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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by RedStar2017

  1. Maybe I should stop being a Brony... I feel as if I hurt many of my "friends" I've made here... feel free too try and talk me out of it, but once I've made up my mind... I might probably not come back...

  2. [sigh] Where too begin...? I know that I don't deserve forgiveness in what I've done, but I hope that you can find it deep down inside of you too forgive me... All I can really say is that I'm sorry, and that I'll never do anything like that without permission again... That's all really... what else can I say?
  3. Welp, this Friday I go away too Orlando, FL for a furry convention called Megaplex. So, I'll see y'all Monday!

    1. Barpy


      so you are going tommorow i see, enjoy!

  4. Finally getting off my lazy flank and writing again!

  5. ***Posted with permission from jamiboi please make sure too check out his profile at the end of this story please and thank you!*** It had been a long night since Red Star a young alicorn colt had been traveling with Boltblood Thundercloud (his friend that he made when he found him alone when Red was just a baby) Ever since hearing about the danger when Red was raised by wolves, Bolt decided that it was best that Red was taken too the pony village where he would be safe. "That branch way up there?" Red said a he eyed the branch and tried flying up too it on his own, but his little wings couldn't do the trick. So, Bolt had too help him by flying him up and set him down on the end of the branch connected too the tree. "Now, get some sleep, Red. We got a long journey ahead of us tomorrow." Bolt said with a light yawn, but Red just sighed not wanting too care about what he said "But... I don't want too go back too the pony village, I wanna stay in the jungle." Red said as Bolt's ears perked over hearing what he said as he chuckled "Eh? Ha, you wouldn't last one day." Bolt said as he then returned too his slumber. "I'm not afraid though, I can look out for myself." Too be honet though moments away would be a figure that Bolt wouldn't be able too protect him from. A strange but mysterious creature who was half pony and half snake (a lamiapony for those who are curious) had overheard them talking, but put her in a playful mood. Ruby Scales was her name in which her body half was all white and her mane and scales were red like a rose growing in a garden. She looked over at the duo who had climbed into her tree in which first she looked at Bolt in which she recognized right away, but that wasn't her target for her playful mood. Tonight, she had her sights set on the young alicorn, Red. "Sssssay now, what do we have here?" Ruby said as he voice sounded a bit beautiful as Red looked over when he heard her and dropped a twig from which he was messing around with. "Why it's a young little pony." Ruby said again as she examined her "prey" by sticking her forked tounge out tasting him "A delicioussss pony for me too play with" she said again with a chuckle. Red wasn't going too have any of that, so he gently pushed her away with his hooves "Oh go away, and leave me alone." Red said in which this made Bolt starting too awaken from his sleep, which made Ruby freeze in place. "Oh, that's what I should do, but I'm not. Oh, PLEASE go too sleep, Red Star." Bolt mumbled in his sleep as he then returned too his slumber, but in hearing this, Ruby was just about too make Red do the same as he stared into his eyes as hers started too emmit strange, but beautiful colors "Yesssss, Red Star, pleasssse go to ssssleep, pleassse go too sleep..." Ruby began too chant in which Red couldn't help look away from, but upon looking into her eyes, his as well started too emmit the same beautiful colors. Ruby then backed away from the tree trunk making Red do so as well as his hooves were down at his sides "Ssssleep little Red Star, resssst in peaccce..." Ruby chanted again as her long scaly tail came down from behind the tree, and began too coil him up. Red was in a bit of a pickle here, but unless Bolt could wake up, he'd be able too save him. "Deep... sssssleep..." Ruby whispered gently into Red's ear as her tail just about coiled his body up and just about too reach his neck for the final touch. Red tried one last effort too call out "ugh... uh.. Buh.. B-Buh... Bolt... ULP!" he said just before Ruby's tail just about wrapped up his neck and pulled tight preventing him from speaking anymore. Bolt just heard him a little though which caused him too mumble in his sleep again "Oh, now look there's just no use arguing anymore. Now, no more talk 'till morning." he said which made Ruby chuckle as she then spoke out loud "Hehehe, he won't be here in the morning." she said, but only this time Bolt heard slightly opening one eye too get a glimpse, but just said "Huh? Oh, yeah he will be, but uh... RUBY! Wait, Ruby no!" Bolt said as he didn't have a choice, but smacked Ruby across her face just as she was about too have her little playtime with her new toy. In reaction too this Ruby's head smacked over the branch causing her coils too pile back down on the same branch making Red snap out of his hypnotic trance. This made Ruby a bit angry. "Oh dear... my sinuses... Oh Bolt... I'm so sorry, but you've made a bit of a mistake there, my frend. A very percarious mistake." she said as she slithered over too Bolt hoping that he would have an explination "L-look, Ruby, I-I can explain..." Bolt said as Ruby sushed him with one of her hooved "Why don't you look me in the eyes and explain it too me then?" ruby said as her hypnotic spiraling eyes tried too put Bolt in a trance, but he only had one eye open "P-please Ruby... not like this..." he said as he was cut off again "Both eyes if you please, Bolt." she said as her rings started too swirl faster in which making Bolt open his other eyes. He was now hypnotized as well, but stood still with a goofy smile on his face. "You have just made playtime more easier for me now that I have you..." Ruby began too say, but she didn't pay attention as Red used what little strength he had too push over Ruby's coils making her fall too the ground into the pile "Look, Bolt. Hey Bolt! Wake up, Bolt!" he said trying too shake him awake. "Hu-huh, wha-?" he said as Ruby was now starting too slither away "Just you wait, I'll have you back in my coils in no time... oof!" Ruby said too herelf as she was slithering, but she had a knot in her tail "Hehe, look Bolt she has a knot in her tail!" Red said as Ruby mocked him with the exact comment pulling as hard as she can, but as she got loose her coils rolled up up like an accordion which made her slithering difficult. Red was slightly laughing over this, but he stopped as he looked at Red "So, still wanna stay in the jungle, huh?" Bolt said as he nodded "Well, yeah of course I do. Who was that though, Bolt? You seemed like you knew her." Red said as they both sat down "Ruby Scales is her name. She's an old friend of mine that I met during my travels, but I didn't expect that she would be here. Just be careful around her next time, she can get crazy with her hypnosis and use other ponies as her playthings. Trust me, I experienced it alot of times. Let's just try and get some sleep now that she's gone okay?" Bolt said as he returned too his slumber, and Red just cuddled up next too him as Bolt looked at him and smiled. Boltblood Thundercloud & Ruby Scales © jamiboi Red Star © Me jamiboi's profile: http://jamiboi.deviantart.com/
  6. Nothing too report, all is quiet in my life...

