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Here No Longer

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Status Replies posted by Here No Longer

  1. Patrick Star wants all of you to....



  2. Some guys have all the luck, I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I'd break my legs, and every afternoon I'd break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep

  3. K. Rool, Ace Attorney Joins the Fight!

  4. I honestly feel like I don't have much of a personality. This is probably why people easily forget about me, because there's nothing unique or memorable about me. I mean, I've always been known as the geeky kid who likes video games. But, that's it...A cardboard box probably has more personality than me. 

  5. I probably said this a bunch already, but Season 8 was really inconsistent. Felt like a step down from Season 7. It's currently my third least favorite season. :unamused:

  6. I probably said this a bunch already, but Season 8 was really inconsistent. Felt like a step down from Season 7. It's currently my third least favorite season. :unamused:

  7. I hope I don't get in trouble for saying this but I think it's selfish to say that suicide is cowardly or selfish if one has never had suicidal thoughts.

  8. Rest in Peace Stephen Hillenburg..Your show is still one of my all time favorites and I say hilarious quotes from it on a daily basis. It has brought me joy and laughter from my early childhood to this very day. Damn it..Can't believe it. Apparently it happened yesterday but I found out just now. Tears flow easily.

  9. Well, I guess I'll finally get around to making my signature. Kind of a sloppy half an hour mess in paint as of now... -_-

  10. Honestly people saying that liberals believe in unlimited genders and that they need "safe spaces" is one of the most INFURIATING things under the sun. Newsflash. The only people who think like that are SJW Tumblrinas, you FUCKING HALFWIT.

  11. So Ultimate is releasing 2 weeks from now, and I'm having a dilemma on the subject of whether I should main Yoshi or K. Rool :P... Even though I won't get to play the game on release, and I probably won't get to play it much until probably January if I get to move in with my brother (he pre-ordered it).

  12. So Ultimate is releasing 2 weeks from now, and I'm having a dilemma on the subject of whether I should main Yoshi or K. Rool :P... Even though I won't get to play the game on release, and I probably won't get to play it much until probably January if I get to move in with my brother (he pre-ordered it).

  13. On the way back from my first Thanksgiving. I'm going to a friend's Thanksgiving on Saturday :P

  14. idea for movies: optional deleted scene inclusion. it doesn't feel right needing to go through some bonus features menu to see them. just include them in the movie, if the viewer wants.

  15. IGN: "Black Ops 4 outsold Red Dead Redemption 2 in October." 

    Black Ops 4 released on October 12th, RDR2 was on the 26th. BO4 is on 3 systems, RDR2 is on 2 systems. IGN, your astronomical amounts of stupid is showing.

  16. IGN: "Black Ops 4 outsold Red Dead Redemption 2 in October." 

    Black Ops 4 released on October 12th, RDR2 was on the 26th. BO4 is on 3 systems, RDR2 is on 2 systems. IGN, your astronomical amounts of stupid is showing.

  17. Honestly if believing in women's reproductive rights and LGBT rights is considered a mental disorder, I've lost all hope for humanity.

  18. "You're a bigot!"

    No, I'm not; you just don't like being disagreed with.

  19. A normal job's requirements (8-13$ an hour):

    - 6 months of experience in such and such

    - 6 months of experience in such and such

    - 6 months of experience in such and such

    - need to be positive/outgoing

    - (option) associate's degree in such and such

    - need to be able to stand for long periods of time

    Seriously? I meet hardly any of those requirements!

    One thing I don't like is that they require you to smile and be positive. What happens when I feel bad? Do they want me to fake smile and act as if everything is fine?

    I also don't like that most of these jobs require 6 months of experience in certain areas. "But it isn't that bad" Yes it is! I haven't worked any full-time jobs, so I don't have the experience they require me to have! Worse yet, I can't get experience because all the normal jobs require me to have experience, so I'm stuck in a rut!

    Don't get me started on the optional associate's degree in whatever, because I simply don't have enough money to go to college, and I can't get the money either because I can't get a job!

    Then there is that "need to be able to stand long periods of time". The only requirement I actually meet.

    After all that, there is one problem I haven't addressed with these normal jobs: they don't pay enough! I'm not complaining, I'm simply calling the facts. If I do get a job, the money I would be spending on insurance and other things would far more than the money I would be earning in a job that pays 13$ an hour!

    This is the frustrations that come with getting jobs nowadays, turns out it's not as a easy as people tell me. People just don't understand how difficult it is in getting myself a job. Oh well, I'll just keep on trying, though I have a feeling when I finally get a job I'll end up getting fired because I'm a professional at screwing up, and most jobs these days hardly tolerate screw-ups.

  20. A normal job's requirements (8-13$ an hour):

    - 6 months of experience in such and such

    - 6 months of experience in such and such

    - 6 months of experience in such and such

    - need to be positive/outgoing

    - (option) associate's degree in such and such

    - need to be able to stand for long periods of time

    Seriously? I meet hardly any of those requirements!

    One thing I don't like is that they require you to smile and be positive. What happens when I feel bad? Do they want me to fake smile and act as if everything is fine?

    I also don't like that most of these jobs require 6 months of experience in certain areas. "But it isn't that bad" Yes it is! I haven't worked any full-time jobs, so I don't have the experience they require me to have! Worse yet, I can't get experience because all the normal jobs require me to have experience, so I'm stuck in a rut!

    Don't get me started on the optional associate's degree in whatever, because I simply don't have enough money to go to college, and I can't get the money either because I can't get a job!

    Then there is that "need to be able to stand long periods of time". The only requirement I actually meet.

    After all that, there is one problem I haven't addressed with these normal jobs: they don't pay enough! I'm not complaining, I'm simply calling the facts. If I do get a job, the money I would be spending on insurance and other things would far more than the money I would be earning in a job that pays 13$ an hour!

    This is the frustrations that come with getting jobs nowadays, turns out it's not as a easy as people tell me. People just don't understand how difficult it is in getting myself a job. Oh well, I'll just keep on trying, though I have a feeling when I finally get a job I'll end up getting fired because I'm a professional at screwing up, and most jobs these days hardly tolerate screw-ups.

  21. Have you ever been so sad that it physically hurts inside?

  22. Cartoon Network: announces a new arc of episodes of Steven Universe to premiere weekly starting December 17th


    Image result for pearl cries

  23. I like how there's a YouTuber called "No Bulls***" that's all about spreading his own fringe right bulls***. It's so ridiculously hypocritical.

  24. So Fallout 76 was just as big of a disaster as I thought it would be after all... I've heard and seen enough to say that Fallout 76 seems to be the franchise's equivalent of No Man's Sky, except at least people had the sense not to get so hyped.

  25. Debate Symposium in a nutshell:


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