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Status Replies posted by Widdershins

  1. OKAY.

    For your information, I have sent The Package for a third time now, using the address on the envelope you sent me, down to every last letter and comma.  It has been RE-boxed (still in its' original box, just inside a bigger box), and has been shipped your direction, postage paid.

    Third time's the charm, right?

    Keep checking with your local post office, and maybe let them know you're expecting a package soon from me; if they don't bring it straight to you, maybe you can at least pick it up when it rolls through there?

  2. OKAY.

    For your information, I have sent The Package for a third time now, using the address on the envelope you sent me, down to every last letter and comma.  It has been RE-boxed (still in its' original box, just inside a bigger box), and has been shipped your direction, postage paid.

    Third time's the charm, right?

    Keep checking with your local post office, and maybe let them know you're expecting a package soon from me; if they don't bring it straight to you, maybe you can at least pick it up when it rolls through there?

  3. The new Pokemon anime series is coming out on Netflix.

    I am afraid to watch it.

     It has Ash.

     The only way you can utilize Ash is by wiping him clean of every pokemon, every human friend, every adventure & relationship he's ever had and completely restarting him as a blank slate. Because, after all, you can't have him harkening back to previous adventures or remembering what boss legendaries he's met, because that would alienate the viewers. It just feels so heartless... I can't feel that Ash has literally any character or personality.

    ...And they named the other kid: GO. Just GO. 

  4. Isn't Hatterene just perfect for Rarity?!!? It's such a hair-based, glittery, drama-queen vibe-check pokemon!

      For some reason I'm a bit more in love with Rarity recently! Hee, hee!

  5. Work the next three days in six hour shifts. Been fighting off a respitory virus thingie the past three weeks so its kinda hard to work my lungs.

     Not really sure... like, how much I should do. Like, forewarn my managers of my breathin' issues but I reckon they kinda already know. I'm not sure how to self-evaluate my own health. Last night involved alotta choking.

  6. Sis says I got a virus. Body's been... *ahem* doing alot of "cleaning out." Been emotionally stable, but down about alot.

     Haven't felt too up to being... creative or being myself lately.

  7. Okay, I need some answers. Even if you think I’ll disagree, I want your perspective anyway. I had to look up what everyone is freaking out about, and I think I found it.

    From what I can see, cities are being overwhelmed by riots (not protests, actual riots) and Trump wants to back up the police with the military. This is apparently tyrannical to some.

    Now I would totally see the problem if it was peaceful protests. People have the right to protest. But it’s NOT peaceful. Things are burning, people are dying and local authorities can’t seem to get a grip on things.

    So if the police can’t stop it, and sending in the military is wrong, what SHOULD happen (in the opinion of whoever reads this)? Just allow things to keep spiraling?

    1. Widdershins


      I'd like it if we could just talk things out. But some tend to get stuck thinking only one way will solve things, that you have to voice your discontent. You're not addressing the problem if you just go out and break things or set fire to stuff. 

      If the military is just there to stand around and say "Hey, stop breaking stuff" then yeah. 

    2. (See 71 other replies to this status update)

  8. Okay, I need some answers. Even if you think I’ll disagree, I want your perspective anyway. I had to look up what everyone is freaking out about, and I think I found it.

    From what I can see, cities are being overwhelmed by riots (not protests, actual riots) and Trump wants to back up the police with the military. This is apparently tyrannical to some.

    Now I would totally see the problem if it was peaceful protests. People have the right to protest. But it’s NOT peaceful. Things are burning, people are dying and local authorities can’t seem to get a grip on things.

    So if the police can’t stop it, and sending in the military is wrong, what SHOULD happen (in the opinion of whoever reads this)? Just allow things to keep spiraling?

    1. Widdershins


      I try to look at things from all angles. Pardon if I seem a bit... separated, but it seems like cop killings get done all the time. I'm sure its not been only that minority targeted, and certainly hasn't been the only person killed by law enforcement. Feels like what I've always heard going on in the News. Though I make a point to not keep up to date on that.

       Maybe some need to get it out of their systems. Maybe there's always troublemakers like you said.

       I can say it makes a certain kind of logical sense. It's an action that requires the law, and they need more help in the force. So, makes a lot of sense to put more behind what is needed. Especially when your an action-oriented, direct, single-minded Leader.


       Simply enough, if windows be getting busted, and the only course of action is to whap 'em on the head and tell 'em no. Then I guess escalation only makes logical sense..... sigh, but Logic doesn't always help.

       I can't say what is wrong or right. I don't think many can.

