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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by undiscorded

  1. anypomy suggest any good rock music

    1. FlitterFlutter


      I like cage the elephant, I also like Evanescence, also My chemical Romance.

  2. anypony want to chat

  3. its ben to long im happy to be back here

  4. anypony wanna skype

  5. anypony wanna chat super bord XD

    1. Monsoon


      I would but I'm boring

  6. anypony want to chat..

  7. what a wonderful day outside got to thank the weather pony's :)

    1. Blizzardwings


      Kill them all......... Killlllllll themmmmmmm dragons!!

    2. undiscorded




    3. Blizzardwings



  8. its to warm outside Damn you simon !!!!!

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      I also blame Simon for Tropical Depression/Storm/whatever Bonnie.

  9. happy birthday *hugs*

  10. what a lovely day out :)

    1. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      You can blame Simon for that

    2. TheRockARooster


      DAMN YOU SIMON!!!!!!!!!

  11. *lurk lurk lurk leaves a pangalictic gargle blaster lurk lurk lurk*

    1. Randimaxis


      *looks it over*


      Hey... no slice of lemon? Awwww... ah, well.




      Thank you, that wassbdjhfil70-lhknmm...




    2. undiscorded


      *trys to wake randimaxis* damn zaphod beeblebrox you told me he would like it

  12. I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities. Dr. Seuss

    1. Randimaxis


      "Life is an illusion; lunchtime, doubly so." - Douglas Adams

  13. back in abit away to MMA training

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. undiscorded
    3. Jinxy


      T.J.A: Magical Mare Association Training? SWEET!! Say hi to Twilight for me!!

    4. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      But not the little ***** you told me about

  14. tommrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book write a good one

  15. sooooooo much anime to watch lol

  16. need ideas for good anime to watch next

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. undiscorded


      thanks ill have a look see if i lke it :)

    3. undiscorded


      thanks ill have a look see if i lke it :)

    4. Fallen Valkyrie

      Fallen Valkyrie

      Wach Steins;Gate - one of best animes I seen so far :) It have great characters,great plot,24 episodes. It onli starts slow,but in later episode (wont say nuber of it ;) ) when sh@t hit the fan it get just....epick :D

      Spice and wolf is also one of my best choises. It have realy great main character's.And interaction betweene them is extrimly well done :)

      (Thos 2 are my 2 top picks)

  17. bent but not broken shaken but not shattered discouraged but not defeated

  18. I hate my brother right now he said if mlp gets discontinued big Mac will become a big Mac I'm speakless I don't know what to say

    1. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      Tell him Bogrick Grey Mane is not happy :( PM me

    2. undiscorded
  19. *lurk lurk lurk* leave's box of sweet's *lurk lurk lurk*

    1. Randimaxis


      Ooooooh! Nummies! *munch, munch*



  20. yay I can have a escape from reality again

    1. Bogrick Grey Mane

      Bogrick Grey Mane

      You hardly need one XD

  21. I need ideas for the name of my oc

    1. Pinkiest Pie

      Pinkiest Pie

      "Strange is amazing".

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