  7. I done messed up big time... please forgive me Master Mesme... :-(

  8. You ever get that feeling where you regret something you wish you could back in time and fix? Yeah... that's me

  9. I just wanted too give an update on myself... I feel bad for something that I did without asking, and now I feel bad for posting it when I should've asked permission. I know you deserve too be mad at this pony for this, and it is your decision on what you want too do. I'll understand on what choice you do make, but I really am sorry.

  10. Man... where too begin. At first I was hyped when I saw the preview for the movie, but it wasn't showing anywhere in my area (but other areas of Florida, just not in MY area of Florida.) So, I had too wait for the movie(s) too come on on DVD so I could finally see them. Equestria Girls: Wasn't too bad as it seems. I mean the idea of the ponies being humans is "good" I just didn't expect they would have magic until the very end. When I saw Celestia and Luna, I was like "Damn, look at those friggion legs!" Sunset Shimmer, it's too bad we only saw her as a pony for a breif moment in the movie, I think she looked pretty cool. Oh, and also if anyone didn't make the reference before: "TASTE THE RAINBOW, MO-FO!" Rainbow Rocks: THAT INTRO! SO AWESOME! :rd: Anywho, the story of how the "Dazzlings" a.k.a. the Siren Sisters, even though we saw a legend about them from Twilight before she went back too CHS, it would've been cool too see how the Sirens looked before Celestia banished them. Towards the end when Vinyl showed up and the "mane" cast (hehe see what I did there?) was TOTALLY rocking out. Dang... who would've guessed that Sunset Shimmer would be the one too save them. Friendship Games: Not too bad either. They did have one of the Youtubers as one of the chorus which was really awesome (if anyone's seen the Bronies React: Friendship Games video by ACRacebest) I honestly didn't know until the end. During the games though while the "alternate" Twilight & Spike were "learning" about magic (gee I wonder...) alot of stuff happens, but in the end and this was REALLY funny for me! Out of ALL the cast, it was SPIKE who actually saves the day. Spike! Ah well then, that's the end of my thoughts on all EG movies. Lemme know if any of y'all have any opinions on what I said.
  11. Well, I would like too include my OC Red Star in there as well, and maybe some other OC's if they so like. Like Mesme Rize (owned by Hypnosparkle) as well as Boltblood Thundercloud & Ruby Redscales (owned by Jamiboi on DeviantArt)
  12. Thanks alot for the warm welcome everyone. Oh wait 'scuse me, I mean every"pony"
  13. How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Wassup everypony, name's Red Star, but please call me Red for short. I can be of many races causeo f my powerful magic (well almost as powerful as Twilight) So, I can be an ordinary pony, unicorn, pegasus or alicorn. Hope too make some new friends & have a good time. At times my main sona aside from my pony self is a skunk who can be considered in many ways a bit naughty hehe, but like I said. Hope too have fun & make new friends here.
  14. Two Ponies, One Lamia Ch.1 (No Pun intended) ~ The Meeting ~ By Matthew The Skunk It was a glorious day in Ponyville as Red Star, a unicorn with many special transformation magical abilities from Princess Twilight Sparkle herself that she went and leanred from. She was just relaxing just outside of town near the Everfree Forest when his friend Boltblood Thundercloud appeared next too him as if from nowhere making him jump a little and stumbled into the lake as he said “Hello!” He sighed as he got out of the lake shivering a little seeing that the lake was a bit cold even though winter has already passed. “Geez, Bolt, I keep tellin' ya not too do that!” Red said as he shook himself too get all the water out of his mane & tail. Bolt chuckled with a light giggle trying too hold in his laughter with a hoof. “Heh, sorry about that, Red. I was actually looking for you because I've got a friend that I want you too meet, and I think you'll love her!” Bolt said too me as she started dragging me towards the Everfree “Now wait a minute, Bolt. Were gonna go into the Everfree Forest. The most DANGEROUS place known too ponykind all too met a friend of yours? You gotta be joking” Red said as Bolt shook his head “I wish I were, Red. I wish I were, now come on!” he said pulling him along again as Red used his magic too teleport out of his grasp just a step away from