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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Babyyoshi309

  1. Odd. Been thinkin' 'bout goin' to bronycon.
    Then this happened.

    Now I'm curious if y'all got a thread where ya share weird things you see/took a photo of at a con'



  2. Odd. Been thinkin' 'bout goin' to bronycon.
    Then this happened.

    Now I'm curious if y'all got a thread where ya share weird things you see/took a photo of at a con'



  3. *adds new faces to the google drive* :3


  4. *adds new faces to the google drive* :3


  5. I was told the weather is suppose to heat up a lot tomorrow and melt all the snow away....

    so I make a snow angle for you all before it does o3o



  6. Wait... but... that's not...

    and you can't...



  7. I was told the weather is suppose to heat up a lot tomorrow and melt all the snow away....

    so I make a snow angle for you all before it does o3o



  8. Beep Boop.

    Sharing unlocked o3o
    Thanks for the idea, @meme


    Link will also be listed under my 'website url' o3o

  9. I was told the weather is suppose to heat up a lot tomorrow and melt all the snow away....

    so I make a snow angle for you all before it does o3o



  10. Totally didn't edit my 'about me' page...



  11. So uh... this is a thing O_o

    My Little RWBY


  12. Don't you just hate it when...you want and expect your life to go one way and it goes the other and you're just confused?

  13. I'm going to randomly say to people, "This is not a dream! This is real!" Just in case I find someone who thinks they are dreaming.

  14. So uh... this is a thing O_o

    My Little RWBY


  15. So uh... this is a thing O_o

    My Little RWBY


  16. So uh... this is a thing O_o

    My Little RWBY


  17. Gonna go sleep now everyone, had an extremely tiring day because I couldn't and didn't fall asleep last night. :adorkable:

  18. I have done it. I have found the most awesome song in existence.


  19. My new year's resolution for 2018 is stop making resolutions. I mean, what's the point right?  xp

  20. I have done it. I have found the most awesome song in existence.


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