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Status Updates posted by Gabosor

  1. And just like that 2020 ended, a roller coaster of emotions for me and for everyone, many had a good time, others a bad one, perhaps for some it was even the best year of their lives, however, if we can all agree on one thing it is that this was an unforgettable year, but it's over, and no matter what your case was, we all learned things, we've become better, it's time to show it, and look forward to the future.
    Happy 2021 to everypony!:pinkiecutehat:


    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      My gf looks like pinkie...now I miss her...

    2. Tacodidra


      Happy New Year, my friend! :pinkie: May 2021 be a lot better than the year before! :kindness:

  2. Thanks for the follow!:pinkie:

    1. raykv423


      No problemo, amigo! :-D

  3. People tend to think that being sad is bad, because, yes, it is a negative emotion, but isn't that what allows us to enjoy when we truly are happy? Just as there is no light without darkness, sometimes we will find things on our way that we must overcome and improve from there.:Rara:
    Embrace it, and enjoy it, because there is nothing better than feeling! Don't let them put you down, once you get over your problems you become a better version of yourself, right? I know you can!

    Happy beginning of the month to all of you, oh how I like October, it is when the cold begins at last in the year, and also times of anniversaries and celebrations in my life, I hope you can have as much fun as I plan to!:wub:



  4. Thanks for the follow, mate!:laugh:

  5. My avatar until October, I hope everyone have a great month, altough it's a little late to that, it's already 13th:laugh:


    Once again, excuse my broken english, it seems like I never learn... right?


    1. Tacodidra


      I hope your month is great too, my friend! :kindness: *hugs* Adorable Pinkie! ^_^

    2. EpicEnergy


      I hope you also have a great month! :fluttershy:

  6. Hey!

    Thanks for the follow!:mlp_pinkie:

    1. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      You're welcome ^~^
      Thanks for following me ^~^

  7. Time to update the Its gonna be May meme. - 9GAG


    it's a shitpost, plz laugh

  8. Thanks for the follow!:pinkie::wub:

    1. Midnight Creep Show

      Midnight Creep Show

      No problem comrade!

  9. You now what day is my friend.

    Happy birthday!!

    Hope you get everthing you aim for, have a great day!!



    1. Tacodidra


      Thanks, my friend! :D My day was a very good one. :) I hope yours was a nice one too! :kindness: *hugs*

  10. Hey everyone! How are you?
    March was... an interesting month indeed, now it ended and things are very diferent.

    New month, new avatar, do you like it?

    Remember to wash your hands, keep a distance between you, and above all, do not leave your houses unless absolutely necessary.
    I am hopeful that April is a good month for everyone.


    1. Tacodidra


      Hi, my friend! :grin: I'm doing fine, thanks – I hope you are too! :kindness:

      As for the avatar, of course I do! A cute Pinkie – what's not to like? :pinkie:

  11. It's already March 4 and I hadn't changed my avatar? What manners of mine!
    I don't have much to say, only that I've been quite busy, but things in my life are gradually adjusting, so I have nothing to complain about xD

    Hope everypony have a good month! 


    1. Tacodidra


      I'm glad to hear things have gone well for you, my friend! :grin: I hope you have a great month too! :yay:

  12. Thanks for the follow! ^^

    1. Pandora


      No problem gabo

  13. What a month!

    Where do I start? At January 12th (more or less) I finally had a talk about my gender identity, something that was spinning in my head for all the past year, let's just say I found a resolution. :pinkie: I'm willing to talk to anyone who is curious, although I don't know how much someone would want to read my story hahahahaha. :mlp_laugh:

    And everything is going really well for me, I'm starting college and I'm doing excellent so far. :mlp_smile:

    So finally I can say that I am authentically happier than ever.

    I guess that is all I have to say for the moment, hope everypony here finds themselves, and I wish you good luck to and much success in everything you want. :mlp_yeehaa:

    Febrary image attached just below 🡓🡓🡓



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Gabosor


      @Tacodidra I cannot asure the latter, but hopefully It'll be that way! :kirin:

      How it went for you? Something new to tell? :fluttershy:

    3. Tacodidra


      I really hope that is the case too! :grin: *hugs*

      The month was pretty good for me, not the most eventful one but I've had much worse ones too. :)

    4. Gabosor


      @Tacodidra *Hugs back*


      That's good to read! Maybe February will be an even better one! One never knows.:catface:

  14. Well, new month, new year, new decade, new avatar !!!
    I haven't changed my avatar since April, right? :wacko: It seemed less time, but here we are still.
    I hope everypony has had an excellent new year, and I also hope to continue seeing you this 2020 !! :grin::kirin:


    The avatar is actually funny if I think of it, at least in México from October to March It's basically freezing outside! :laugh:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :yay: I hope you have an amazing 2020! :squee:

      What a beautiful and adorable Pinkie! :wub:

    3. Gabosor


      I hope to appear more often hahaha, and equally my friend! :pinkie:

      And indeed!! :catface:


    4. Gabosor
  15. Thanks for the follow! :pinkie:

    1. Oblivion


      HEY, no problem my friend! *hugs tight* :sassy:

  16. Thanks for the follow!!! :)

    1. Splashee


      Thank you too! :mlp_yeehaa:

  17. September status update.

    Let's just say I've been through a couple of problems in my personal life the last couple of months, anyway, I don't come to talk about it. I hope to appear more often here, now that's what I did come to tell you, hahaha, I read you soon (I guess). :catface:

    About the avatar, the Mexican Revolution is celebrated in September, and I'm not in the mood to draw something more elaborate, so I just put a mustache on the previous avatar.

