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Status Updates posted by Vlazamal

  1.  Is it morally correct to have TWO best ponies? Applejack is my favorite in the RU dub and Starlight is my favorite in the English dub.

    1. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Horse does not know... :o

    2. Vlazamal


      Will horse feel special if there is other special pony?

    3. That Guy with the CMB
  2. As soon as I visit youtube for something completely unrelated, I get BLASTED WITH SEASON 8 SPOILERS. WHY?!?! I wanted to be surprised >:(

    1. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      *Tells you everything about season 8!*

    2. Vlazamal
  3. I want someone to color/edit the Human rainbow dash into a Chiss. Plox

  4. EXTREME CHALLENGE: Post something adorable here.

    1. Props Valroa
    2. Rikifive


      This always comes to my mind first, when somebody mentions something like this. :derp:

      https://derpibooru.org/417027 >

  5. Hey any artists? We at BD studios are developing an extensive My Little Pony RPG! We are accepting volunteers, especially those that can help create tilesets and other assets. Or for just general help!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/qYNyP7

  6. Judging from the latest episode, my new Headcannon is that Fluttershy would make a good secret agent. From Lyra and BonBon's arc we know they exist. She could assume the identity of someone, once she politely asks for permission, of course! xD

  7. I don't like Maud's new BF for some reason. I absolutely love Maud herself...but he...he rubs me the wrong way. 

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      He's pretty hit-or-miss, it seems.


      To sum up my indecision about him, here's a stick question mark:



    2. Vlazamal


      "Well technically..its not stick..."



    1. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu

      Was a little bit disappointed it's not Initial D. :wacko:


  9. I loved Forgotten Friendship!!! OMG OMG! Best Equestria Girls film. EVER.

    1. Vlazamal



      Wallflower's song was the best song in My Little Pony. Let's just... FORGET THIS EVER HAPPENED. I don't know why I loved that soo much. It reminds me of Darth Vader's puns to be honest.


  10. I haven't seen an MLP reference in a movie for quite a while. I'm waiting to be surprised.

  11. I've been too lazy today. Was supposed to do two lessons but i ended up playing ten matches of TF2.

  12. I'm attempting to learn piano. I'm a bass player and a composer, and I've reached my limit.

    1. KTAG


      I learned a little bit on a keyboard a couple years ago. It was fun, but I fell out of it.







    Lol the new episodes. I got too used to the mountain of fan-service that was Season 6.

  14. I'll be at my church's band practice during the end of the Hiatus. >:( I have to go. What else would I say?


    "Sorry I can't come to practice. I'm watching My Little Pony." >.< 

    1. Totally Nyx

      Totally Nyx

      They usually have the episode up on youtube shortly after it airs, I might be able to get you the link when it's up.

    2. KTAG


      You may have to wait a little longer, but I have to wait till it comes out on Netflix. AND I have to finish season 6.

  15. soon... THE HIATUS WILL BE OVER!!!

    1. The_Gobo


      Everyone seems to have lost their minds over it :V

    2. Vlazamal
  16. I was supposed to have a date today, but it's about to rain. Damn you weather. It's stopping my social progress!

    1. Johnny1226


      You could always go to the movies or some indoor place 

    2. KTAG


      Like a "date date" with romance and all that or a date, like going out with your friends and chillin it with 'em.

  17. im fustrated because im having a hard time socializing with anyone. i cant properly sustain a conversation besides with statuses here. wtf is this


    i know i generally have a much easier time talking to other people with autism, but this is extremely fustrating. i learned the social skills. whats going wrong! -.-

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KTAG


      I'm too shy to talk to people IRL. I need people to start talking with me first. After I become friends with someone I can talk to them first, but I just can't go up to anyone and say hello. I'm just to shy.

    3. Kaelocan


      @KTAG That is exactly me! 

    4. Foxy Socks
  18. I'm about to go on my first date friday!!! I'm so excited!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      Good to hear that

    3. Kaelocan


      Gratz bro. Just remember the slow blade penetrates the shield.  

    4. Totally Nyx
  19. Does the forums still have a bunch of spoilers? Please tell me it's safe to come back

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vlazamal


      its safe or is it still teeming with spoilers?

    3. Kaelocan
    4. KTAG


      I haven't seen any spoilers. I guess I don't venture past my friends messages.

  20. i just found out a girl i liked for years is actually too old for me. GG laif


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaelocan


      *hugs Vlazamal* There you go.

    3. Vlazamal


      Thanks ^.^

      I needed that

    4. Kaelocan


      Anytime. 8)

  21. I just found out that a girl that (likely) likes me is likely a BRONY!! Could either be the greatest relationship or greatest letdown. And I'm 16 and she's months away from 18.im soooo exciteeeed!!!!!!! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vlazamal
    3. KTAG


      Go get her pony (instead of Tiger). Man I need to go to public school. Friends and maybe even a GF.

    4. Kaelocan
  22. I switched my flair on r/russia to an american flag and immediately got banned, and (I haven't posted there for days). I ask the moderators why and I get no response. GG no re

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I blame /r/The_Donald for pretty much making it OK to be an asshole mod on just about any sub. I got banned from /r/pcmasterrace for calling mods on their constant mistakes just once.

    3. KTAG


      Dang that sucks

    4. Vlazamal
  23. Gn everyone! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KTAG


      Night Vlazamal. Sleep well friend.

    3. That Guy with the CMB

      That Guy with the CMB

      Goodnight and God bless. c;

    4. Johnny1226


      Good night vlazamal

  24. Sonic X has been successful in cheering me up! :D (70% of it is because cream is diabetus)

    1. KTAG


      Cream is Diabetus???

    2. Vlazamal


      Really cute =3

    3. KTAG


      Wait so were now calling cute things a type of Metabolic Syndrome? Humans have very strange ways of naming things.

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