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Status Updates posted by Altastrofae

  1. Just conducted my first Session 0 as a DM for a D&D 5e campaign. And it went well. One player left in the middle because I’m doing a high stakes risk/reward type of crunch for my game and he was looking for something casual. Like death is a real threat but anything deadly my players will know they’re taking that risk going in, and can run away from a fight if it’s looking bad for them. But that wasn’t the game he was fixing to play so I only have 4 players now which is fine. 

    Hopefully my players have fun.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad to hear it went well, at least. :coco:

    2. Altastrofae


      This coming Sunday I'm doing Session 1 and realized I'm not at all prepared in terms of the VTT stuff
      I know how I'm running the session but VTT stuff like maps and tiles are lacking and I just realized I haven't seen a few peoples character sheets just yet. So hopefully this doesn't blow up in my face.

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I'm cheering for you all the way. :proud:

  2. Rewatching Season 5 Episode 14 “Canterlot Boutique” and I realized something weird about how the conflict of the plot is depicted 

    When Rarity makes the change to the dress, Sassy Saddles says the problem is that “they all have to be the same” but the problem when Rarity tries to give it to the client is that she ordered something completely different. So even Sassy doesn’t get the problem.

    If Rarity instead took charge of her own damn business, and released that dress as “Princess Dress Deluxe” or “Princess Dress Aurora” or something similar, it would’ve done great because the people who want it would be buying it and not just having it thrown in when they ordered the original. 

    Sassy is an asshole here still but that was a dumb decision or Rarity’s part from a customer service perspective.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It was a very strange episode.

  3. joker.thumb.jpg.33a963d3b7dbe1bd098766967afb1106.jpg


    I hope this ruined your day

  4. My week has not been great, and my morning has been awful for the second day in a row :yeahno:

    but I’m fine, yeah totally. It’s cool. People just love being assholes :baconmane:

  5. Cursed thought, and any of you who play... really any ttrpg will probably hate what I'm about to describe. For this reason I am spoilering it, and warning you all as this is kinda body-horror-y.


    So in D&D 5e there is a distinction between creatures and objects. However, a corpse is defined explicitly as an object, no longer a creature. 
    D&D like most ttrpgs, and even some video game rpgs, have Mimics. A mimic, for the uninitiated, is a creature which in some capacity, mimics the shape of a regular every day object. This creature has its origins in old video games which wanted to catch players off guard by turning looting into a potential fight encounter, originally being chests. D&D however says a mimic can imitate the appearance of any object.

    You may see where I'm going with this, so I'll cut to the chase. A mimic who imitates a corpse. Thats already pretty terrifying, but then my mind took it a step further

    A mimic who imitates a single organ, crawling inside of people, and mimicking the organ well enough to keep the host alive, as it slowly subsists itself by eating out the host's insides.

    If i was GMing a horror setting I would 100% use this without telling my players. I don't think I'd do it to a player, but I would have it be part of an encounter or a story element.

  6. Dude, my past self was so cringe. Seriously wtf was wrong with me back then? Something was up with my head, and I cannot tell you what it was. Probably just teenage hormonal shite.

    1. Props Valroa
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      It's okay, we all go through phases. :adorkable:

    3. Jeric


      Tardy to the party, but it’s a right of passage to look back at your younger self and go :eww:

      I did the same thing. 

  7. I'm about to go to bed, but tomorrow (technically today because it's past midnight) is my birthday, and I'm participating in Session 0 of a D&D campaign with some friends. I have put together my first ever druid, and I have packed so much flavor into this character. She's a variant Centaur I homebrewed, where the horse half is a deer half, and she smaller and weaker like deer (ran it by our DM, she said it's fine, and this is the only part I homebrewed) and reflavoring the star aspects of Circle of the Stars to be not about stars but still much more about the traditional nature stuff. I'm super excited to play her, I wrote a whole damn backstory and everything. Gonna be fun day tomorrow.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Have fun, my friend. Hope your birthday is everything you want it to be. :coco:

  8. Was reading my old posts on here
    And realized that while I seemed happier in some ways, I was also very cringe
    idk if that's just blissful innocence or if I just got more sad over the years

    But maybe I should be more outgoing like this past me was. That's one thing that me got right anyways. Just be less weird this time lmao

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Altastrofae


      @Magic Note Tell me about it
      One of my posts was literally a hyperfixation of mine where I wrote a novel long theory that the Mane 6 was secretly based on the Hellenic Greek Pantheon, and it was such a stretch that it sounded ridiculous, but I seemingly thought it was perfect logic on my part. I literally pigeon holed the characters to make it fit.

