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K.Rool Addict

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Status Replies posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. Being someone that has had little interest in the Switch, that was a good show by Nintendo. My only issue was that the 3DS was completely absent, which sucks. I guess it is coming to its end.

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      "Jesus fucking christ do you have to be so goddamn confrontational with every fucking thing I say???"


      You're always so fun to talk to, Kyoshi-sama <3 




    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. Being someone that has had little interest in the Switch, that was a good show by Nintendo. My only issue was that the 3DS was completely absent, which sucks. I guess it is coming to its end.

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      "Being someone that has had little interest in the Switch, that was a good show by Nintendo."

      ^Have you lost your goddamn mind!? >.>

      I cannot think of a single other E3 presentation I have seen in the past 9 years which was worse than Nintendo's 2017 "spotlight" -.-  If you want further clarification on what I mean, here ya go: https://mlpforums.com/topic/167163-nintendos-e3-spotlight-2017


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  3. Time to update my ignore list.

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Pftt you prolly mean me. You were the one getting on my nerves, for the record. Don't start accusing me of things like you did in that other thread. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. E3 2017......sucks  balls ass. Where's Last of Us 2, Project Louisiana, Bethesda's 2 new IPs, the Star Wars Open World Game,  Bioware's new game, and where the hell is Borderlands 3?  I better hope  Borderlands 3 doesn't become  the next Half Life 3. Jeez Man E3 2017 has all amount to is disappointment.

  5. Well the games for Microsoft's conference were way better than Sony's. MS won easily this year.

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Sony isn't trash. They are an OBJECTIVELY better company than Micro$oft.

      How many times do i have to tell you people, I don't damage control for bullshit from ANY company. One day people think I'm a Nintendrone, the next they claim I am a P.C. Elitist (despite me not even having a damn pc). The next day I'm a "Sony Pony" and now I am labeled as a defender of the disgusting corporate slavedrivers, also known as Microsoft?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Well the games for Microsoft's conference were way better than Sony's. MS won easily this year.

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Celli go check out my thread. Post to your heart's content lol. I just wanna see if anyone actually agrees with me (for once xD)

      Also, thank God TLoU2 wasn't shown. That would have been the final nail in the coffin for me as TLoU is basically the very epitome of everything wrong with modern day Sony (at least they have yet to fall as far as Nintendo; gotta stay positive xD)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Well the games for Microsoft's conference were way better than Sony's. MS won easily this year.

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      I can't believe I'm actually in Micro$oft's camp for once, but yeah, OP, I have to fucking agree. *shakingmyheadvigorously*

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. i can't wait to give the pope undertale on ps4 too

  9. the rest of you can see my avatar as a circle within a box (on my profile anyway) right...? or is that just me >.>

  10. Holy buttcheeks its been 5EVER since I was last on! Anypony miss me?

  11. Microsoft missed the opportunity to call their new thing the "xXbox One Xx".

  12. Microsoft missed the opportunity to call their new thing the "xXbox One Xx".

  13. Xbox conference starting sooooon. Excited. :3

  14. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      @Lunar Echo, I definitely do feel unsatisfied with what these companies are offering. Consumers like you two arent helping things. If you guys wanna continue this we can go to the E3 thread though. I'm sick of people sticking up for multi billion dollar corporations like they are close family members or something.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  15. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Never. I will never be silenced by the corporate slaves of the modern era. I think I already made my point though, so I'm not quite sure there is much else to be said.

      I can always continue this discussion within my E3 Hype thread. A thread in more conducive to intelligent back-and-forth than a status update after all. 

      Here's hoping Xbox astounds the public with a $350 price tag on the Scorpio; that's what I'll leave with ( -.-)/)

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  16. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Wow, both of you disappoint me. The worst kinda consumer out there: the type who would buy a shiny turd as long as it has your favorite company's logo slapped on it *smh*

      I'm hyped as fuck for E3, don't get me wrong. But I'm not one to make excuses for these corporations. They need to be called out on all their bullshit so they will be forced to improve.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  17. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Why not? You wanna see these companies continue to shovel out mediocrity? Why not demand better as a consumer? Xbox has certainly shown that they will try in practically any way to satiate their fans' collective needs with all these crazy sales, services, and general money saving ventures they have implemented more recently. They wouldn't be doing all of this if it wasn't for them being so far behind Sony.

      If only Nintendo would emulate Xbox in this fashion -.- They owe their fans a hella lot if you ask me >.>

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  18. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      I do though >.<

      I hate seeing these companies making such STUPID decisions. First Playstation with their half assed Ps4 Pro. Then Nintendo with their abyssmal Switch. Now this? Pisses me the fuck off.

      I don't have a pc... yet lol. I'm still on the fence of which gaming laptop to get. But as a lifetime console gamer, it pains me to see the console devs floundering in such a way.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  19. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      That Scorpio better be $350 max or else its gonna bomb like a mofo.

