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Status Updates posted by Corgis

  1. @Snow 

      Best version of we are number one!

    1. Snow


      [not to self don't run over banana peels in the maus] xD
      I love it!

  2. Whelp, I was supposed to go to the UK this morning but the flight was canceled so I'm stuck in Canada for the rest of the summer.  Kind of a let down since I had to quit my job for that trip but at least now I have 2 free weeks.

    1. Snow


      Aww man, that suck, isn't there a replacement flight or something or did you just get a refund?

    2. Corgis


      Well it was "delayed" by 15 hours so we would have to leave at midnight which is something my dad would not do since he payed extra to fly by day and we had to get up early to get the original flight so we would have to be awake for 30 hours which is something my dad could not handle.  The other flights were booked so we just decided to get a refund instead.

  3. Holly heck, I just found out Corgi Fursonas are a thing!  I'm considering joining the fandom now because that is just too cool.  I've had some interest in furries for a while now but knowing that Corgis are part of that fandom brings it to a whole new level!

    1. Snow


      Doggos have fur my dude~ what'd you expect? :P

      I thought you already had a corgi fursona though?

    2. Corgis


      I did not know small dogs were used for fursonas, just big dogs like Sheppards, Huskies, Retrievers, etc...  All I have ever seen was big dogs and wild animals so I had no idea little dogs worked as well.  I don't have a Corgi fursona yet but I better get working on that!

  4. I got a Dev art account today.  Now I have a place to show off some of my film pictures and fictional writing.  Just need to try to focus on doing the writing though which is easier said then done.

  5. Even though this song may be a bit politically incorrect today I still have to admit it is one of my favorite American songs ever.


  6. 385 notifications holy cow that's got to be a record or something.  It's been a while though has anything changed since I was here last or is it just business as usual?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo


      Black Dude! How offended I am!


      S6 is hit and miss, I personally really like S7s episodes involving the group.

    3. Snow


      Woops :blink: that's dyslexia for you, I proof read that like 3 times and still messed up~


      @Corgis just watch the episode "the perfect pear" ASAP, it is a must see in my opinion.

    4. Corgis


      Cool, I never made it past Stranger then Fanfiction last time because of University but I'll try to see some of the newer ones when they come out.  Perfect Pear is the one sort of about AJ's parents right?  Heard bits of it here and there but I have avoided most things about it so I'll try to find it on Youtube or something when I get the chance.

  7. Looks like I'll be gone for a while again.  With my new job I'm ending up with 6 day a week shifts for 50 hours a week right now so I don't have much time to be here.  Have a good summer though everypony!

    1. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      Ok, good luck!

    2. Snow


      Dang... best of luck mate! stay strong!

    3. ScrewLoose


      Ok! See you corgis, and good luck!!!!!

  8. I'm not even joking, right now there are 200+ people in a parking lot standing around with Soviet Flags blasting Soviet music and yelling Russian into megaphones.  It's being going on for more then an hour now and I have never seen anything like it.  Are the Communists invading Canada or something?  

  9. The purpose of a dog is the best movie of the year because the main character is a Corgi!  I don't think the MLP movie can beat a film like that!

  10. Why is EQD talking about Lesbian ships all the time?  It's never going to happen in MLP so I hardly see a point of talking about it so much.

    1. Snow


      It's what the people want I suppose :proud: let them have their little fantaseis.

    2. Corgis


      Still annoying to hear about it so much.  I guess that's just the price to pay for being in this fandom though.

  11. Well, now 2 of my friends have come out as transgender in the past month.  I honestly don't know what to think of it or how to act about it.

    1. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      Support them? I think you shouldn't make a big deal about it. They wouldn't want you to be upset or worried too much. I am trans now, but I haven't told many except on here...

    2. Corgis


      Yea I'm not going to make a deal about it or anything.  Just kind of strange how it happened in such a short time frame.

    3. Nerdy Luigi

      Nerdy Luigi

      I agree with @Foxy Socks, and I'm basically trans. (I call myself an androgyne, but basically still trans).

  12. I can't be the only person who loves bland foods right?  I'm not sure why but I just love eating raw bread and bland crackers.  Maybe it's because I worked in a cracker factory for too long and now I just love crackers to death.

