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K.Rool Addict

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Status Replies posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. "It's monday", says the calendar,
    Uncaring on the wall,
    Your alarm judges you from the stand,
    "You'll be late after all."

    Breaking reality's laws,
    Your bedroom stares in awe,
    You're all ready to run,
    Dressed up with yesterday's history.

    Run to the bus, to the train,
    Feet slipping in this rain,
    Good thing you brought an umbrella,
    To keep your thoughts dry.

    Work is all but memorable,
    History repeats itself, immemorable,
    Oh look, it's time to leave,
    Time flies.

    You fly too, back home,
    In the crowded train, alone,
    You're back, you eat, you sleep,
    Your bed hugs you comfortingly.

    "It's monday", says the calendar,
    Uncaring on the wall,
    History repeats itself,
    Immemorable after all.

  2. E3 in  few days. I really really really hope Nintendo announces a new Metroid from Retro Studios...

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Metroid always seemed boring to me. Sci-fi games in general are very offputting to me, but Metroid in particular was dark, eerie, generally not my cup of tea as a kid. As an adult my tastes have changed somewhat, but I have never gained any real interest in Sci-fi type games. The closest I got to gaining interest in Metroid was learning that the DS Castlevania games were inspired by the game design of the 2D Metroid titles. With Metroid Prime, I srsly could not care less, as it is once again a "dark depressing" 1st person shooter :o 

      KH 3 is something I am genuinely excited for tho @A.V.. Just wish they didn't slap that ugly bloom filter over everything >.<

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  3. E3 in  few days. I really really really hope Nintendo announces a new Metroid from Retro Studios...

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Metroid is like, the only franchise I don't wanna see Nintendo revive xD

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. I live! Finally awake. :P How's everyone doing on this late night? I am getting more and more anxious for E3. Exciting time of the year. 

  5. I live! Finally awake. :P How's everyone doing on this late night? I am getting more and more anxious for E3. Exciting time of the year. 

  6. The video game reboot 2017 needs.


  7. "Gee, it sure is boring around here." -- Link (Link: The Faces Of Evil)

  8. Having a hard time choosing between buying Sonic Adventure 2, which I heard was good but I've never played, or Jet Set Radio!, a game I have played but not since I was a mere lad with a PS2.

  9. Having a hard time choosing between buying Sonic Adventure 2, which I heard was good but I've never played, or Jet Set Radio!, a game I have played but not since I was a mere lad with a PS2.

  10. You ready to be let down?

    Due to composition and pressure differentials, it is possible that it may rain diamonds on Neptune. Too bad we will never get to them.

    You've just been let down.

  11. I could really care less about E3.

    E3 is losing more and more magic over the years, considering we get most of the information already beforehand and the whole show is just a hypetrain, which i don't like to jump on.

    I mean, most people already know about the scorpio and that it will barely have any exclusives. I don't need to watch E3 for that. :P

  12. I could really care less about E3.

    E3 is losing more and more magic over the years, considering we get most of the information already beforehand and the whole show is just a hypetrain, which i don't like to jump on.

    I mean, most people already know about the scorpio and that it will barely have any exclusives. I don't need to watch E3 for that. :P

  13. I could really care less about E3.

    E3 is losing more and more magic over the years, considering we get most of the information already beforehand and the whole show is just a hypetrain, which i don't like to jump on.

    I mean, most people already know about the scorpio and that it will barely have any exclusives. I don't need to watch E3 for that. :P

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      I am SOOO damn excited for E3 atm. It is always a pleasure to watch the major press conferences; a ritual I have engaged in since I was 15. 

      It's like Christmas morning for me xD Although, I am probably setting myself up for disappointment this year lol

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. You ready to be let down?

    Due to composition and pressure differentials, it is possible that it may rain diamonds on Neptune. Too bad we will never get to them.

    You've just been let down.

  15. I got kicked from my gaming clan today for being an atheist and "against their god". My first taste of atheist discrimination.

  16. Someone is selling a replica of Vivian's hat... ahh, is it worth it...

  17. Finally decided to rewatch Rainbow Rocks for the first time in ages. 3 things I want to point out

    1) RD was nowhere near as bad as everyone else says, and just comes off as everyone overexaggerating bullshit for the millionth time

    2) Sunset throwing her jacket is one of the best moments in the series, maybe even one of the greatest moments in FiM in general

    3) Tricks Up My Sleeve blows

  18. I just saw the new Nintendo direct! I'm so Excited!


    There are no brakes on the hype train!



  19. Pokemon Gold and Silver on 3DS, but no Crystal? Makes little sense to me, Nintendo. Crystal was my absolute favorite. :| 

  20. Pokemon Gold and Silver on 3DS, but no Crystal? Makes little sense to me, Nintendo. Crystal was my absolute favorite. :| 

  21. I just saw the new Nintendo direct! I'm so Excited!


    There are no brakes on the hype train!



  22. Pokemon Gold and Silver on 3DS, but no Crystal? Makes little sense to me, Nintendo. Crystal was my absolute favorite. :| 

  23. Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.

  24. Trump has pulled the US out of the Paris climate agreement. As if we needed ANYMORE reasons to hate that pile of shit we call a president. 

  25. *Is considering asking for all Trump-based threads in the Debate Pit to be closed.*


    They're getting pretty heated -- and last I checked, borderline-attacking other members isn't allowed.

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