too shaken to get any shuteye. Guess my foals won't be too happy about it..." They spent the rest of the night together. Crystal tried to ask some rudimentary questions, tell a thing or two about herself too. Make the young mare feel welcomed in her home. Dawn came, and Crystal didn't sleep for a moment. Now that it was bright, she didn't feel so afraid to move around, and went to the tent entrance. From there, she saw hee husband, thankfully he was okay. A stallion from Shooting Stars was beside him and they talked. She ranto him at top speed and have him the strongest hug she could muster. "I was so afraid when you just ran off like that! Couldn't shut an eye for a moment, thought the shadows want to get me... I'm so happy you're back!" Nightmare told her about the passed trial. She wasn't really moved that he had to put down the stallion - they gave him freedom, and he wanted to kill them. Hay, she'd finish him herself for trying to kill her husband. Nightmare whispered her some info on the practice of slavery amongst nightmare ponies. She still hated every bit of it though. Thankfully, her husband directed her thoughts elsewhere. "Yeah, we seem to be getting along. Name's Sparks. We talked a bit, but she haven't decided what she wants to do with her freedom yet though." They came back to the tent and got through their morning routine. Crystal patched up her husband's nick before he dressed up, and they had a meal. Sparks was with them most of the time. Dark Waters trial was... silly actually. Crystal would pass even in her current state. They got the gifts of the sea. Shooting Stars presented the couple with matching daggers, pretty nice looking, actually. Trial from Raging Fire was last, and actually looked serious. The whole town assembled on the arena outside, and Midnight Gleam was in her full gear. Crystal observed with some fright as they tested each other's nerves. When the fire barrier shot around the stallion, she felt at ease. Nothing could hurt him when he was like that. Other ponies seemed amazed, and a bit frightened by the display. Unfortunately, Nightmare didn't heep it forever and actually clashed with Midnight up close. The battle was fierce, but the mare had to admit her defeat eventually. Crystal cheered for her husband and applauded his victory. The armour sets they recieved looked fantastic, even if she couldn't try hers on. They retired to their tent, Sparks in tow. The whole town was one big party - it's not every day you get so see such a fight, and have a new Sultan too. SHe overheard that the clans will go their way tomorrow. The trio stepped into their house, and the clan servants laid down the gifts by the cushion area. Crystal breathed out in relief. "Uff, I'm so relieved this is over. And I'm sorry for that stallion. I didn't know it could happen..." She looked apologetically at him. Sparks found herself in Radiance's sights - the bird seemed to be asessing whether she likes the newcomer. "So, the clans are going their way. Are we staying here? And with whom? Besides Sparks, if she wishes to that is. I won't be able to take care of a house this big, you know. Much less help to move it someplace else."
  8. @@Mentis Soliloquy, Crystal Clear shook her head and laughed a bit. "One thing about the Empire - if you keep walking in circles, you eventually get where you want to! I'm sure you'll be fine, it's not Manehattan. I spent half of my trip bits on carriages and asking for directions..." She shook slightly at the memory of the city that seemed to never end. "Anyway, if you're into quality souvenirs, pay me a visit in the "Sapphire Rose", riiiiight here." She tapped a hoof at the map, pointing a spot at the edge of the city, right behind the Stadium. "I work with crystals. Speaking of which, there's a cave that wants to share it's treasures with me. So, see you around town?"
