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Status Replies posted by Widdershins

  1. So I have what might be startling news for you & a minor request.

     I would like  you to put this as your Avatar. Because, I am afraid I must break this news to you, but you are Blathers.


     "I am quite knowledgeable, you know."  A-Hoo! A bug! Get it away from me! But if you want biological information on it I will acquiesce...

      I find myself mystified why Blathers even keeps a bug part of his museum if he hates them so much. Perhaps the museum associtation insists on there being at least three wings to qualify, and hey, bugs are everywhere.

     Me: "Hey Blathers? How come there's also alot of fish and frogs in the Insect Wing?"

     Blathers: "Well, it is our endeavor to provide as suitable a natural environment to make our vermin specimens happy. And as you well know, insects can produce rapidly so it is only befitting that the addition of insectivorous organisms would be necessary to keep numbers down and keep a comfortable biodome to...."

     Me: "You want them dead, don't you?"

    Blathers: "Yes."


     I'm not saying you have a tendency to prattle, be flighty or a massive dork.... well okay, maybe the last part.

     (Sorry for the grainy photo. Best I can manage, stiff upper beak, you know? Alas, it is hard to take pictures of birds in their natural habitat, yes?)

  2. Welcome to the Island of Widdon!

     Enjoy our natural beauty! Like our constantly howling winds, random flashing lights on seemingly random areas of the island and the various ghost sightings! Do use caution with lighting any campfires; as once lit they will never go out of their own accord, even when doused with water. Apparently, the native wood of Widdon is naturally soaked in extremely caustic chemicals. Do not eat the trees.

    Come explore our scenery! Like the mysterious stone structures erected by unknown hands that were clearly not placed solely for tourist attraction! 

     Our island flower is the Windflower, appreciate its beauty and keep our land free of any foreign plant life as any other plantings will be met with a shovel to your face.

     The island animal is Bob the Turtle! Do not pet him, he will devour your hand. 

     This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by: Nook The Crook, Isa"Jingle"Belle and Shinner the Pink.


     Come back for upcoming updates where I mess with the minds of simple, animal folk!

  3. Your content count is two gross for me to look at

  4. As selfish as it might sound, I really hope this is done with soon. I want to kayak this summer.

  5. As selfish as it might sound, I really hope this is done with soon. I want to kayak this summer.

  6. So can we just squat in a circle and have a "Back In My Day"-Off?

  7. So can we just squat in a circle and have a "Back In My Day"-Off?

  8. Hey friends! How’s everyone doing today? :squee:

  9. Hey Spanish speakers, I wanna try a thing.

    Say something in Spanish to me, and I’ll see if I can figure it out without looking it up. I’ll admit it if I can’t figure it out.

  10. How am I evil? Is it because I imprison people in the sims and Animal Crossing? Because I intentionally lure massive hordes of zombies to random settlements In State of Decay? Because I make people drink sewage in cities skylines? Where did I go wrong?

    I can be a good sometimes! Like that time I, uhh... you know. When I... I uhh... remember that time I...




  11. I dunno 'bout you guys, but I've had a REALLY good day today :laugh: ^^ I got a perfected set of Harmonious Armor on Legends Of Equestria, which is something NOT a lot of people have on that game :3 For those of you who don’t play LOE, this is the best armor in the game. You have NO idea how hard it is to get a perfected set of Harmonious Armor. :confused: Getting the raw materials for it is extremely tedious / time consuming and it's made out of rare materials...

    I achieved my goal on Legends Of Equestria and I'm SO happy that I was the one who made this. :ticking: No-one helped me out. ^w^ Not only that, I got all of my perfected pieces (with the exception of my back-plate. I got that on the second try) :derp: on the very first try and that includes my helmet XD ...and I got 4 of them in ONE day. :confused: that's freaking ridiculous!!! :D 


    …and I didn’t have to use all of my magic catalysts just to make this ^w^ so I still have over 900 magic catalysts sittin in my inventory XP I was expecting to use all of them to make this set, but I got REALLY lucky!!! <3


    So how's your day been my friends? :mlp_grin: I hope it has been as good as mine :catface:

  12. I'm sorry, but this is unforgivable. 

    I'm willing to overlook alot of things in the new Pokemon games. Piecemealing out content and the actual pokemon I can get by, an underwhelming gimmick. But... they MISLABELED... a BERRY.

     I... don't know how badly you gotta buck things up... to type in the wrong description to an item. In a product, that's shipped out to customers. It's not Sour, it's Dry flavor. It's how its been for over twenty years. I could accept that they changed it after this long, but not this. It being called one thing, and actively being used otherwise.

     There's teams of people who have this job, of reading over their work. And they let this get through. I expect, and trust the franchise I've lived my life with to at the very least do their jobs. 

     It's like you having gone your whole playtime on your game having avoided and thrown away one item because you had a better weapon in slot... and it turns out the item was actually armor this whole time. That was an aspect of the game you were prevented from taking part in... because the nuts & bolts makers of the game decided to not write accurately.

    ... Geez. The first games were a mess because of having to rush it along to meet deadlines, and I get that. But with today's technology on this, a game that had barely the hype of generations past... what's the excuse for this obvious of a falling-on-the-face? 

     You could have taken more time, put more effort in. Especially if you were planning on adding more content in later. But no.... you let parts crumble out like this. You could have put more effort into animation, not have flagship characters be welded to stock, singular movements to where they remove any kind of connection us fans can have to empathize with your characters.  ....why is Galar so rushed?