    2. (See 71 other replies to this status update)

  9. Okay, I need some answers. Even if you think I’ll disagree, I want your perspective anyway. I had to look up what everyone is freaking out about, and I think I found it.

    From what I can see, cities are being overwhelmed by riots (not protests, actual riots) and Trump wants to back up the police with the military. This is apparently tyrannical to some.

    Now I would totally see the problem if it was peaceful protests. People have the right to protest. But it’s NOT peaceful. Things are burning, people are dying and local authorities can’t seem to get a grip on things.

    So if the police can’t stop it, and sending in the military is wrong, what SHOULD happen (in the opinion of whoever reads this)? Just allow things to keep spiraling?

    1. Widdershins


      Gosh, I am depresso again. America sure seems like its going to the dogs.

       What happened to talking problems out? Like, what're the riots about? Its usually a "we want more of this" or we don't like this or that legislation. Stuff you don't exactly have a specific target to target. 

    2. (See 71 other replies to this status update)

  10. Isn't Hatterene just perfect for Rarity?!!? It's such a hair-based, glittery, drama-queen vibe-check pokemon!

      For some reason I'm a bit more in love with Rarity recently! Hee, hee!

  11. Springity-Sproingity! You're going Doingitty!

     You picked up this letterino and what did you diddly findy?!!? A key to secrets untold and unfound! A chittering call from things underground! Craft it and see what with it you can do; because the answers you seek will soon  FIND YOU.

     Have a Lucky, Ducky, Yucky, Pucky, *#$%@! holiday on this, Eldritch Horror Day!

     P.S: Pay no attention to the large stitch on the back of my head. Clearly its unimportant by the fact that I keep calling attention to it and even named myself Stitches. Now do my bidding.


     ....Guess who I just ran into while Time Travelling?

  12. Springity-Sproingity! You're going Doingitty!

     You picked up this letterino and what did you diddly findy?!!? A key to secrets untold and unfound! A chittering call from things underground! Craft it and see what with it you can do; because the answers you seek will soon  FIND YOU.

     Have a Lucky, Ducky, Yucky, Pucky, *#$%@! holiday on this, Eldritch Horror Day!

     P.S: Pay no attention to the large stitch on the back of my head. Clearly its unimportant by the fact that I keep calling attention to it and even named myself Stitches. Now do my bidding.


     ....Guess who I just ran into while Time Travelling?

  13. I hate Ash Ketchum. And I think I finally know why.

     He's that typical Anime Protagonist. All he does is train and solve problems with "hit it harder." Or just put more energy and "friendship" into a problem and everything will be better if you just wish really hard.

    It's like he grew up without any reliable authority figures. His Dad disappeared so fast he became a non-entity (I do rather like the fannon that his father is Giovanni) and his waifish, spineless Mother's only contributions are always "Well, you have a good time then!" His mother taught him to not question things or think too deeply, his father taught him that strength came in chasing goals and running away to the next region of your life. 

     Of course he cares more for moving on to the next adventure rather than establishing any steady relationships. It's why he raises pokemon; he grew up only knowing interaction as obedience and any feelings aren't to be acted upon. If any human or pokemon shows him excess emotion, he just treats it like a silly character trait. That's why his only steady friend is a mouse. Sure, they cuddle & hug, but they just do the things they need to do. Animals are simple, and that's what he needs.

     That, at least, I can relate to.

  14. Phew, gonna be a rough shift. Didn’t get any sleep. XP

  15. Springity-Sproingity! You're going Doingitty!

     You picked up this letterino and what did you diddly findy?!!? A key to secrets untold and unfound! A chittering call from things underground! Craft it and see what with it you can do; because the answers you seek will soon  FIND YOU.

     Have a Lucky, Ducky, Yucky, Pucky, *#$%@! holiday on this, Eldritch Horror Day!

     P.S: Pay no attention to the large stitch on the back of my head. Clearly its unimportant by the fact that I keep calling attention to it and even named myself Stitches. Now do my bidding.


     ....Guess who I just ran into while Time Travelling?

  16. Springity-Sproingity! You're going Doingitty!

     You picked up this letterino and what did you diddly findy?!!? A key to secrets untold and unfound! A chittering call from things underground! Craft it and see what with it you can do; because the answers you seek will soon  FIND YOU.

     Have a Lucky, Ducky, Yucky, Pucky, *#$%@! holiday on this, Eldritch Horror Day!

     P.S: Pay no attention to the large stitch on the back of my head. Clearly its unimportant by the fact that I keep calling attention to it and even named myself Stitches. Now do my bidding.