  9. @@Nightmare Season, The mare put the items from her homeland on display as Nightmare Season brought the clans attention to himself. She answered a few questions, but kept silent for the most part. The way she saw it, they were interested in decorative application of crystal - for jewelry and show-off items. A whole wagon made of crystal would sure make an impression. It seemed her axe didn't end up as a hit. They had their own weapons and, more importantly, knew how to make and repair them. A crystal axe in hooves of a nightmare was more or less a single use item, or a ceremonial piece maybe. She thought about items she could do in her spare time, to advertise her kin's wares. Nightmare made a deal with the clans to prepare the first trade expedition, and it was good news that they would be ready to take her, and her husband, up North so she could deliver her foals there. Since her daughter was a crystal pony, she had to be crystallised as soon as possible, to link her with the Heart. She looked curiously as he grabbed the bush with his magic and stowed it to the Burning Sands stallion. They talked for a bit and he returned the plant, with some good news too. She gave him a hug and a nuzzle. "Thanks, I really like them! Although I kiiind of expect they won't be so eager to make booze out of it, heh." Her mood improved with the silent departure of Nightmare's vulture-like foster family, and the good news only helped. She noticed he then approached a Shooting Star stallion, and frowned slightly. What kind of business would they have with them? She overheard him wanting to find the Dream trees for him. Well, at least they wouldn't hunt ponies while they're at it, right? She waited patiently as the ponies slowly trickled out of the tent. he party was winding down as the clans struck deals and made agreements. It's as if they didn't talk to eachother unless brought together for a big occasion. Most bizzare. At last, when the moon was up, and for a long time already, they were left alone and in peace. Nightmare nuzzled her lovingly - she decided it was a thank you for acting her part as intended. More or less. There was one last thing to do for today... Crystal Clear slowly got up from her cushion - all the laziness as of late didn't do well to her stamina, on top of normal pregnancy fatigue. She approached the two ponies she was... presented with. The young mare looked scared, while the stallion looked at her with a blank expression. She felt sorry for him - it was a clear sign they didn't treat him well, by any standards. She stopped a few steps away and thought for a moment on what to say. Crystal started, no longer hiding her attitude towards keeping ponies as slaves. "My husband said we may be... given... a pony. I grew up in a place that knows what it means to wear a collar." She instinctively tried to pry hers loose, even though she as free for a long time now. "And I told my husband that I won't allow slavery in my house." The mare looked even more scared now, Seems she got the wrong impression. The stallion didn't really react. They broke him already... "N-no, not that way. I was trying to say that you're free from now. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I own slaves. If you'd like, you can stay with us, as... servants, I guess? You'd be paid for your work, of course. or you could go your way, I'm not stopping you. I don't need a declaration right away, think about it. Un, Nightmare? Do you know how to take off those awful chains? Thanks. If you'd like to eat, there's more than enough for us all on those tables, for a week probably... Take a bath if you want to, and I guess my husband won't be angry if we lend you guys a spare bedroom. I guess that's all, welcome to my home, as free ponies." The mare was in shock, but a happy one if that made sense. The stallion nodded and walked over to the big table to eat. Crystal decided to bring her crystal treasures back where she took them from, then returned to Nightmare in the main room. She have him a kiss and a nuzzle. "Thanks for letting me do the right thing. So what do you think about those trials? I guess you'll beat Midnight in a fair duel without much issues, but the other challenges are a mystery to me."
  10. @@Mentis Soliloquy, Welp, so much for going on one's business undisturbed. Crystal Clear looked up at the station platform that she was walking by, and mustered a polite smile. "Snow Street you say?" Something about this unicorn was... off. She never saw one with a curved horn. No matter, Crystal knew better than ask intrusive questions - she got them regularily and didn't like it one bit. "Hmm, is that a map you're holding? Give me a moment, I'll show you." The crystal mare trotted to the nearby flight of stairs and joined the other mare on the station proper. Now she was curious - the unicorn had a strange, lizard like tail with a tuft og hair on it's end. Most intriguing... trying not to stare at the gently swaying tail, Crystal walked over to the strange mare and pointed her to the Snow Street. "Alright, so we are here, on the station. You shoud follow the road all the way to the South Avenue - that's the big street this trail leads to. Walk all the way to the Plaza - the place under the Palace, where you can see the Crystal Heart - and take the North-West Avenue. You get the idea, the one to Your left and forward? Keep walking for three crossings and take the right at the fourth one. You'll be on the Snow Street." Crystal patted her chin as she tooked at the mare's luggage. "You're staying at the Northern Star Hotel, I presume? A nice place, I renovated their recepcion a few months back. So, you think you'll find your way around?" Crystal asked in a polite, but also sincere way. This mare wasn't the usual "I'm a tourist, treat me like a princess" type, armed with a camera and and itchy trigger hoof. And yes, she was curious of this mare too.
  11. The crystal mare was standing by her console when the ship disengaged it's warp drives. She looked at the screen for any shady readouts, then smiled. "Alright everyone, seems like we made it in one piece. And thanks to the big push in system diagnostics, now we know the shields, weapons and impulse work as intended. Let's just hope the mission goes well..." She kept herself occupied, kept in the dark on what was going on. At some point, she saw a power surge to the transporter room, then a message came from the bridge - the Klingons were on the ship. Crystal opened the Engineering channel and adressed her personnel: "All engineering personnel, listen up. We're closing our clubhouse - the guests have arrived. The Engineering decks will be sealed in ten minutes, and nopony outside our department goes in or out without me knowing, alright? If you as much as sniff a non-starfleet individual near the airlock, call the security. I'm in no mood for "accidents". I'll open the airlocks to let you guys in and out, don't worry. Crystal Clear out." The mare looked up at airlock controls - she already selected the ones she wanted to use to seal off the most critical installations without blocking the way for other departments. This ship was really well designed after all...
