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Status Replies posted by SolarFlare13

  1. Hey every-pony. Sorry if I havent posted anything in the last couple of days. Let’s just say I did not have a fun time watching the MLP movie. (the one that just came out a couple of days ago) I mean, it's okay. there's just some stuff in it that I...dont like.


    If you wanna hear MY thoughts bout the MLP movie, well...it aint gonna be pretty. I've kept it under a spoiler tag for those of you who wanna see it. :rarity: I just need to get this out of my head. I cant think straight. 


    If you were expecting a positive review of the MLP Movie, yeah. this is not for you. 

    So, you're probably wondering: is this better than the MLP Movie from 2017? and the answer is...no. If anything, it made that movie look like a masterpiece. If I were to compare this movie, it'd be comparison between Pokemon Diamond and Pearl to Pokemon Sword and Shield. (we were promised that this movie would be made for the bronies. Not only that, it was rated PG. instead, it was made for the younger viewers, just like how they promised pokemon sword and shield would be made for the older gamers, in mind, but it failed to deliver by cutting out the national dex and other things we wanted...)

    (some would argue that the journey to the south of equestria to go and find the Hippogryph's was completely pointless considering they failed to get the pearl, but the one thing it provides is world building. we get to see more of the world of equestria and unlike MLP: A New Generation, it has a plot.)

    As for MLP: A New Generation, they spend the 12 min being racist towards each-other, gives NO explanation as to why they broke up and why they are un-friendly towards each-other, (hopefully, we'll get an answer to that in the series. it kinda reminds me of Star Wars: The Last Jedi where Kylo Ren said: Let the past die. kill it.) Izzy comes along, go to the middle of nowhere, gets captured by the pegasi, finds out bout these magic crystals that can bring them all together (yeah, it doesnt really have a plot 'til half-way through the movie), then we head to Izzy's home, have a pointless dance-off when they could've said one of the forbidden words to get the "last" crystal, of course, there is a third crystal and it doesnt work and the last one just so happens to be back at her place, feels bad that it doesnt work, has a confrontation with Sprout, (who has gone insane), Sunny tells them to stop spreading misinformation / lies bout each-other, they put their differences aside and then...boom. instant alicorn status!!! 

    (the significance of these crystals came out of nowhere and I thought it was a bit half-arsed that they crammed it in half-way in the film. As for FIM, they explained the significance of the Elements Of Harmony right at the VERY start of the series)  

    ...and much like starlight at the end of season 5, sprout does not get punished for his actions. Although, someone on the MLP Forums made a REALLY good point that most of the blame should be directed towards the mother, and I agree. she was the one who turned him into a spoiled brat. I mean, yes, she realises her mistake half-way through the film, but it's still her fault. I honestly would like to know where the hell were the Windigo's when they separated, considering this supposed to share continuity with FIM. yeah, this movie has A LOT of flaws. The first 12 mins of the movie was REALLY hard to watch. if I was watching it by myself, I probably would've stopped watching it. 

    There were a lot of moments in the movie that made me cringe. I'm sure you can point them out. :lie:

    The one thing bout this movie that really rubs me the wrong way is how it promotes racism... (yeah, not a good start hasbro. Imagine if this was your introduction to My Little Pony O.O) ...and the use of technology. While some would consider this as a brand new, fresh idea for the franchise, it just doesnt fit, especially in a fictional world full of talking ponies.   

    Before I started watching MLP: A New Generation, I said that I wasnt gonna compare it to FIM, but because it's in the same continuity as FIM, it left me with no other choice. 

    If there was one thing I DID like bout the movie, it's Izzy. she's basically the Unicorn version of Pinkie Pie. she was the only one out of the mane 5 (other than sunny) to have a personality. other for the other three? well, hitch just wanted to take sunny back home, and the two pegasi barely got any time in the spotlight. Honestly, I thought I was gonna HATE the animation more than the movie. turns out, it's was okay. I didnt think it was half-bad. the one thing that bugs me is that it shows that it can be good. it has potential. it's just...there's A LOT of flaws, and it sticks out like a sore thumb.  

    ...and another thing I dont like is how the unicorns became the lowest form of scum. I mean, take a look at the earth ponies and the pegasi. they live in a high-class, well developed town / city, whereas the unicorns live in the forest. if you take a look at FIM, the living standard for the EUP was equal. honestly, it makes me appreciate FIM even more. maybe I'm being a tad over-dramatic, but / As a unicorn, that really bugs the hell out of me. :lie: 

    Overall, it's a disappointing start to a new generation. (Well, at least IMO it is) Hopefully, they'll go back and fix their mistakes when they start working on the series.  