him. “Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt, but how far would we need too go?” Red said as he trotted back over beaing weary that Bolt wouldn't drag him along. “Not too far, just a little secret spot that no one knows about except for me and my friend that I'm gonna introduce you too. It's just a neat little spot where I left my wagon so no one would find it. I'm still kinda wanted around these parts, but I wanted too wait till you came out here so I wouldn't haffta disguse myself and try too look everywhere for you. It's just before the old Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters” Bolt said explaining how he's still wanted for numerous occasions. “Well, you could've said so in the first place, but let's wait till Nightfall, I'm not even prepared for the woods, and I sorta get scared when the creatures come out in the daytime.” Red said shivering a little remebering his previous endeavor into the Everfree, all for his Cutie Mark. “Alright, meet me back here at 8 sharp, no later, promise?” Bolt said with a wink as Red nodded and said “Cross my heart and hope too fly. Stck a cupcake in my eye!” he said making a Pinkie Pie promise in which he heard that bad things would happen if he were too ever break one. “Get that from Pinkie Pie, huh? Nice too know that our other friends haven't changed.” Bolt said as Red nodded “Well, aside from Twilight becoming a princess with her own castle and all. It's a shame though, I miss the Golden Oak Library. Curse Tirek for his destruction...” Red said thinking back too that one time. “He's gone now, and so are the other baddies that Twilight and her friend fended off in the past, plus you get too see her almost everyday, me? I just hang around my cart most of the time with me and my friend.” Bolt said as Red gave a chuckle heading back into Ponyville too kill some time. “Don't forget, 8 sharp!” he called out too him as he called back “I won't forget!” he said as he mumbled under his breath “I wouldn't want too know what happens if I break a Pinkie Promise...” as he then trotted off into town as Bolt went the opposite way back into the Everfree. Time passed by as Red was a bit tired from his errands with his friends in which the time was now at least 7:45 P.M. so he had 15 minutes too kill. “Man, I didn't think that everyone needed so much help.” Red said as he eyed the clock tower making his way out of town towards the Everfree. “I've still got some time too kill, so I guess I'll wait for Bolt just outside here.” he said as about 10 minutes passed when all of a sudden he got knocked out cold. Unconcious, he awakened moments later too his eyesight where he came into contact with Bolt. “Gah, darn it Bolt, you did it again. I keep telling ya too stop that.” Red said with a groan as he rubbed his head with a hoof. “Heh, it's like I said, I just can't help myself sometimes. Anyway, I had too get you knocked out and tired out because my special friend that I'm gonna introduce you helps other ponies, like myself relax, and you'll see what I mean. C'mon” Bolt said leading Red into some sort of clearing just near a off-beaten path before The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. “Almost there, not far now. Just right near this tree.” Bolt said placing a hoof down on a stump sitting on one side as Red then sat next too her eying the wagon “That must be your wagon if I'm not mistaken?” Red said as Bolt nodded “Mmhmm, and now time for you too meet my special friend.” said Bolt as then all of a sudden, something wrapped around Bolt bringing her up into the tree which made Red jump up in shock “Whoa! What the heck...? Bolt, wh-where'd you go? I don't wanna be alone! Not in here!” Red said panicing as Bolt said from up the tree on a branch “Just trust me on this. Sit back on the tree trunk and let the thing take you.” he said as Red nodded trusting his friend as he sat down on the trunk as the thing that took Bolt had Red in it's grasp as well, but Red didn't panic, he just stood still with his eyes shut, as he was brought up the tree too where Bolt was, but the thing that had Red kept itself wrapped around him as Bolt announced “Don't be frightened, Red. This is my special friend, Ruby Scales. Ruby, meet one of my other special friends, Red Star. Red for short.” as Red overheard, but when he opened his eyes, he was in shock too what he saw... TO BE CONTINUED...! Red Star © Me Boldblood Thundercould & Ruby Scales [Mentioned, but not seen yet] © Jamiboi on DeviantArt
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