  12. @@Nightmare Season She wasn't impressed with the answer, but it's not like she could file a complaint on it. Crystal Clear remained silent for the duration of the feast, and after some hesitation I'm her side, she started eating. Mostly because she wasn't sure if she'd hold her meal. Still, seemed like her foals didn't like the thought of skipping meals and she ate rather much. Nightmare leaned to her and filled her in on the next step of tonight's gathering. Seems like it was time for gifts and challenges. Amongst the long list of clans, the crystal mare took special notice in a few. The Raging Fire of course, since they announced Midnight Gleam as their best warrior. Now it made sense why their sparring were so one sided. Still, Nightmare faced worse and won. The Dark Waters were okay, but their challenge was a mystery. What will they ask for, to swim someplace? The Shooting Stars had an eerie air to them. And they issued a challenge too. Crystal was jess than thrilled to have head hunters under her roof but it's not like she could do much about it. And if course... the Poisoned Oasis. Her mother in-law wrapped a wing around the mare as soon as it became apparent what their specialty was. Crystal hated slavery with a passion, and gritted her teeth as the stallion dared present them with a very young mare, who he announced like a rare crystal of fine qualities. She brought a foreleg to her neck as her eyes noticed the collar on the poor mare. Crystal had one too, and still tried to pry it loose on occasions, even if it was gone for good. Realising her nervous tick, she covered her snout, faking a yawn. It was the best she could think of other than standing up and yelling at the stallion. At least Nightmare will let her free the poor soul. She got two slaves in total. As the stream of gifts ran dry and the clans took interest in their own company, Nightmare Season asked his wife to bring some of her land's wares for show. She nodded and turned to the alicorn. "Mother, could you help me? It'll be much easier to carry it all with your magic." The alicorn agreed and they both excused themselves for a moment. The gathered stallions didn't even notice - they were busy earning money. Crystal Clear went to a storage room that contained their crystal items. She opened her cart and fished out the glow-crystal, and the axe. "Heh, I know somepony who will be interested in this." Them she picked the berry bush - it seemed it survived the trip in good health. The mare thought for a moment, and decided to bring along her old cart too, after emptying it up, and some raw crystals that would look good as jewelry. Should suffice for a start. She didn't want to show the work station, or the dinner set - the latter at least until she added her husbands mark to it. With Hearts-Dreams aid, they managed to take it all in one haul. Crystal had the necklace, axe, and a bag of crystals. She sure hoped none will be stolen, she didn't have any means of getting new ones. Thus laden with stuff, they came back to the main room. Nightmare noticed their arrival and asked for attention. He then made a presentation, and she answered any technical questions, since she could make nearly anything out of crystal.
  13. @@Nightmare Season One of the stallions took interest in her. Crystal looked to her husband for confirmation that it was OK to speak up, and he nodded. The removal of that nice wing made her feel exposed. "I am a crystal pony, from a land far to the North. Beyond Equestria, actually." Another one took interest in her pregnancy. "It's just the third month, but I carry twins, hence the look. She smoothed the dress around her belly. It seemed Hearts-Dream took over, and unasked. No fair. Still, she said her babies will be just like in that dream? Funny. But if it's true, then her daughter will end up as a wife to some nightmare... Hopefully she'll go North, as an ambassador maybe? Too early for that, the crowd was on the verge of a war for that root. Maybe they would accept the normal ones too... Nightmare Season called out to bring the meeting to order. He then nodded to a guard and the Oracle's came. This was it, all or nothing. She glanced to see if her own dagger was in place. Nopony will trade her like a bag of potatoes! Nightmare approached the oracles and made his claim. Crystal was shaking from anxiety. The goblet burned and he was pronounced legitimate. She breathed out like a deflating balloon, relieved. Okay, time to do the table service... Crystal was about to get up when one of the guests spoke, and her husband motioned her to remain on her seat. She looked at him funny but fortunately, he explained. She smiled somewhat at the mention it was an attempt to net him a wife. Well she was kind of pretty alright, but they already discussed it. No more wives. The mare looked down at her plate and thought about what to eat. Her eat all you can compass didn't point at anything available, but she took a small bite. More out of politeness than hunger, she was still rather stressed. Crystal poked him gently and motioned to lend an ear. She asked him quietly: "So now that you were confirmed, will all the clans bow their heads, or some will test you because they can? I don't see a point in further trials myself." She looked at the assembled guests. If they could see how one sided their culture was... Everything for the stallion.