    *sighs* yeah, I was pretty disappointed. I know I'll probably cop a lot of flack from this, but this is just my opinion. :awwthanks: would I go back and re-watch this movie? ehh...not really. Maybe I'm being a lil too harsh / over-dramatic, it's just that I have high expectations. I care bout the show / franchise and I want this to succeed. :rarity:

    On a more positive note, here. have a cute picture of Izzy :catface:


  2. Hey every-pony ^^ how are we all doing today? :3 I'm just trying to avoid spoilers for the movie. I'm planning to watch it with a couple of my friends on Discord. so yeah, if you guys have seen it, please dont spoil it for me :rarity: I'll let you guys know when I've seen it, and when I'm ready to give my opinion bout the movie, I'll put it under a spoiler tag, so i dont spoil it for anyone else :) ...but yeah, it's...something I need to see. 


  3. Hey every-pony :laugh: ^w^ how are we all doing today? :squee:

  4. Happy birthday! I hope you had a great one! :balloon: :yay:

  5. Happy birthday, Solar!
    sorry i'm a bit late to the party . o .

  6. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: I hope your day is an amazing one! :catface:

  7. Merry Birthiversary!

  8. :blue_baloon:H a p p y  B i r t h d a y :balloon:

    Have an awesome day

  9. :balloon:HappBirthdaSolarFlare13!:balloon:
  10. Happy fun birthday, Flare! 🎁 🎉 🎈 

  11. @SolarFlare13 Happy happy birthday to you! Lots of cake and fluffy ponies all for you!


  12. Well, would you look at that: :o it's the 13th of September. you know what means... :ticking: It's time to PARTY!!! :mlp_laugh: ^w^ :balloon: yep, it's my birthday today. I'm turning 25 this year  :squee: *gives you all cuddles and some chocolate cake* :catface:



  13. I could really go for some McDonald's right now.

  14. Hey every-pony :laugh: ^^ *le boop* :derp: how are we all doing today? :squee: 

  15. Well, got that blood test. :sealed: I’m okay, hurt a bit and they missed the vein the first time so they had to do it twice! :ButtercupLaugh:

  16. Man, I cant wait for Halloween / October ^^ :laugh: ...Pony Town / Ashes Town does a REALLY good job at celebrating the occasion :mlp_icwudt: 

    (...and here's a bloody tears reference in Ashes Town) :derp: 



    I tell ya, October is gonna have a Ponyvania / Castlevania vibe to it. :ithastolookpretty:(who knows? maybe I'll do a ponyvania order of equestria playthrough just for the hell of it. :mlp_icwudt: One thing's for sure: I'll either watch Monster House or Van Helsing on October 31st) >:3 


    (man, I wish someone would make an epic pic of my Van Helsing cosplay. that's one of the things I always wanted) :o


  17. Gotta love their movie designs! :wub::Tempest:

    Good morning everypony! :yay: Have a great day! ^_^


  18. Man, I cant wait for Halloween / October ^^ :laugh: ...Pony Town / Ashes Town does a REALLY good job at celebrating the occasion :mlp_icwudt: 

    (...and here's a bloody tears reference in Ashes Town) :derp: 



    I tell ya, October is gonna have a Ponyvania / Castlevania vibe to it. :ithastolookpretty:(who knows? maybe I'll do a ponyvania order of equestria playthrough just for the hell of it. :mlp_icwudt: One thing's for sure: I'll either watch Monster House or Van Helsing on October 31st) >:3 


    (man, I wish someone would make an epic pic of my Van Helsing cosplay. that's one of the things I always wanted) :o


  19. *gives you all a BIG cuddle* :mlp_laugh: >w< :catface:


  20. *gives you all a BIG cuddle* :mlp_laugh: >w< :catface:


  21. Well, getting older and old, like a wrinkled old prune. And as I am hitting the 33 today, I frankly don't wanna go writing. Doubly so since the heat is covering me in sweat. So gonna delay my various responses by one day, and hoping that everyone have a wonderful time. :) 

  22. Well, getting older and old, like a wrinkled old prune. And as I am hitting the 33 today, I frankly don't wanna go writing. Doubly so since the heat is covering me in sweat. So gonna delay my various responses by one day, and hoping that everyone have a wonderful time. :) 

  23. Hows everyone ?

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