      Furthermore, in the process, I uttered the phrase "my widdle waifu, Fluttershy"
      I physically cringed. Like Fluttershy is cute but come on bro.

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I've been on the internet for a LONG time. By the time I became a brony, I was an adult. Most of my immature years and cringe moments were behind me. Not that it never happens, I just try to stay true to myself as much as possible.

      As long as you are pursuing your happiness in life, then worldly regrets should be little and few. :proud:

    4. Treeglow Flicker

      Treeglow Flicker

      Cringe is all part of the internet experience I find. Anything in the past that is cringe is only because the present self is the wiser version of the who you are. Take this comment I'm writing for example. Months or years to come, future me will recoil at the cringe at trying to say something wise on the matter. And then the cycle shall repeat with tedious inevitability. :mlp_icwudt:

  9. Passive-Aggressive Solution to People You Hate: Part One
    Put a few hand warmers under someone's pillow but still inside of the case
    So when they go to flip the pillow onto the cool side

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      One problem: If I truly hate them, the last thing I want to do is go into their bedroom or spend time in their house, even if for a prank. :dash:

  10. My business is now official, it shouldn't be too long before I can start marketing, and getting my first clients
    I need to do a few things first but that shouldn't take more than a few days

    1. Magic Note

      Magic Note

      Congrats! I wish you the best of luck on your business.

    2. Will Guide
  11. Update, I'm in the process of establishing a proper divination business
    Next Wednesday I'll be having a business advisor I've been talking to walk me through establishing my business name as an LLC (Limited-Liability Company, for those not living in the US, apparently it's exclusive to this country as a business model)

    The LLC registration comes with a fee of $99, but that is fine since I should at least make that much back in sales and then some
    I could be a sole proprietor and that has no fee, but then, because the business would be registered with my Social Security number, that means I have no liability protections, and my personal assets would be at risk in the case of a lawsuit or an audit, and we don't want that, so the LLC has alot of advantages, and I believe it even has some tax exemptions, so thats cool

    I do have a name for my business picked out, its subject to change until Wednesday but I will not say it here just yet, but I do really like the name, and it will probably be sticking around

    And as for reading in house at that store I mentioned, I have no been contacted because of complications the owner of the store had, I don't know when they'll be contacting me now, so that is put on hold. That's fine though, that just gives me more time to focus on my personal business

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Divination? You're a psychic? :fluttershy:

    2. Altastrofae


      I don't really like the term "psychic" for this, I think alot of people conflate that with what mediums and channelers do, I am not a medium, and if I call myself a psychic they'll be asking me to talk to their dead grandma, which I can't do and not even sure I'd want to do even if I could, so I try to avoid that term

      Divination, while it can utilize more of what one would traditionally consider "psychic abilities" is more about looking at patterns and determining meaning from it. Horary is a modern example, and one you may not consider divination, but used to be, is cloud watching, looking at the clouds and noticing shapes in them, you're just skipping the part where you derive meaning from those shapes

      I consider divination as a tool that works in tandem with natural intuitive and psychic abilities, but is just an aid.

      But eh... kinda?
      Anyway I thought I mentioned that's what the business was in the last status update

  12. I might be getting a gig as a card reader at a local metaphysical shop nearby, I got in touch with the owner and they're gonna hit me up in a few weeks! Very excited! :wub:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp


      i hope you get it :)

    3. TheRockARooster


      Good luck, Asstro. ^^

    4. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I've been at a Walmart for over 2 months now it's going good so far so I wish you luck in your potential job

  13. Firstly

    Seconly, I have a niche Norse Mythology Meme to share randomly

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Check your messages more often. :-P We miss you.