  14. I'm going to see an apartment for rent tomorrow, and I'm already anxious. Driving to a new place in rush hours doesn't make it any easier...

  15. @@Nightmare Season, And so they took a walk. Radiance decided to join too, and perched herself on the mare's back. Seems she didn't want to be left alone. Crystal made a few observations - first, the foals. Or lack thereof. She saw just a couple of them really, so, unless they're kept indoors at all times, Nightmare didn't exaggerrate. They kept to the markets and shops, since her husband wanted to show her the wares of his culture. She saw some fine things, and decided that nightmare ponies could easily make a bang with their silks. Another thing that seemed odd was that the whole city was arranged in clean cut districts, each one looking a bit differently. There was always some space between the tents of different groups. Nightmare Season explained they were set up by different clans. They bought some veggies that Crystal had a sudden urge to eat - another pregnancy quirk - and headed back. Radiance had an opportunity to fly freely, and pulled off some pretty neat stunts. Fortunately, she didn't cause any trouble - the bird was a mischevious sort. They paused by the alicorn's tent - seems like she was cashing in on her fortune telling, jusging from the line of ponies by the entrance. Nightmare asked his wife to wait outside and excused himself inside. Soon he was back with her and said that he asked his mother to come over for the evening ceremony to heep the expecting mother company. Crystal actually liked this idea - one more pony on her side in this mess... They went back home to witness the preparations for the evening feast - ponies were setting up food of all kind on tables - one, smaller, just for the Sultan and his retinue, and one, very long, for the guests. Nightmare put the edible treasures in another room and led his wife up to their seats. She took a comfortable position, a bit sideways to avoid putting pressure on her belly. On the downside, her foal bearing underside was exposed for everypony to see, and the dress only accenuated the bulge. She listened to the instructions. "Alright, the food serving part I rememember." She thought it was weird to demand table service from a pregnant mare - some things about nightmare culture were so dumb. She frowned deeply at the mention of slaves... again. The hug did little to improve her mood. She nodded and sighed. "Okay... I'll keep my mouth shut and try not to look angry, but if we do get any, we let them free, got it? They can be hired as servants, but as free ponies. I won't suffer slavery in my house." She saw Hearts-Dream approaching. Her guardian angel, of sorts. When she asked where they wanted her to sit, there was only one correct answer. Crystal practiced the fine art of shutting up and patted the cushion next to her. Heart it was hard not to talk... Her mother in-law asked how she was, and Crystal shrugged. "Anxious doesn't do it any justice. I'm all freaked out, to be honest. Just the three of us against the Clans, his pseudo parents and Heart knows what else. And the slaves... I hate slavery..." Hearts-Dream tried to comfort her. The sight of three nightmares, these... particular, nightmares, made her gulp audibly and instinctively cover her underside with a foreleg. The prospect of having them right next to her was unsettling, and her mother in-law wrapped a wing around her for emotional comfort. It helped, she didn't feel as exposed. Crystal nodded at the alicorn in thanks. It seemed the party was about to start. the clans were taking their places by the large table. Crystal was thinking of all the nice things she could come up with, and her coat still shined, but she figured it was more because of the way her pregnancy made her happy than her current mood. She shifted herself under tle loving wing of her mother in-law, so it would be easier to get up and serve the stupid food. She was too nervous to eat anyway. One last glance at Nightmare Season, a deep breath and a nuzzle from the alicorn. She won't be ready for thins, not in a thousand years. So it may as well start already.
  16. @@Nightmare Season, The shiny mare frowned at the frequent mentions of the S-word. "I wouldn't even think of calling our predicament like that. Yes, royalty has a ton of stuff to do, and a lot of it it... rather pointless in fact, but don't put a parallel between us and those ponies I saw, alright?" Her voice was a bit shaky at the end, but she followed him to the cushions and listened to his little lecture. Crystal replied to his inquiry about banners with a simple "Uh-huh" and a nod. So they will design their own banner? That would be interesting. The mention abut a workshop piqued her interest. "Hmm, it would be nice to get back to work, buuuut I need some alchemy ingredients, and a mini lab to make the formula which allows the crystals to grow into a single piece. Plus, I probably won't have the strength to do anything major, not with the babies inside." She ran a hoof through her steadily growing underside. "Maybe I could scrap my old cart and make pots for the dream trees? No point in using up the better crystals for them..." It seemed she was already planning her work schedule, pating her chin as she tend to and smiling. A kiss brought her back to the present, and she returned it. "Don't worry, things will be alright as long as we're together." They were resting in the "throne room", making some rudimentary plans when the alicorn showed up. The mare gave her a wave from her cushion. "I'm fine, thanks. Still trying to get used to all that, but guess I'll be fine." She made a wide motion around her with a foreleg. Crystal frowned slightly at the mention of Nightmare's family - truth be told, she considered them more of a foster family than anything else at this point. He had a mother after all. The alicorn's embrace was different, but still very nice. Those wings felt amazing when she wrapped them around the crystal mare. She smiled and nodded at her mother in-law. Seems like she had to have some secret plan going on at all times. Nightmare Season told her that they will probably have a busy evening. Crystal Clear wasn't really looking forward to it, but it's not like she could stop time, so... "Hmm, actually, why not. I can't just lie around like a bottle of fine brandy, do I?" She got up, slowly, and smoothed out her dress. "Shall we, love?" She asked in a semi seductive manner.