     ....Guess who I just ran into while Time Travelling?

  17. It saddens me greatly how people think of the Galar Fossil Quartet.


     Of course they're freaks of nature and don't make sense by how life exists now. They're displaced from several million years back when their bodies made sense by what life needed them to be. Maybe they don't function so well now, but... that mean they can't be your buddies now?

     It's not some god's fault or some lying scientist's; they died back when everything was different, you woke them back up into a world incomprehensibly different to them and now they gotta make do with their fat, flappy limbs in a world where you can't nom everything in half. Heh... you live life with what your given...

     N-not that I relate to Draconvish's incapability to breath right. Or Arctovish's incapability to look at things rightside up. Or Dracozolts incapability to manage its own body's energy. Or Arctozolts incapacity to stop crying!~~ Weeeeh!!

  18. Springity-Sproingity! You're going Doingitty!

     You picked up this letterino and what did you diddly findy?!!? A key to secrets untold and unfound! A chittering call from things underground! Craft it and see what with it you can do; because the answers you seek will soon  FIND YOU.

     Have a Lucky, Ducky, Yucky, Pucky, *#$%@! holiday on this, Eldritch Horror Day!

     P.S: Pay no attention to the large stitch on the back of my head. Clearly its unimportant by the fact that I keep calling attention to it and even named myself Stitches. Now do my bidding.


     ....Guess who I just ran into while Time Travelling?

  19. I've said before that oft it can ruin my enjoyment of something if I know plenty of others do too. I have found the exception to that rule.


     And for very simple reasons.


  20. Who do you prefer? :ooh: Unicorn Twilight or Alicorn Twilight? :O :o


  21. Wow, I can’t believe it’s my 4th anniversary on the MLP Forums. :O :o

    I just wanna give my personal thanks to @Le Trotteur Sauvage, @Tacodidra, @Dark Horse,@Totally Roseluck, @Sparklefan1234, @DivineDivine1000, @TheRockARooster, @Dynamo Pad, @ShadOBabe, @Bastian, @Samurai Equine, @Kyoshi, @Cash In, @Bastian, @EpicEnergy, @Catpone Cerberus, @J.T., @Flutterstep, @Odyssey, @Blivy, @Deerie, @Deae Rising Shine~, @Yoshi89, @StarrySkyDash, @Nsxile, @HereComesTom, @Bas, @TigerGeekGuy, @WWolf@Widdershins, @LegoshiLunA, @Goofyg24, @Rikifive, @Super Splashee@Valencia, @Treeglow Flicker, @Windy Breeze ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ and every-pony else on the MLP forums :catface: you guys are the best! ^^

    I remember all those years ago when I first joined the site, wanting to be a part of this wonderful community. I dunno ‘bout you guys, but I see this place as a 2nd home. A place where I can relax and be alone with my friends ^w^ I just wanna thank everyone on the MLP Forums for making me feel welcome here. :kindness:

    You guys mean SO much to me. You’re the reason WHY I keep coming back. You were always there for me. When I was depressed, you knew how to cheer me up, whether it'd be responding to my status updates, giving me a hug, booping my snoot or sending me a private message. You gave me the motivation to be myself. I wish I could give each and every one of you a hug IRL. :') If anything, YOU are my real friends and whenever I hop on the MLP forums, I cant wait to see what you've posted :ticking: <3 I dont care 'bout being the most popular user on the MLP Forums. Your friendship means more to me than anything ^^

    I love you guys and I know these are difficult times, but we’ll get through this together! ^^ Let’s hope G5 is as good as FIM! <3


  22. I want a version of the Hundred Acre Wood with, instead of Christopher Robin.... It's Christopher Walken.

    "Oh....You silly..........Poo-Beah. You..... you awh just a.... a Beah .....ofverylittleBRAIN."

  23. It saddens me greatly how people think of the Galar Fossil Quartet.


     Of course they're freaks of nature and don't make sense by how life exists now. They're displaced from several million years back when their bodies made sense by what life needed them to be. Maybe they don't function so well now, but... that mean they can't be your buddies now?

     It's not some god's fault or some lying scientist's; they died back when everything was different, you woke them back up into a world incomprehensibly different to them and now they gotta make do with their fat, flappy limbs in a world where you can't nom everything in half. Heh... you live life with what your given...

     N-not that I relate to Draconvish's incapability to breath right. Or Arctovish's incapability to look at things rightside up. Or Dracozolts incapability to manage its own body's energy. Or Arctozolts incapacity to stop crying!~~ Weeeeh!!

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