    2. Altastrofae


      I rarely come on here anymore, I just check in every once in awhile

  14. Behold, social commentary on the American education system, while simultaneously being an educational resource
    Is bootiful


    1. God Praiser

      God Praiser

      I feel enlightened. Thank you.

  15. After the sun comes up, I'm going to be doing something I have never done before
    The sun is not up in my part of the world just yet, but I want to do it during daylight

    I don't talk about my interest in the occult here often, but I am going to be putting together a money bowl, and a money bowl is a bowl that you set up in order to get more money. You might throw in some crystals, herbs, write a petition throw that in there, whatever. I have quite a few crystals that are good for this, and I figured why not. I've never done any kind of money spell, and considering I do not have a job, I wonder just how effective it would be. 

    Not putting a whole lot of thought into timing. Its a waxing gibbeous right now, I would have preferred a crescent but I'm a few days late on that. However, as of last night, the moon is in Aries, so that is a good aspect for what I'm doing. I have aventurine and tigers eye I will be throwing in. I will probably write a petition. Throw all that in a bowl, with some cash, a few coins, and see where that gets me. I'll probably be small like... I want my money doubled in two weeks. Yeah, I want double what I put in that bowl to be whats left in that bowl after two weeks

    1. Altastrofae


      So nothing crazy, I just want to see how well that type of spell works

  16. I forgot to mention that, confirmed yesterday, I officially have contracted the virus

    That sounds like I enjoy it, let me say it is not fun

    Also, its kinda weird this was compared to the flu, this definitely feels different from a flu. 
    Right now I'm not feeling many of the symptoms, sometimes its alot worse
    Just a small headache and sore throat now

    But it has been as much as like chest pain, really bad coughs, really bad headaches, stuffy nose
    That sounds like a flu listing it off, but actually having it does not feel like a flu. Like when I have the flu I feel like throwing up, and chest pains are never part of that equation. And conjestion hasn't really been an issue
    Maybe thats just my case, and other people experience something closer to a flu, but for me, definitely feels like a completely different thing

    But yeah now I'm in quarantine until the 18th
    I don't have a job so thats not too big a deal, but still worth mentioning

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry to hear that, my friend. Hope you feel better soon. Oh, and even after you're finished with quarantine, you might want to stay home a little longer. Build up your immunity and all that. I've heard cases of people getting it again immediately, because they went out into the world where other infected people are, and they didn't survive catching it a second time because their immune system was still too weak. So please, take care of yourself. :blush:

  17. Lelouch from Code Geass:
       [ moves his king as soon as he can in chess game ]
       " If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow? "
       [ somehow wins that game ]

    Every Chess Grandmaster Ever:
       " That... that's not how this works. Thats not how any of this works. "

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Ah yes, the old classic of a game being written by people who have never actually played said game.

    2. Altastrofae


      @Toshigami Equine
      Eh... not really, they knew
      The guy his character was playing against called him stupid for the move too, it was meant to be poetic, and foreshadow the entire series
      But its still really stupid

  18. Considering updating my old Ponysona

    Very androgynous regardless but I feel my sona is due to be updated to a mare. Might put something in Requestria later

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Nothing wrong with androgynous characters. Even my OC can sometimes look like a mare from a purely front-facing position. But if that's what you want to do with your OC, then go for it. :) I support whatever you want to do.

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      They look lovely

  19. I just bought Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in 2021
    Mostly because I've never played it and alot of people think its one of the best elder scrolls games
    I also read about what the game is like, and I love the sound of alot of the differences, and have a feeling I'll enjoy it more than Skyrim

  20. 1331957744_FB_IMG_1625275309258(1).jpg.f3e7f6b5759a9df908e0a19f3cdeee6e.jpg

    Me when crystals

  21. Hey look at my dope head shelf, very aesthetic :LunaMCM:


    1. Altastrofae


      I just realized she was saying "Don't you see? I am a master of the arcane!" and I just walk up to her and take her head off. Some master of the arcane she was

  22. I have not been keeping up with the MLP Fandom
    Can someone explain to me why and how people are managing to take a political stance on A New Generation?
    No spoilers, I haven't seen it yet
    But thats also why I have no context for how My Little Pony can possibly be political

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      That's another word getting misused. I have seen people who do fit the term, and yet other people throw it around too much. It has become a way to bully someone into being politically correct or progressive. I've seen people throwing around words like "woke", "snowflake", and so many others that there is no longer a discussion to be had. It's just people being jerks to each other while also trying to prove who is better.