     Go! Cinderace! Use Headbutt!

    *Uses the same kick for every other attack*

    .... I paid... money for this experience. 

  13. Hello everypony.

  14. I'm sorry I haven't been around so much.... just been so emotional, paranoid, tired... For reasons I think you know. Whole lotta health concerns going about.
    Been trying to work an exhausting job and dealing with wild mood swings from depression. Sigh.

  15. I forget if I've bought it up, but Bats are cute!

     One thing I've learned about myself since being out here in Japan, is that I am physically incapable of not saying "Oh hey, a bat!" every single, individual time a bat flies past.

     I will rue the day a flock of bats flies past. My throat will either give out, or I'll manage vocal dubstep.

  16. Hello everypony.

  17. I just got to work, we don’t open for an hour and there’s already an asshole honking and getting into arguments with the security guard.

    today’s looking good.

  18. I'm sorry I haven't been around so much.... just been so emotional, paranoid, tired... For reasons I think you know. Whole lotta health concerns going about.
    Been trying to work an exhausting job and dealing with wild mood swings from depression. Sigh.

  19. I forget if I've bought it up, but Bats are cute!

     One thing I've learned about myself since being out here in Japan, is that I am physically incapable of not saying "Oh hey, a bat!" every single, individual time a bat flies past.

     I will rue the day a flock of bats flies past. My throat will either give out, or I'll manage vocal dubstep.

  20. I'm sorry I haven't been around so much.... just been so emotional, paranoid, tired... For reasons I think you know. Whole lotta health concerns going about.
    Been trying to work an exhausting job and dealing with wild mood swings from depression. Sigh.

  21. Global warming is a myth!

    ... and if you'll remove that pitchfork from the vicinity of my eyeball, I'll explain.

    See, all the finest myths have a core of truth within them, wrapped about with artful swathes of allegory, poetry, and story. Therefore, I reason, creating modern fact-myths may serve well to underscore truths that are often rejected due to a sort of notion of the disconnect of 'scientific reality' from concrete everyday reality. Allow me to demonstrate:


    Once upon a time, when the world was not yet mastered by man, plants learned to love the sky. Air flowed about them, and they drank of it with gladness. Sunlight shone down upon them, and they received it into themselves as life. The creatures of the earth came and ate of the plants, taking up their life within them, and the light of the sun became the spark in the eyes of every bird and beast. So life was in the days before.

    But life attracts death like a hunter to prey, and much death followed this time of vibrant life. Plants were destroyed and animals torn to pieces, and the mouth of the earth opened wide to admit their entrance. Deep into the crushing depths the dead fell, and in the ages that passed the light and life they once held was distorted by the heat of the earth's heart into darkness and death, a slick formless black of immeasurable taint.

    Long this ancient corruption lay, and would have ever done so had man's ambition known limit. Not content with the hoards of silvern earthblood they had wrenched from the depths, man sought out a power to put all others to shame, one that would give them mastery over all the earth and sea and sky. Deep they forged, tearing rock asunder in their craving, until they came to the deepest dark, the viscid remains of a myriad lives, that fated substance they called Petra Oleum.

    Aeons in the molten depths had imbued the substance with a fiery heat, and as it burned it shone with light so like the sunlight of times past that had caressed the leaves of plants and sparkled in the eyes of animals that man was deceived, thinking it a power worthy of being wielded, forgetting that no power born of death will ever truly serve life. And so they used it as a tool: with the death of beasts, they conquered the earth; with the death of fish, they conquered the sea; with the death of birds, they conquered the sky; and with the death of plants, they grew and became as fruitful as the verdant host before them.

    Yet even after all these things, it was not too late. They still lived, and the creatures they chose to live lived with them. But they had not yet realised their folly, and their eyes were on yet a loftier goal. They had conquered all the nature that lay around them, and so the last thing to be conquered was their own nature. Long did they toil to create cages to bind themselves, cages of iron and oaths and the terror of rejection, but just as this final end hove over the horizon they were forced to abate their quest, at last apprehending the grim inevitability that humanity could only be conquered with the death of man.

    Man fell into anomie, and in the throes of their despair they turned on their own works, tearing them to pieces to find a reason for the turmoil they found themselves in, seeking a cause that lay outside themselves that they might not be found guilty for the wrongs that had overtaken them. They discovered many secrets in their deeds of old, dark and ancient things that brought anguish upon all who heard of them, but the greatest of these was found in the power of that deathly substance they had wrenched from the utter depths. From its flame, once thought to be purest light, there rose a darkened smoke, a twisted wraith of the myriad dead with a hunger that rivalled even that of man.

    With growing horror man brought to light the paths of this ghastly taint, seeing for the first time the fate of the deaths it embodied. The death of beasts leached into the earth, sterilising the once-fertile soil and poisoning all who lived on its produce. The death of fish seeped into the sea, blighting the creatures who swam in its waters and bringing affliction to all who fished its host. The death of birds rose into the sky, thickening the air into a suffocating smoke and choking all who breathed it. Worst of all, the death of plants covered all the earth with a malign shroud, receiving the sun that shone upon it and making of its light not life for all the creatures of the earth, but a stifling heat, the final curse of the crushing depths that man had so exploited.

    So it was that man saw the folly of its ambitions and renounced its thirst for conquest. So it was that the ancient traitor death was found out and faced direct, and man counted it as an enemy.

    If the ending seems a little weak, that's because humanity's response has been a little weak. :yeahno:

  22. Where has this been all my life?


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