  17. @@Nightmare Season Nightmare Season led her inside a large tent. Once inside, the mare noticed it was a mess hall of sorts. The line was pretty long but the ponies waiting have insisted to let her to the front. She figured it was because of her amulet - her husband said expecting mothers were treated specially. They sat by one of the tables. The mare had a big cup of water and some salad. She listened to Nightmare as he laid out the future events to her. She put a foreleg protectively on her belly when he mentioned all the bad things that could happen. She didn't say it out loud but she'd rather die with her foals than be sold to another. Another thing she noticed, and didn't like, was how other nightmares will perceive her - food and entertainment. Somehow the time they were travelling seemed all the better now that she thought of the normal rules that will apply to her. At least she knew her company and they treated her well. Night went as usual, but it was nice to be still rather than in a ricketing carriage. Morning was also rather usual - get up, endure morning nausea, stare in the mirror and notice your body changing, get dressed, into the carriage. The caravan was larger, but only some of her travel companions were still around. It seemed they were under heavy military escort. She saw halfbreeds for the first time and began to tell them apart from full bloods. By midday, they were there. She heard the horns and got up on her hooves to look out. "Can we just walk in? I can't see much through that tiny window..." Nightmare stopped the carriage and helped her get out. For some reason, even simple tasks were far more exhausting now. They walked by their transport, in case they needed to get back in for some reason. Crystal Clear could take in the sights and sounds of the nightmare pony "cspital". It was busy and large. Not as large as the Empire, or do she thought, but big for a gathering of tents in the desert. Nightmare Season provided useful information to her. As they got really close, she noticed trees - there was an oasis here. Crystal saw a spring with grass all around it, like a public square. She didn't really think, it was an impulse - she dashed to feel the grass under her hooves. Only once she lifted her snout from the green carpet, having smelled fresh grass for the first time in months, did she notice that Nightmare ran after her. "Eheh, sorry. I just had to the moment I saw it. Another crazy pregnant wife thing on the list." They continued the walk and she noticed all kinds of shops and businesses. At some time she froze in place, staring intently with an intense, but mixed expression. A slave pen. Nightmare had to literally carry her away. The stallion led his wife to the center of the tent city, towards the biggest tent she ever saw. Crystal wasn't sure if it was even possible to make a tent that big without collapsing. At first she thought it's a public structure, since it had no flag. Only once Nightmare welcomed her home did she realise it's theirs. She was positively speechless. The stallion led her in, and Crystal Clear slowly took in all that she saw. The mare went deeper in to explore their new home. There were like, ten bedrooms, probably for the lesser wives, and one big main one. The bed was so grand that Nightmare could sleep with all those ten wives at once and still be somewhat comfortable. There was storage space, a meeting room and day area, all big enough to accommodate the wives. Also some smaller rooms, now empty. Crystal found her husband in the throne room. He was eyeing the main cushion, as if unsure if he could sit on it. "This place is just... huuuge. We'll need to think about some rearrangement though, half the space are bedrooms. " Age noticed how he looked at the quasi throne and nuzzled his neck. "C'mon, you know you're a true born. You'll pass the trials, I know it. And then you'll be the best Sultan ever, promise." She looked around the room. "Am I supposed to be around as eyecandy during your audiences? The cushions seem to be arranged like for the wives... Or advisors maybe. There's so much I still don't know. So how much time we have before I see your family and the trials begin? No offence but I don't really look forward to meeting them in pony. Or having them near my foals for that matter."