      If they actually put a $50+ CPU in it, than maybe I would say it's worth $400, but they decided to put literally $0 into the CPU side of things and instead recycle their old tech from 2011. Talk about a bottleneck -.-

      I personally don't understand the logic behind putting all this money into the GPU and DX 12 side of things when the CPU is a complete joke. 2.3 ghz 8 Jaguar cores? Lmao! Compare to Ps4 Pro's 2.1 ghz 8 Jaguar cores... BIG difference, right? -.-

      It's sad since they coulda had a cheap $400-500 box that would play all games at 1080-1440p max pc settings 60 fps locked, but instead they decide to go for their fabled "cinematic" 30 fps on most titles. And don't give me Forza 6 Apex as an argument; that game can run at 4k 60 on a freaking $200 GPU and $50 CPU. 

      It's like a powerlifter with insanely strong biceps that could technically allow him to curl like 200 lbs for several reps, but the dude's forearms are so weak he cannot even hold onto the damn bar. 

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  20. E3 starts today! With EA I think. Meh. :P A very unhype way to start it. XD

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Today? I thought it started tomorrow >.>

      When are the Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo conferences being held? :o Thats really all I care about

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  21. Appleinsider says that a DIY PC can't compete with the new iMac Pro and that a 1080Ti, is a "downgrade". Bunch of fucking idiots.

  22. E3 in  few days. I really really really hope Nintendo announces a new Metroid from Retro Studios...

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Oh, good point. I also have no interest in a new 2D Donkey Kong (I wish they would return to the DK 64 format instead lol). 

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not the biggest fan of F-Zero or Animal Crossing, just would be nice to see a new game in the series.

      Now Mother on the other hand... well, I would be ECSTATIC to see a PROPER sequel to Mother 3. As in a sequel that fully takes advantage of the Switch's hardware capabilities. No more lazy ass sprite art. It was impressive on the SNES and GBA at the time, no longer is that the case. Lets get some proper 3D graphics going on here:


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  23. E3 in  few days. I really really really hope Nintendo announces a new Metroid from Retro Studios...

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Well yes, of course they could revive both those other franchises AND Metroid. The point was I have no interest in Metroid, therefore, that was "one of the only games I don't want to see Nintendo revive", as it would take up extra development resources most likely lol.

      I'm not saying they can't do all of it at once, I'm merely stating that the likelihood of such a thing happening is near inconceivable. You have your own priority. That priority being Metroid. I do not share those feelings lol. 

      Like I said before, I'm not hating on you liking Metroid. I'm not telling you "Metroid is a trash series and I hope it never comes back ever!". All I'm saying is I have no interest in seeing a new Metroid. Obviously I am in the minority as pretty much every Youtuber I listen to hungers for Metroid insanely ravenously. I always see it at the top of "Top 10 most anticipated Nintendo sequels" lists and so on.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  24. E3 in  few days. I really really really hope Nintendo announces a new Metroid from Retro Studios...

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      "We just had a Starfox game. We don't need another DK game. We just had a new paper mario. We just had a yoshi game. and pikmin."

      Starfox Zero, Paper Mario Color Splash, and Yoshi's Wooly World/ Yoshi's Island 3DS were about as satisfying sequels as Federation Force was for Metroid. They were mere insults to the fans of their respective franchises.

      Pikmin was like, ages ago lol. Mario Kart 9 I'll agree with. Animal Crossing I think is likely, same with Luigi's Mansion as the creator says he really wants more sequels. I agree with Castlevania as Konami doesn't have the insight into in depth level design they once did. F-Zero has been neglected like a mofo and even Shigeru Miyamoto called it a "failure as a series".  

      Nintendo needs to get their heads out of their collective asses xD <-- Basically what I'm saying lol

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  25. E3 in  few days. I really really really hope Nintendo announces a new Metroid from Retro Studios...

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      I would rather have Nintendo revive pretty much any other franchise other than Metroid. Idk how that comes off as offensive to you. It's not like I have any say in what Nintendo does.

      If it was up to me, we'd have a Mother 4, F-Zero XXX, Starfox Adventures 2, Donkey Kong 64-2, Wind Waker 2, Majora's Mask 2, Super Mario Sunshine 2, Super Mario 64-2, Paper Mario (RPG) 3, Wario Land 5, Yoshi's Story 2, Yoshi's Island 3, Pikmin 4, Mario Kart 9, Kid Icarus 3 (no Uprising trash), Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing Switch,  Fire Emblem Switch (a proper strat RPG ofc), Diddy Kong Racing 2, Castlevania 64 remake, Xenoblade Chronicles X HD, Xenoblade Chronicles X-2, among countless others I can't think of off the top of my head. All of this would be above a new Metroid in terms of priority.

      Again, I say this as a person who does not enjoy Metroid games at all. I'm not telling you, that you should be ashamed for liking Metroid or wanting a new game :o I honestly think a new Metroid is far more plausible than the games I listed considering the existence of Federation Force. No doubt Nintendo feels the need to apologize to its fans for such an insult.


    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

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