  13. This is just perfect lol!

    1. Snow


      XAXAXAXA ))))) yis comrade!!! X'D

  14. Darn it, I ran out of willpower today and spent close to 3 hours on War Thunder again which I had been able to cut back on for the past month.  I just love those flipping tanks so much I just feel like I need to play sometimes.  I guess I really am addicted to gaming in a way but at least I'm getting better at it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Corgis


      I got fed up and played during the afternoon so I could not really invite you then.  The trick is to abandon the game altogether or play as some terrible tank and get driven up the wall so you start to hate the game.  But really just find something better to do and set limits on when you can play so you don't end up spending half an afternoon playing.

    3. Snow


      hmm, thanks man. ill try that out, how long until school is over for you anyway? not for gaming.. but you are really good with advice and id appreciate some time spent talking..

    4. Corgis


      It is over by April 29th or something I think.  I have a week off to study though so this week is the last week of classes.  We can talk then if you want.

  15. Cheeki Breeki!

    1. Snow


      Oh my... cheeky Cheeki Breeki 

    2. Corgis


      A Cheeky Breeki one too many I think but then again who can have too much Cheeky Breeki?

  16. I think I lost one of my University friends so now I'm down to 1 but thank goodness we sort of get along together.  Still end up getting these weird feelings of isolation and loneliness though some days and I'm not sure what to do about it.  It just kind of sucks that I've lost most of my HS friends with the exception of 1 and after a full year in University I have only 1 friend to show for it, I can't really say things will get better either.  Right now just focusing on school work seems like the best way to fix the problem but I still feel really bad sometimes and it is really kind of annoying to deal with.

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Can you not meet-up with them at their house or yours?

    2. Corgis


      Well my old HS friend lives in a different town from where I go to school in and my University friend lives on campus which is good but I live an hour away from University so inviting him to come over is not really that doable.

  17. Oh great, I listened to too many patriotic German and American marching songs so I've had them stuck in my head for most of the day.  Makes me feel very un-Canadian lol.

  18.   Funniest thing I have seen all day!

  19. Mein Gott this is wierd.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Corgis


      BTW I found a cool new fox wallpaper that look kind of nice.


    3. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      awwww! So pretty!

    4. Corgis


      It is, it looks like it is smiling a bit to, finally a worthy replacement for my Corgi wallpaper.

  20. Looks like I've finally got my life back together. I have hardly even considered playing video games this week at all, my sleep schedule is back on track so I am not tired anymore, I can focus on school work effectively enough to keep up with it and my emotions are no longer screwing me up. I am actually really happy right now.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Corgis


      I would rather keep to the forums for until the end of April though since I don't want any distractions when I am working on studying so using the forums is probably best for now.

    3. Snow


      fair enough, ill give you that much :P

    4. ScrewLoose


      Hey, that's good

  21. Apparently it has been just over a year since I became a Brony. Sure does not feel like it.

    1. Dawn Darkness

      Dawn Darkness

      A bit more than a half for me, and seems like I have for a bit more.

    2. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      Same. I've been one since late 2015.

  22. I don't get it, for some reason when I try to watch MLP sometimes my eyes water up like I am about to cry. I don't understand why but it is kind of annoying since it makes watching the show kind of difficult. Maybe I just get too emotional for some reason but I don't really understand why.

  23. Looking through my old stuff today and counted up the value of all the things me and my brother had at more then $7000. Some of it was left next to the sub pump at ground level which was a terrible idea but thankfully it's all fine. A single folder alone had $950 worth of bank notes in it so I really need a better place to store it.

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Did something happen?

    2. Corgis


      Na, I got bored and started looking through my old stuff and for fun counted up everything to see how much it was worth. Might try to sell some of it because I don't have much use for stashes of coins and currency. Just found it kind of scary that probably around $5000 worth of antiques were siting in the basement near a sub pump which was a terrible idea in the first place.

  24. I felt terrible yesterday mood wise but last night I had a dream were I was out on a trip with my family and I actually feel much better now. Strange because I've never had a dream that has impacted my mood in a positive way.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Corgis


      Should be fine but I don't care much about the assignment anymore so I'm not going to stress about it too much so I don't end up wreaking my mood again like yesterday.

    3. Snow


      alright man, take care though.

    4. ScrewLoose
  25. To much snow today so I can stay home for now. I might try to do some drawing for fun which would probably be trains because they are fun to draw and colour in. Anything more complicated then that is too much I think.

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