    Greetings to all! /)



    1. Tacodidra


      Welcome back, my friend! :rarity: I hope things get better for you soon! *hugs*

      Nice mustache! :mustache: I think Pinkie would approve of it! :pinkie:

      *brohoofs back* B)

    2. Gabosor


      @Tacodidra Thanks mate :mlp_smile: *hugs back*

      Pretty sure she would do! :laugh:

      B)Brohoof! /) 

  18. Hey bro!

    Happy birthday!!! :mlp_pinkie::balloon:

    REALLY late, but I had not connected in a long time, they say it's better late than never, so I'll take that advice :mlp_yeehaa:


    1. Tacodidra


      Thanks, my friend! :D

      That's indeed true! :mlp_yeehaa: Also, what a fabulous picture of best pony! :grin:

  19. Hey there!

    I have a question, someone knows why I can't see my previous posts? I think is because some of them are relatively old (being the oldest from October 2017 if I remember correctly), but I cannot see post from neither April nor March or February from this year, and I can't see them in my activity neither, maybe I just messed up playing around with the settings, but If someone can help me or solve my doubt I would appreciate it very much  :wub:

    I know, I know this is not a way to return after months of being absent, I really really sorry, but i've been just too busy, I am going to start to being more active, I promise! :catface:


    1. Tacodidra


      Hello! :D

      The activity feed seems to disappear every few days for everyone (it's to keep the search index from making the site too slow). If you click "See my activity", you can still find all your old posts. :)

      It's alright, my friend! :kindness: I hope you have more time soon!

    2. Gabosor


      You are really the best, I can always count on you, you are the first to react and answer in my posts, I love you dude. #NoHomo ❤️

      Abuot the "problem", It'll be funny, but I swear I had already tried to see in my activity but nothing showed either (in April or May), hahahaha, but thanks, It seems like I can see them again. :mlp_laugh:

      And yes, I will really have free time now starting on next Wednesday :mlp_grin:

    3. Tacodidra


      You're welcome! :mlp_yeehaa: And thanks for the kind words! :kindness:I always try my best to help friends, so it's wonderful to hear I've managed to do so! :rarity:

      Great to hear that! See you then! :pinkie:

  20. Thanks for the follow!! :mlp_grin:

    1. CosmicSpark


      No problem friend :wub: 

  21. Hi there!

    It's almost April, and as the usual is time to change my avatar, and as the usual as well, is this time of the year when I put my OC as my avatar, I just can't believe I became brony 6 years ago! I remember that March of 2013 as if it had been yesterday :)

    Of course, the background is directly taken from the 1st episode, I think is a good way to represent my start in this great series and the fandom! :mlp_yeehaa:



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Thanks for the kind words! :rarity: It's been almost two years since I joined, and I'm looking forward to many more! :D

      Maybe I should indeed think of something to celebrate it (maybe in time for my second anniversary on the forums)... :ooh: I think I'll come up with something by then! :ticking:

    3. Rikifive


      How nice :mlp_grin: 6 years... Yeah, the time really goes fast. :darling: Happy anniversary! :mlp_yeehaa:

    4. Gabosor


      @Tacodidra Then I'm waiting to see what you're preparing :mlp_wink:

      @Rikifive Very fast! And thanks! :pinkie:

  22. March is a good month, and I'm very happy! :mlp_yeehaa:

    I was going to say that Saloon girl Pinkie Pie is probably my favourite aspect of her, but that would be LYING! :-P

    I love almost every look of her :laugh:, and this image make her look gorgeous!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gabosor


      Is good to know that you are still here @Tacodidra, I would like to spend more of my time here, but I've been too busy :sunny:

      But hey, at least things are going well! :)

    3. Tacodidra


      Thanks, my friend! :kindness: I can't see myself leaving anytime soon! :P And it's alright – hopefully you'll have more time at some point! :)

      And that's always great! :D

    4. Octavia Heartstrings

      Octavia Heartstrings

      She's really pretty! :mlp_yay:

  23. Oh hey! It's already February, and so as not to lose the habit, a new avatar!


    1. Treeglow Flicker
    2. Tacodidra


      That's so adorable... :wub: Pinkie at her cutest! :pinkie:

    3. TBD


      nice avatar! 

  24. Thanks for the follow!! :)

  25. Thanks for the follow!

    1. Mellow Mane

      Mellow Mane

      You're welcome!:yay:

      Thanks for following me back!:mlp_yeehaa:

    2. Gabosor
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