      I do believe there are some good conversations to be had about a wide variety of important topics; but only under the agreement that everyone be civilized and constructive. If everyone leaping in can't agree to that, then there is no conversation, and everything is destined to turn into a mess that solves nothing.

    3. Altastrofae


      @Oni Equine
      Wait huh? I've seen it used the opposite way, used to bully people who ARE progressive, while not really explaining their own view of the topic, even when asked, and will only repeat "snowflake" like a parrot

      But absolutely, it should go unspoken that you leave personal insults out of constructive conversation
      Firstly, it doesn't really help you convince the person of your perspective, if you're going to insult those you want to listen to you in the process. Thats debate 101
      But it seems like people online don't understand this

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Altastrofae Interesting. I guess "snowflake" can be used either way. Either way, I am glad we agree. :)

  23. "What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" 
    - Paarthurnax, Skyrim

    I want to dissect this because it's one of those things that sounds wise on a surface level, but there's more to it than that.
    So the first thing I want to touch on is "evil nature"
    This is a subjective statement. One could best define evil in this context as either
    A ) anything the individual sees as a fault within themselves
    B ) anything that can be objectively argued as harmful to the people and world around you

    With that in mind, let us apply this to the "overcome" portion
    How does one overcome these things. Suppression isn't healthy, we know this. That's one way of overcoming.
    And we know Paarthurnax is doing exactly this, because in another line he says that he constantly suppresses his instinct.

    Now Paarthurnax does this because he believes in peace, and other dragons believe in conquest, to destroy in order to gain power, and to ultimately serve the strongest Dovah, in this case, Alduin, who wants to literally destroy the world, his name even means "World Eater"
    So this falls under B, it can be objectively argued as harmful for him to act on these instincts

    So now we are left with a moral dilemma.
    Is Paarthurnax right for suppressing this instinct, or is being born with this instinct indicative of dragons being inherently evil?
    In the game you get an option to kill Paarthurnax, and at its core this is the moral dilemma you are presented with. Is a dragon worthy of death regardless of the effort applied to suppress his instinct?

    This is why I love philosophy

  24. So My Little Pony actually taught me something today
    I watched "Apples to the Core" but from the Japanese dub of the show
    And I noticed they don't call their family "Ringo" or Japanese for Apples
    They say "Appuru"
    And I was like "that's not the word they use though"
    So I looked into it, and apparently its used only when its a proper noun, so because its a family name they say "Appuru" and that is also what they call Apple the tech company in Japanese

    Which I suppose that makes sense, theres no reason to be translating a family name. I just... I expected it 
    But I suppose thats just as silly as to expect Applejack to be called... Ringojakku, but she is also Appurujakku, just the same, because thats her name

    Idk for some reason that just made me question my sanity for a moment and I thought it was interesting enough to share

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Altastrofae


      correction, another source is telling me the words are interchangeably if you're talking about milk for drinking... okay now I'm confused which source is right?
      Oh nevermind, they go on to say it won't be confusing but it's not usual and then repeats what my other source says

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @Altastrofae If it helps, I know someone who went to Japan, and tried to buy a carton of regular milk. He asked the person working the register if they sell milk (gyunyu), and they basically said "You mean Miruku?".
      If I had to guess, it's probably a legal thing to specify on the labels which dairy products are which, where they come from, etc. But I could be wrong.

    4. Altastrofae


      perhaps it's a regional thing, and some use miruku over gyunyu to refer like drinking milk. Honestly I am not sure at this point. Thankfully it doesn't matter since they knew what your was talking about, so it didn't really cause confusion

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