  18. @@Nightmare Season She looked at him funny. "So... I figured it out?" A kiss was enough of an answer. Crystal hugged her husband and nuzzled him happily. They got back to camp and Nightmare ordered some of the ponies to replant the saplings into pots. Now they had their own trees, and if the theory was correct, they would grow faster with ponies around. They have spent the next two weeks locked up in the carriage. Crystal was happy to spend time with her husband, but lack of movement and monotematic views from the windows, just sand everywhere, have also taken their toll. She irritated more easily, and her normally well toned body started to become rather plush. She also gained some weight, but that was to be expected for a pregnant mare. One morning she was laying in a corner, trying to keep herself away from heat when a horn was heard at the head of their caravan. Another one answered up ahead. She got up, slowly, and looked outside. Nightmare announced they reached their destination. Crystal Clear noticed the carriage stopped and jumped off it through the door. She landed on hot sand, but at last was outside! She took in the views and noticed a settlement in the valley up ahead. Nightmare joined her and told her how things were. "Can we walk to the village, please?" The crystal puppy eyes must've worked, because Nightmare Season agreed. They walked side by side all the way to the settlement. Crystal noticed that dressing up from hooves to snout, as her husband told her when they entered the desert, worked better than wearing nothing as far as heat protection went. Still, she was a bit tired when they reached the tents. Fortunately, the caravan proceeded to set camp behind the barricades. It seemed they entered a military camp, with lots of ponies at arms and some nightmares acting like officers. It made sense based on what she heard from Nightmare. She also noticed that Midnight reunited with her family. That was a really heartwarming sight. He told her tomorrow they'll reach the capital. Crystal looked st him, with a pleasant smile, shining like she did for the most of their trip. "I won't lie, I'm all too happy to be done with the trip. I am also curious of the home that awaits us. Although, one thing kind of bugs me. Well, two actually. Will the rest of your family be there? Don't get me wrong but... they didn't seem too nice in your memories. I'm a bit, dunno, scared to meet them? Other thing is the coronation and all that. You mentioned trials, and I don't kniw a thing about them. Or about my role as the Sultans wife for that matter... Care to shine some light on my ignorance? " She noticed their tent was being set up next, but not ready yet. So she looked around for some shade. "Hmm... any good spots we could hide from the sun and get some water? I'm still a pony of the cold North, after all..."
  19. @@Nightmare Season They were nearing their tent when Crystal spotted Night Flower. She was waiting by the entrance. The red mare greeted her with a dose of suspicion - she cleaned up and apparently had a bit of rest, although she still looked starved. The black mare spoke first, and Crystal decided to let her say her part without interruption. Only once Night Flower said her part and took interest in her crystal amulet did the expecting mother speak up, with a small smile. "It's called Aurora Borealis. The crystal. They're pretty rare and took their name from the lights dancing on the night sky in my homeland... Oh and, uh, thanks for the kind words." She remained silent as Night adressed Nightmare, but her smile widened st the remark that Night wouldn't share him either. "Wait! I uh... we can share some dream energy with you. I don't want to be rude but you look starved and the evening matches are a slim chance to get some food for you. We uhh, found roots that contain dream energy. Taste us awful but Nightmare could live off them for a while." Night Flower didn't buy it until Nightmare confirmed it. With nothing to loose and an empty stomach, Night gave them a try. She also found the taste revolting, but at least fed some. Crystal felt a little better with this random act of aid. A month has passed. Crystal Clear was now in her second month, out of the usual ten. Since she carried twins, the bump in her abdomen was already clearly visible. Nightmare Season seemed to take great pleasure in touching his wife's belly, and she didn't mind the extra attention... They were standing on the edge of a huge desert. The mare already felt the cursed sand chafing her coat under her dress with every gust of wind. Still, not enough of an issue to stop her from shining 24/7. She nuzzled her husband's neck. "I can't wait to see your home love. Lead the way to Brutus place then. Just keep a slower pace, okay?" They ventured off from the rest of the caravan, in the direction of hills she could see in the distance. The walk was slow with all that sand under her hooves. Seems there was some special way of walking on this thing since Nightmare was much faster. Eventually, they found a cave. "What happened here... The whole place is just... wrecked." Nightmare said it was Brutus. Well it made sense. They went to the stallions old bedroom. She saw his drawings, crude copies of the scroll he lost. She laughed sincerely. "I really hope our foals won't take the artistic skills after their daddy." Nightmare crawled through a small opening outside, and she reluctantly followed. It was a tight fit, with her larger belly, and she really didn't like that she stained her dress, but the sight if a small oasis, and in it, tiny dream trees made it almost worth it. "Hmm, so you took to gardening too?" She listened as he explained and dug out a root. She also noticed it looked different. Nightmare tasted it before she could protest. Then he offered her one, but his excitement told her to to question his judgement. She was ready to drink half of the pond nearby to wash the awful taste, but to her surprise, it was... sweet? He stated the obvious and they exchanged kisses. Now Crystal was on the case. She looked around and thought out loud. "Alright... so we nailed the secret. Now we need to think of a way to make them grow... Dud you just put the roots in the ground and water the soil? Hmm... maybe we could dig them out and put in pots, so they could be carried with the caravans. But how to make them grow?" She patted her chin in deep thought for several minutes, then exclaimed. "Wait! Tell me, the trees you already discovered, did they tend to grow close to pony settlements? Well, close being a relative term?" Maybe they soak up the dreams of ponies and that makes them grow? Sounds like ramblings of a pregnant mare on the verge of a heat stroke, I know but..." She inspected the tiny trees, as if they could share their secret to her.
