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About Cutie

  • Birthday 1996-07-18

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  1. Currently procrastinating a major Nursing School project

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    2. PiratePony


      oh yes. Even tasks that I know benefit me. I had the biggest acting audition of my life last week, and I procrastinated on preparing for even THAT. It's in my nature to do that...We're preparing a cross-country move, and the thought of packing everything, selling/donating what we don't need, makes me want to just feel overwhelmed and not do it. I totally hear you...that's why I'm trying to encourage you, because...it sucks.

    3. Cutie


      Oh gosh, that is totally me right now! I'm sorry it's taking such a toll on you too...I swear, it's like a mental block and not just laziness. For me, I'm a perfectionist and I feel like I would rather do nothing than actually put time and effort into something and make less than desirable marks. Foolish, I know, but old habits die hard. Thank you for the encouragement!

    4. PiratePony


      no problem. I hope that you give yourself ample time and ace your project. Good luck :)

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