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Pony Flutters

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Status Updates posted by Pony Flutters

  1. Ah yes, one of the greatest shows ever.

    My Little Duck

  2. May your igloo persevere in these sweltering times. ;)

    1. Trot Shuffle

      Trot Shuffle

      Thanks for reminding me... one sec pls :kindness:

  3. I wonder if the golden years of these forums have passed. :sunny:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      I think the forums have become more active again in the last few months, though some days can be very quiet. :rarity: They're not as active as they were five years ago, or especially in the earlier years that I never experienced myself, but I think there's still enough fun to be had here. :)

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      The years are only as golden as you make them. :coco:

    4. Pony Flutters

      Pony Flutters

      @Tacodidra I guess you're right. In fact, there's still a lot of silliness and wacky stuff going on around here. Plus, there seems to be a bunch of new users and previously inactive users returning. I don't know how well MLP as a franchise will do in bringing in more fans, but there could even be a fandom revival in the future. :)

      @Samurai Equine Indeed. It's always good to have a more positive outlook on things. At least it's not abandoned around here. :fluttershy:

  4. Thanks for the follow back! :kindness:

    1. Tacodidra


      You're welcome, my friend! :eager:

  5. How do I forum here again? :derp:

    1. Astralshy


      I asked Fluttershy to bring back Forum people :3

  6. Here is my 4de Fluttershy plushie. :squee:


    1. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      The 4D plushies are definitely pretty good quality~! :D

    2. Pony Flutters

      Pony Flutters

      Indeed. Which is why I chose this one. ;) 

  7. Does anyone know how to set up a flag counter for userpages?

    1. The_Gobo


      flag.... counter? o.o


  8. Is the site having issues or something.

    I don't see much activity and I can't seem to connect part of the time.

    1. ultrairongorilla


      I've been having issues with the site too. Most of the time it won't seem to load.

  9. This was Floyd, I just changed my username.

  10. I'm just glad that it's actually getting somewhat cool in my area (temps in the 60s F). 

  11. Is it too late to see the movie? I was planning on doing so this weekend, but it looks like the only available showings are tomorrow.

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      So you have not choice!

  12. Is it just me, or does it seem like colder climates have better education systems?

  13. I'm thinking of waiting a while before seeing the movie. I hope I don't regret waiting.

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      When you are going to watch the movie?

    2. Pony Flutters

      Pony Flutters

      Maybe a couple of weeks. It might be a bit awkward for me going in alone.

    3. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend


      It might be a bit awkward for me going in alone.

      I can imagine that. So maybe with family, friends...

  14. I really need to stop lurking so much.

  15. I am so lazy these days.

  16. Just a slightly below average day for me.

  17. Still trying to work my way through these forums.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      It will become second nature in no time. :)

    2. Pony Flutters
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