  20. @@Nightmare Season, She heard the carriage creak gently as somepony got in. She looked up from the pillow she made so thoroughtly wet with her tears. It was Nightmare Season. She was too far gone in her crying fit to say anything - she just sniffed and looked at him with reddened eyes as he took a spot next to her, and gently lifted her off the pillow into a comforting hug. At least he tried to be with her now... "*sniff* Y-you left me! A-and I didn't know what to do, and she... she..." A reassuring kiss silenced her for a moment. The overwhelming sadness slowly dissipated as she took comfort in his hooves, but another emotion took it's place - anger. "Why you left me there, without a slightest cue?! Hearts-Dream told me to ask, when the challenge comes, and you didn't answer! How was I supposed to decide if I never laid eyes on that mare, and y-you knew her from bucking diapers!" She huffed and put a token effort to get free from his hug. Nightmare just waited it out. She came with round two. "Do you even know how I felt back there? Clueless about everything but most basic customs, with no support from you, having to decide if I want to accept some strage mare to live with you or not? And what if I chose wrong? Displeased you? Would you put a collar on a mother of your foals?!" Aother angry huff, round three. "And what if I don't want to share? Do your customs even take the mare's will into account? G-get your hoof off my foals damnit! I'll walk back all the way to the Empire if you keep pulling off tricks like that, you hear me?!" Eventually, the mare's rage burned out, and she stopped fighting and yelling. Crystal just lied in that steady embrace and huffed audibly. Nightmare decided to make use of the silent treatment and fill her in on the finer details of the challenge custom, and that she's safe from any more challenges now that she carries his foals. As he finished, she settled some. Crystal pouted as the last, feeble attempt at defiance. "I sent her away, just so you know. But allowed her to tag along, she looked terrible and malnourished. I couldn't just tell her to go buck off. So if you reeeeally want to reaquaint yourself with her, I guess she'll be around." He squeezed her a bit too tight in a "thank you" bear hug. Somehow she thought she looked like Nightmare when he got hugged by Brutus. "Can't... breathe... Uuugh, what the hay? You want to kill me?" She finally snuggled into a more comfortable, and intmate position. He wasn't mad, she chose right. And Night Flower wasn't a lost case too. As long as she doesn't try to make her husband cheat on her... Crystal Clear wiped her eyes with a foreleg and looked up at her husband. "I'm still mad at you, just so you know. Don't think you'll squirm away with just a killer hug." She may talk tough, but the way she snuggled to him undermined any and all evidence of her supposed fury. The rest of the day was... okay. Crystal didn't shine, but felt good. A couple more hours of pretty much snuggling to her husband settled her mind and emotions, so that was good. Eventually, it was time to get out as the doors opened and Mignight poked her head in to annouce they stopped for the night. The mare got out after her stallion, who made sure she didn't fall out after basically laying for a few hours. She needed a stretch or seven to get the blood flowing, but otherwise was fine. She looked around and smiled at the scenery: "Views like this make me wish I was a painter, you know? This place just begs to be immortalised on canvas. The grey mountains with white snow caps, the reddish sky... and that blue lake. Care for a stroll to take a better look at it?" They took a short walk towards the lake. It looked so pure and perfect. The mare looked at the water and saw her reflection. Soon another figure joined. "I still can't believe that I'm supposed to look like that forever... I don't suppose you could make me younger? Twenty or so? Heh, thought so. That's just mares for you, even immortality is not enough haha!" She looked up and took in the view. "Daamn... I could live here, you know. A small crystal cabin, just the two of us... Well, soon four. Ehh, let's go back, I'm getting sentimental. Sometimes I wonder if it's really me or my hormones talking." She nuzzled into her husband's neck and went back to camp.
  21. Okay, so I may have a veeeery minor case of... serious roleplaying addiction.

    1. Nightmare Season

      Nightmare Season

      There is nothing wrong with that. It is only a problem when you roleplay when you are outside of the roleplay session.

    2. Raven Rawne

      Raven Rawne

      I think my boss wouldn't be too thrilled if she knew I roleplay at work... Besides, my method of getting into my character's head is very tiring, if I have to reenact their emotional state.

  22. @, The crystal mare took her seat opposite of her fiance and put down their plates. She smiled gently at the pegasi but frowned slightly as she finished her trail of thought. Crystal Clear pointed a fork at her and said seriously. "Exactly, nothing. There's no point in wallowing in some hypothethical scenarios where things go bad. We do our best and push forward, that's how I see it. You won't get anything from contemplating on all the possible bad outcomes that you can think of. Now I suggest you eat up till it's hot, our escort may show up any minute." The noble walked a bit aimlessly amongst the houses, telling his herald to note what he thought was necessary. For some reason he didn't talk with anypony who lived there, either having decided that he can assess their needs on his own, or was afraid that actually asking will floodd him with demands. Or he was simply feeling awkward. Whatever the cause, he kept to himself.
  23. A stallion partygoer, right? First thing that I noticed about his appearance are the gradient socks - something that doesn't happened yet in the show proper, and may be frowned upon by other people because of that. He could be a Palonimo, like Sunburst or Pisqueek, so you could have different coloured spots on him, although it would be good to keep them in a more "realistic" spectrum, or in a complimentary hue to the main coat colour. Right now I just look at him and think he just finished mashing grapes with his hooves. Or danced in a punchbowl. Now mane and tail wise, you could start with thinking what kind of parties he likes to attend, and how he acts there. His 'do could reflect his style - see Pinkie for the wild no breaks attatched fun or "80-ies Cheerelie" for capturing the spirit of the era. His mane could reflect personality, favourite music style, that kind of thing.
  24. Flashing lights by the station - the unmistakeable sign of a new wave of tourists and their blasted cameras. Crystal Clear finished her meal in peace, and took a swing from her water flask. The mare got up and rolled her blanket, then put on the saddlebags. She stretched her back a bit and resumed her trip. "Alright... so I bypass the station, criss the rails and head for the cave. Let's just hope I won't miss it again..." She mused aloud as she entered the road, only to get off it once the first arrivals were getting close. She wanted to sneak past the station and behind the train. Well, not really sneak, just, go where she wanted without being mistaken for a tour guide.
  25. @@Nightmare Season, Okay, so no fighting today, that was something. But her husband gave her no cue on what to do, and even walked away into the small crowd of onlookers. She was... alone in this. Crystal looked around for something, anything that would point her towards the right choice, but neither Nightmare nor Hearts-Dream showed any signs, well, anything. They were just there. And the mare was getting closer. Crystal har a hard time talking to the mare. All she managed was a stammerer "Y-yes" when she asked her name. Her legs felt shaky and her nerves were on edge as the mare delivered her rhetoric blows. then something happenned - Night Flower paused, and lost her confidence. She must've noticed the amulet, judging by her reaction. Crystal made a weak smile and said "T-twins, just over a month now. That's why I don't look, you know..." Night Flower looked... pretty terrible now that she could have a better look at her. It made the crystal pony feel bad for her. Crystal took a glance at Nightmare for a last chance to get a cue but he... he was walking back to the carriage?! That made her feel even worse. She looked again at the mare bowed before her and took a deep breath to calm her nerves some. "I... I'm sorry. I won't welcome you by my husband's side." Uttering that sentence felt like somepony was tearing her heart out. With a spoon. "But you can join our caravan, there's safety in numbers a-and you could both catch up with each other..." She hoped the other mare wouldn't take it as a sign she took pity on her, nopony should be looked down upon just because they didn't look at their best at the moment. "You don't have to answer n-now, just... think about it." She sniffed and felt a tear forming in her eye. "I-I'm sorry!" Crystal turned back and ran to the carriage. She barged in and jumped at the nearest pillow, into which she began crying like she neved did. Her shiny coat was gone - she looked normal again and more importantly, she felt awful. Her husband left when she needed him, presented with an impossible choice when she was to choose the lesser evil. But fow whom?! She didn't want to share - did it make her posessive? Mean? Unfit to be with a nightmare pony? What if Nightmare would like a second wife? What will she do when the next challenger appears? And the next? She didn't have answers for any of this. So she cried, and couldn't stop.
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